RFQ 2025-003 Annual Asphalt Patching/Leveling

Agency: City of Dahlonega
State: Georgia
Type of Government: State & Local
NAICS Category:
  • 237310 - Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction
Posted Date: Feb 4, 2025
Due Date: Feb 11, 2025
Original Source: Please Login to View Page
Contact information: Please Login to View Page
Bid Documents: Please Login to View Page
RFQ 2025-003 Annual Asphalt Patching/Leveling

Attachment Preview

PROJECT #2025-003
1.1 Purpose of Procurement
The City of Dahlonega is requesting quotes for asphalt patching, leveling, repairing, and small-scale
full-depth roadway construction on various city streets for the budget year ending September 30,
2025, to include an annual renewal option for a total contract up to two fiscal years.
1.2 Schedule of Events
This Request for Quote shall be governed by the following schedule:
January 8, 2025
January 29, 2025
10:30 AM
January 31, 2025
12:00 PM
February 5, 2025
5:00 PM
February 11, 2025
2:00 PM
Release of Request for Quote
MANDATORY Pre-Bid Meeting held at City of
Dahlonega Council Room at 465 Riley Road,
Dahlonega, GA 30533
Deadline for written questions to be submitted to
Purchasing Agent
Answers to written questions and all addenda posted
on website: www.dahlonega.gov
Quotes due and quote opening (Sealed quotes will
be accepted until time of opening. No quotes will be
accepted after the due date and time.)
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1.3 Restriction of Communications
From the issue date of this Request for Quote until a contractor is selected and the award is
announced, Contractors are not allowed to communicate for any reason with any City staff or
elected officials except 1) through the Purchasing Agent named herein, 2) at the Pre-Bid Meeting, if
applicable or 3) as provided by existing work agreement(s). The City reserves the right to reject the
submittal of any bidder violating this provision. The Contractor shall comply with all State and
Federal laws, rules, and regulations.
1.4 Pre-Bid Meeting
MANDATORY Pre-Bid meeting will be held January 29, 2025, at 10:30 AM EST. The location of the
meeting will be the City Hall Council Room located at 465 Riley Road, Dahlonega, Georgia.
1.5 Questions & Addenda
All questions concerning this quote must be submitted in writing (email is preferred but fax and
mail may be used) to the Purchasing Agent no later than 12:00 PM EST on January 17, 2025, local
time. The Inquiries must be directed to:
Brittany Lee, Purchasing Agent
City of Dahlonega
465 Riley Road
Dahlonega, Georgia 30533
Fax 706-864-4837
No response to inquiries other than written will be binding upon the City. The City of Dahlonega
reserves the right to issue written addenda to any inquiries that alter the scope of the Request for
Quote. Addenda shall be posted to the city website www.dahlonega.gov, no later than January 31,
2025, no later than 5:00 PM EST. Bidders are advised to check the website for addenda before
submitting their bids.
1.6 Submission of Quotes
Only sealed quotes will be accepted. One (1) original and one (1) copy of the complete signed
submittal must be received no later than February 11, 2025, at 2:00 PM to the City of Dahlonega
Purchasing Department, 465 Riley Rd. Dahlonega, GA 30533. Bids must be submitted in a sealed
envelope stating on the outside, the vendor’s name and address, and marked as “REQUEST FOR
The scope of this project is to furnish asphalt and labor with all other items incidental to this work
such as hauling, waste removal, compaction, tack, and all other required items to perform Tasks 1-
4 described herein and in accordance with current GDOT specifications. All incidental items not
expressly described in the task description shall be included in one of the unit prices for that
particular task. For each service requested by the City, a minimum of 10 total tons of asphalt will be
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The City will notify the Contractor 24 to 48 hours prior to the anticipated need for this service to be
done and will expect it to be completed in a timely manner. After the work is completed each time,
the contractor will be responsible for cleanup, if any, caused by the patching or leveling activity.
Contractor shall be responsible for all maintenance, upkeep and repair of its vehicles operating
under the terms of this contract. Contractor shall provide a certificate of insurance to City of
Dahlonega for the following coverage and amounts: $1,000,000 general aggregate liability;
$1,000,000 single occurrence, and workers’ compensation in the amount of $1,000,000, or as
required by law. Contractor shall keep the required insurance in effect throughout the term of this
When the contractor orders asphalt for the city contract, all mix in truck shall be for city’s use. The
contractor shall not split loads for other work.
Patches regardless of size shall be cut out to a minimum of 4” deep. Patches shall be of 9.5 mm
asphalt unless otherwise specified. This shall be GDOT specification asphalt. All patches shall have
sawcut edges at right angles.
All traffic control shall be in accordance with the MUTCD and the GDOT Specifications 2021Edition.
All flaggers shall be appropriately certified.
If patching on DOT Right of Way, contractor shall verify and confirm that the City of Dahlonega has
permit to work on DOT right of way.
Work hours are 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday-Friday. School traffic will not be delayed. Traffic volume
will dictate during this time. Also, on holidays and special events there will be no work.
The City of Dahlonega intends to award the contract to one vendor. However, the City reserves the
right to make the award(s) in its best interest. The City further reserves the right to negotiate with the
successful vendor(s). The City of Dahlonega may with the consent of the vendor increase or
decrease quantities as well as add new items at periods during the contract which are advantageous
to both parties.
The City of Dahlonega reserves the right to reject quotes received. It also reserves the right to make
minor changes or further negotiate details and terms. Once the quote is accepted and terms are
set, if the vendor fails to deliver within the agreed upon time the City reserves the right to accept a
quote from another vendor.
Any purchase order or contract awarded pursuant to this Request for Quote shall be awarded to
the lowest responsive and responsible bidder whose bid response meets the requirements and
specifications set forth in this Request for Quote. A "responsive bidder" is a bidder who has
submitted a bid response, which conforms in all material respects to the bid. A "responsible
bidder" is a bidder who has the capacity in all respects to perform fully the contract requirements
and the integrity and reliability which will assure good faith performance.
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Condition of Materials: It is understood and agreed that materials delivered shall be new, of latest
design, and in first quality condition, and must meet all Georgia Department of Transportation
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PROJECT #2025-003
Company Name:
Please indicate you have completed the following documentation and submit them in the following
Vendor’s Checklist
Vendor’s Contact Information
Vendor’s Price Proposal
Vendor’s Affidavit of Non-Collusion
E-Verify Affidavit
IRS Form W-9
Certificate of Insurance
Authorized Signature
Print Name
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This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.
* Disclaimer: This website provides information about bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) for convenience only and does not serve as an official public notice. Individuals who wish to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the relevant government department directly.

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