Development Partner for Solar Photovoltaics and Storage
Issued November 18, 2024
City Of Duluth
Attn: Purchasing Division
City Hall, Room 120
411 West 1st Street
Duluth, MN 55802
Development Partner for Solar Photovoltaics and Storage
Duluth, Minnesota
Release Date: Monday, November 18, 2024
Proposals Due: 3:00 pm Central Time, Friday, January 24, 2024
1. Overview
The City of Duluth (the “City”), on behalf of and in partnership with the Duluth Economic
Development Authority (“DEDA”) and Duluth’s Independent School District 709 (“ISD 709”), is
seeking proposals from qualified entities to partner in the development of an approximate 10-
Megawatt solar photovoltaic development on multiple sites across the city. The Properties
(Appendices B-E) are all located within city limits but are owned by one of the partnering
entities. Each property has different development possibilities and possible contract options
with the owning entity.
The awarded proposer(s) will collaborate with the City and/or partners to create a solar
development plan that can be submitted for the Minnesota Power Request for Proposals (RFP)
for Distributed Solar Energy Systems in 2025. The City’s intent is to select one or more team(s)
to maximize the amount of solar developed on each site, and to have one of more submissions
to the Minnesota Power RFP.
Proposed development scenarios may include one or more sites to maximize the amount of
solar generation, not to exceed 10 megawatts on any site. Contract structure will depend on
the owning entity of each site, project financials, award from Minnesota Power, and the
partnering entity.
Questions regarding this RFP and project scope should be directed to the City of Duluth
Purchasing Office:, who will work with the Sustainability Office to
answer any questions.
2. Objectives
The City and partners are seeking to work with a developer, development team, or other
qualified entity to develop solar on otherwise undevelopable sites to be submitted for
Minnesota Power’s Request for Proposals for Distributed Solar Energy Systems in 2025. The
primary purpose of this process is to identify qualified entities that clearly have the experience,
vision, and financial capability to design and construct a quality solar development plan or
portfolio consistent with the City’s and partners’ objectives. The City and partners are
principally interested in developing underutilized and undevelopable land; this includes utilizing
multiple sites and contract methods to deploy up to 10 Megawatts of solar and/or storage. The
maximum 10 Megawatts of solar and/or storage may utilize one or more sites available. All
proposals should strive, to the greatest extent possible, to meet the following objectives:
• Demonstrate expertise of the project team in facilitating site design processes, including
the team’s ability to communicate effectively;
• Provide an understanding of how the proposed site or portfolio development will
maximize the amount of solar to be constructed, including what contract structure
would best suit the site or portfolio;
• Indicate the team’s ability to partner with owning entities to draft a RFP response to be
submitted to Minnesota Power in 2025;
• Include qualifications related to solar photovoltaics, storage, site design, and other
construction practices; and
• Pledge to work collaboratively with the city and partners to try and connect local
jobseekers to employment opportunities related to construction on the site(s).
3. Minnesota Power Distributed Solar Energy Systems (DSES) RFP
In 2025, Minnesota power will be opening a Request for Proposals for new solar energy
generation sites to add to their grid capabilities. Renewable energy objectives were handed
down by the state legislature via state statute 216B.1691: . Due to the new
statute, Minnesota power is looking to add 65-85 MW of solar to their portfolio by 2030. In
early 2025 they will be accepting proposals for solar and/or storage energy systems throughout
their territory that do not exceed 10 MW in size. The forthcoming RFP process by Minnesota
Power encourages collaboration between community and development partners. The City,
DEDA, and ISD 709 are seeking qualified entities to help develop and submit a solar portfolio for
the DSES RFP in 2025. We anticipate projects only moving forward for development if selected
by Minnesota Power in 2025.
4. Property Attributes
All properties are located within the Duluth city limits but are owned by different entities.
Properties are in low-moderate income communities, on park land, or on ISD 709 parcel(s). The
Properties all feature a relatively flat and/or south facing topography located near electrical
infrastructure. All properties will need a special use permit for solar photovoltaic installation
and the City is willing to partner with any selected entity to work through the special use permit
process. No property available has any load or meter available on the property.
5. Zoning & Uses
All properties lie within zoning areas that allow solar production or allow it under a Special Use
Permit. The City will work with the awarded proposer(s) to move through the Special Use
Permit process for each site that solar is proposed on. More information on the City of Duluth’s
Unified Development Chapter (UDC) and Planning Commission Process can be found here:
6. Contract Options
All contract options are available for the structure of the sites. The Minnesota Power RFP
accepts projects structured to include Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), PPA with buyouts,
Build-Transfer Agreements, and Portfolio bids. The RFP process encourages community
collaboration on applications and any partnership will strengthen that application. The contract
structure will be negotiated on a per-site basis with each owning entity, and efforts will be
made to make sure contracts are structured to allow for project feasibility.
7. Potential Assistance Provided to Developer
The City, DEDA and ISD 709 all have governmental or non-profit status and are willing to work
to utilize Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) direct pay possibilities. If grant opportunities are
available, the partnering entity will work to write and pursue grants to help secure the project
capital stack.
8. Proposal Format
Proposals should not exceed 20 pages, and should include the following:
1. Proposal Cover Sheet – A completed and signed Proposal Cover Sheet (Appendix A).
2. Development Narrative – A written summary explaining which property or properties
will be included in the project or portfolio, which sites (if any) will include storage
capabilities, the size of solar and/or storage (in megawatts) of the proposed project or
portfolio, and financial competency and resources.
3. Statement of Qualifications – Include descriptions of relevant example projects
completed within the past 5 years that are comparable in scope to the project. Include
references of previous clients/projects.
4. Resumes – Please submit a one-page resume for each proposed team member,
highlighting their experience in development design and execution.
9. Evaluation Criteria
The City will evaluate the Development Proposals based on the following criteria:
• Demonstrated experience and ability to interact with municipalities and utilities relative
to solar development [25 points]
• Completed solar PV and storage developments [20 points]
• The quality and quantity of the proposed solar and storage on the identified sites [20
• Knowledge of and experience with relevant regulatory program(s) and development
standards [15 points]
• Ability to finance a future development, including demonstrated ability to procure
financing and complete projects on schedule [15 points]
• Experience of personnel identified for this project [5 points]
The City encourages and welcomes bids from women and minority owned businesses.
The City of Duluth reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to reject any or all submittals when,
in its opinion, it is determined to be in the public interest to do so; to waive minor irregularities
and informalities of a submittal; to cancel, revise, or extend this solicitation; and to select the
proposal it deems is in the best interests of the City or its partners, even if it does not provide
the greatest financial benefit to the City or its partners. The City reserves the right to request
clarification of information submitted, to request additional information from any proposer,
and to conduct interviews if it will help with the selection process.
This Request for Proposals does not obligate the City of Duluth to pay any costs incurred by any
respondent in the submission of qualifications and/or proposals or in making necessary studies
or designs for the preparation of any proposal, or for procuring or contracting for the services
to be furnished under this Request for Proposals.
The City of Duluth appreciates your consideration of this Request for Proposals and welcomes
all responsible Respondents.
10. Questions, Answers, & Addenda
Any questions regarding this RFP must be submitted by e‐mail to the Purchasing Office at no later than 12/16/2024, as indicated in the schedule below.
Answers to questions will be posted as an Addendum to the RFP.
If the City deems it necessary to revise and part of the RFP before the proposal response date,
the City will post an addendum to its website‐request‐
for‐proposals/. Although an e‐mail notification will be sent, it is the Respondent’s responsibility
to periodically check the website for any new information.
11. Expected Schedule
The following list summarizes the expected schedule and process to be followed for this RFP:
• Request for Proposals issued – November 18, 2024
• Sites tour – December 5, 2024; 9:00 am starting at site #1 (2302 Commonwealth Ave)
• Deadline for questions –December 16, 2024
• Final written responses/addenda issued – December 30, 2024
• Development proposals due – January 24, 2025
• Notification of selected developer – February 2025
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.