Project: NPA2024-2 Aesthetic Enhancements at Yankee Doodle Garage-REBID Ref. #: 4405R Department: Norwalk Parking Authority…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: NPA2024-2 Aesthetic Enhancements at Yankee Doodle Garage-REBID Ref. #: 4405R Department: Norwalk Parking Authority…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4420 Bid Title: Construction Management Services for 5 Norwalk Public School HVAC-IAQ Projects…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4406 Bid Title: Request for Independent Auditing Services Category: Finance Status: Open Description:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: Construction Management Services for 5 Norwalk Public School HVAC-IAQ Projects Ref. #: 4420 Department:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4405R Bid Title: NPA2024-2 Aesthetic Enhancements at Yankee Doodle Garage-REBID Category: Building/Road/Excavation Status:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: Request for Independent Auditing Services Ref. #: 4406 Department: Finance Type: RFP Status: Open…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: NPA2024-2 Aesthetic Enhancements at Yankee Doodle Garage-REBID Ref. #: 4405R Department: Norwalk Parking Authority…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: Brookside & Tracey Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removals STATE PROJ. #103-0266 CV and 103-0267…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4413 Bid Title: Brookside & Tracey Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removals STATE PROJ.…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: Electrical and AC Upgrades at Tracey Magnet School Ref. #: 4415 Department: Building Management…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4415 Bid Title: Electrical and AC Upgrades at Tracey Magnet School Category: Building/Road/Excavation…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: NPA2024-2 Aesthetic Enhancements at Yankee Doodle Garage-REBID Ref. #: 4405R Department: Norwalk Parking Authority…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4414 Bid Title: Brookside HVAC/IAQ State Project No.103-005 HVACN Category: Building/Road/Excavation Status: Open…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: Brookside HVAC/IAQ State Project No.103-005 HVACN Ref. #: 4414 Department: Building Management Type: ITB…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: Commissioning Services for Norwalk Community Recreation Center - Re-Bid Ref. #: 4398R Department: Building…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4398R Bid Title: Commissioning Services for Norwalk Community Recreation Center - Re-Bid Category:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: NPA2024-2 Aesthetic Enhancements at Yankee Doodle Garage-REBID Ref. #: 4405R Department: Norwalk Parking Authority…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: Norwalk Public Library Cafe Ref. #: 4412 Department: Norwalk Public Library Type: RFP Status:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4405R Bid Title: NPA2024-2 Aesthetic Enhancements at Yankee Doodle Garage-REBID Category: Building/Road/Excavation Status:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4412 Bid Title: Norwalk Public Library Cafe Category: Food/Food Preparation and Serving Equipment…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4404 Bid Title: South Norwalk Elementary School Phase II of II - FF+E…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: South Norwalk Elementary School Phase II of II - FF+E & Technology State Project…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4388-2 Bid Title: GALLAHER MANSION AND GARAGE AT CRANBURY PARK - (Partial Re-Bid)…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: GALLAHER MANSION AND GARAGE AT CRANBURY PARK - (Partial Re-Bid) Ref. #: 4388-2 Department:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: Workers Compensation Consulting Service Ref. #: 4407 Department: Finance Type: RFP Status: Open Open…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4388-2 Bid Title: GALLAHER MANSION AND GARAGE AT CRANBURY PARK - (Partial Re-Bid)…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: GALLAHER MANSION AND GARAGE AT CRANBURY PARK - (Partial Re-Bid) Ref. #: 4388-2 Department:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: South Norwalk Elementary School Phase II of II - FF+E & Technology State Project…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4404 Bid Title: South Norwalk Elementary School Phase II of II - FF+E…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4407 Bid Title: Workers Compensation Consulting Service Category: Finance Status: Open Description: The…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: Workers Compensation Consulting Service Ref. #: 4407 Department: Finance Type: RFP Status: Open Open…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4388-2 Bid Title: GALLAHER MANSION AND GARAGE AT CRANBURY PARK - (Partial Re-Bid)…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4401 Bid Title: Norwalk Community Recreation Center Addition and Renovation Category: Building/Road/Excavation Status:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: Norwalk Community Recreation Center Addition and Renovation Ref. #: 4401 Department: Building Management Type:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: GALLAHER MANSION AND GARAGE AT CRANBURY PARK - (Partial Re-Bid) Ref. #: 4388-2 Department:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4401 Bid Title: Norwalk Community Recreation Center Addition and Renovation Category: Building/Road/Excavation Status:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: Norwalk Community Recreation Center Addition and Renovation Ref. #: 4401 Department: Building Management Type:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: Commissioning Services for Norwalk Community Recreation Center Ref. #: 4398 Department: Building Management Type:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4398 Bid Title: Commissioning Services for Norwalk Community Recreation Center Category: Building/Road/Excavation Status:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: TMP 2024-09 SONO School Sidewalk Connectivity Ref. #: 4411 Department: Transportation Mobility Parking Type:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4411 Bid Title: TMP 2024-09 SONO School Sidewalk Connectivity Category: Building/Road/Excavation Status: Open…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: TMP 2024-08 Soundview Ave Sidewalk Connection Ref. #: 4410 Department: Transportation Mobility Parking Type:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4410 Bid Title: TMP 2024-08 Soundview Ave Sidewalk Connection Category: Building/Road/Excavation Status: Open…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: Installation of Negative Pressure System at Norwalk Health Department Ref. #: 4409 Department: Building…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4409 Bid Title: Installation of Negative Pressure System at Norwalk Health Department Category:…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4402 Bid Title: City Project BR2024-2 - State Project 102-366 - Replacement of…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: City Project BR2024-2 - State Project 102-366 - Replacement of West Cedar Street Bridge…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Bid Number: 4407 Bid Title: Workers Compensation Consulting Service Category: Finance Status: Open Description: The…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut
Project: Workers Compensation Consulting Service Ref. #: 4407 Department: Finance Type: RFP Status: Open Open…
City of Norwalk | Connecticut