Sealed quotes are due by 2pm, Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at the Plant Operations
Office, 38 Riverside Street, Nashua, NH 03062.
General: The Plant Operations Department of the Nashua School District (NSD) is soliciting quotes for
work relating to the repainting of pavement lines and markings, and curbs where currently painted.
Scope of work includes all labor, materials and equipment required to complete the work in accordance
with New Hampshire DOT painting specifications. We are soliciting bids for a three year period.
Scope: Work shall include the following:
1. Parking lot markings, including parking bays, crosswalks, arrows, handicapped symbols and
curb markings; roadway lane markings, numbering and crosswalk markings; “No Parking”
and “Fire Lane” curb painting.
2. Sweep and clean surface to eliminate loose material and dust.
3. Use turbo dry traffic paint, factory mixed, quick drying and non-bleeding.
4. Apply paint with mechanical equipment to produce uniform straight edges. Apply at
manufacturer’s recommended rates.
5. Pavement lines and markings shall conform with NH DOT, Section 708, Paints.
6. All parking stall lines shall be applied in four inch (4”) wide stripes.
7. There is to be no blacking out of existing pavement lettering/numbering as stencils must
match existing letters and numbers.
Site Locations: Site plans do not exist for current markings, although they can be viewed by the aerial
GPS maps on the city’s web site. The successful bidder is expected to replicate all existing marking. Self-
guided site visits can be taken of school sites on weekends or after 6:00 PM on weekdays without prior
notice. There are to be no site visits while school is in session.
Amherst St Elementary
71 Amherst Street
Bicentennial Elementary
Birch Hill Elementary
Broad Street Elementary
Charlotte Ave Elementary
Dr. Crisp Elementary
Fairgrounds Elementary
Ledge Street Elementary
296 East Dunstable Road
17 Birch Hill Drive
390 Broad Street
48 Charlotte Ave
50 Arlington Street
37 Blanchard Street
139 Ledge Street
In addition to front lot this
includes lines at rear of school
to the first two rows of parking
Main Dunstable Elementary
Mount Pleasant Elementary
New Searles Elementary
Sunset Heights Elementary
Brian S. McCarthy Middle
Fairgrounds Middle School
Pennichuck Middle School
Franklin Street School
20 Whitford Road
10 Manchester Street
39 Shady Lane
15 Osgood Road
41 DiAntonio Drive
27 Cleveland Street
207 Manchester Street
55 Franklin Street
Nashua High North
8 Titan Way
Nashua High South
Administration Building
Plant Operations Building
36 Riverside Street
141 Ledge Street
38 Riverside Street
This includes rear of building
and the 2nd, 3rd and first half of
4th lot on east side of building.
Do not paint existing numbers
on paved foot path that runs in
between athletic fields at front
of campus.
Exclusions: The Birch Hill and Main Dunstable Elementary Schools are currently under renovation. As
part of the renovation contract the pavement surfaces will be refinished and relined by the general
contractor handling the renovation this summer. Bidders should not include these two locations in their
2025 quote but should include them in the 2026 and 2027 quotes. Bidders can expect to quote the same
markings for these two schools that are currently in place.
Quotes and Additional Guidance: Appendix A provides the City of Nashua’s General Terms and
Conditions. Appendix B is the quote sheet you should provide in responding to this RFP.
Questions: Any questions can be directed in writing to Plant Operations Asst. Director Christopher
Lessard at, or by calling 603 966-1504.
Any exceptions to these general terms and conditions stated elsewhere in this Invitation to Bid shall
I. Bid Specifications
References to brand names or model numbers are intended only to establish a minimum standard of
quality. Unless otherwise stated, such references shall not restrict submissions which include other
brand names or model numbers.
Any inability to comply with the conditions or specifications outlined in the Invitation to Bid must be
clearly stated in the bid.
Bidders who find discrepancies in the specifications or are in doubt with regard to any part of a
specification shall immediately notify the District. If it is deemed necessary, an addenda to the
Invitation to Bid will be issued to all bidders by mail or fax. The District will not be responsible for any
oral instructions.
The City of Nashua supports the concept of purchasing products which are biodegradable, can be or
have been recycled, or are environmentally sound. Due consideration will be given to the purchase of
such products. If you are bidding on any such products which qualify, please so indicate in a cover sheet
by item number and description.
II. Charges
No charges will be allowed for federal, state, or municipal sales and excise taxes, as the Nashua School
District is tax exempt.
All charges are to be firm net prices, and are to be F.O.B. destination, including charges for delivery and
The Nashua School District reserves the right to purchase additional items at the per unit price quoted
by the successful bidder for a period of one year from the date of the bid opening.
III. Terms and Conditions of Bid
The Nashua School District reserves the right to waive all formalities and reject any and all bids when it
is in the best interest of the District to do so.
To be eligible for an award, a bidder must be deemed “responsible”. A responsible bidder 1) has the
ability, capacity and skill to provide the goods or services required; 2) can provide the goods or services
within the time frame specified; 3) has a satisfactory record of integrity, reputation, judgment and
experience; 4) has sufficient financial resources to provide the goods or services; 5) has an ability to
provide future maintenance and support as required; and 6) has developed a positive track record with
the City of Nashua to the extent the bidder has previously provided goods or services.
From time to time the District may, because of critical time frames, solicit bids prior to approval of the
fiscal year operating budget or formal award of special revenue funds actually funding the bid purchase.
The award of a bid is always contingent upon the availability of such funding.
The submission of a bid constitutes the bidder’s acceptance of and agreement to the terms and
conditions of this Invitation to Bid.
All bids will be firm and binding for sixty days from the date of the bid opening.
IV. Submission and Opening of Bids
All bids receiving consideration must be submitted in sealed envelopes, clearly identified as directed by
this Invitation to Bid, and delivered to the Plant Operations Office located at 38 Riverside Street,
Nashua, NH 03062 by the date and time specified in this Invitation to Bid.
All bids will be opened in public, and the contents of the bid will be placed in the public domain and be
open to inspection by interested parties, either at the time of bid opening or by appointment thereafter.
Samples when required shall be furnished free of charge and must be tagged with the bidders name and
bid identification. Samples not used or destroyed in testing will be returned to the bidder at his/her
request and expense.
V. Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations
All goods or services furnished must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, codes and
Material Safety Data Sheets are required for all products containing one or more toxic substances in
accordance with the New Hampshire “Worker’s Right to Know Act” (Chapter 277-a). Award of the bid to
the successful bidder is contingent on the bidder supplying 20 copies of the Material Safety Data Sheets
to allow for postings at all potential District locations.
VI. Hold Harmless Provisions
The winning bidder must agree to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify the City of Nashua, its officers,
agents and employees against all claims or injuries to any person or firm arising out of the actions of the
bidder, its officers, agents, or employees in providing services or goods in connection with this bid
VII. Default
Should any goods or services furnished by the bidder under a contract or purchase order fail to conform
to the specifications contained herein or to a sample submitted by the bidder, the District may reject the
goods or services. In such an event, the bidder shall be instructed to remove any goods or cease
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.