Quotation Number: 076-24
Date Issued:
Closing Date:
01-17-2025, 2:00pm
Vendor Name: ______________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Phone Number:______________________________
1. In communications, always refer to the above quotation number.
2. All prices and conditions must be shown. Additions or conditions not shown on this bid will not be
3. Shawnee County reserve the right to accept or reject any part of, or all of, any bid or proposal.
4. All prices quoted are to be less Federal Excise Tax and Kansas Sales Tax.
5. Price quoted shall remain firm for ninety (90) days after bid closing date.
All vendors are required to create an online portal account ( in order to receive
or submit bid requests.
Shawnee County Board of County Commissioners has authorized the issuance of a “Request for
Qualifications” for professional design and construction engineering services from qualified firms
to perform these services for Shawnee County Pavement Replacement Project S-841015.00: SE Croco
Road from the south end of wearing surface of the Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA) I-335 / I-470 Bridge to
a point approximately 480 LF south.
Design and prepare bidding plans, specifications, documents and cost estimates for HMA to
replace the severely deteriorated 9” non-reinforced, dowel jointed concrete pavement in both the
northbound and southbound lanes of SE Croco Road starting at a point approximately 52 LF south
of the south end of wearing surface of the Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA) I-335 / I470 Bridge
and ending 430 LF south.
Provide construction engineering services for the project.
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Plans shall be prepared in accordance with current Shawnee County Design Criteria for Procedures,
Streets, Storm Drainage, Sanitary Sewers & Bridges and Shawnee County / City of Topeka Standard
Technical Specifications and addenda thereto.
Project Milestones:
Item to be Completed
Consultant Design Contract & Notice to Proceed
Preliminary Plans & Cost Estimates to SNCO
Field Check Complete
Final Plans & Cost Estimates to SNCO
SNCO Bid Letting
Deadline Completion Date
January 27, 2025
February 21, 2025
February 28, 2025
March 28, 2025
April 30, 2025
Transmittal Letter. The transmittal letter is to serve only as the document covering the consultant’s proposed
qualifications. This letter should provide the name, title, address and telephone number of the firms’ official contact
person. This individual or his appointed representative shall have the authority to bind the firm and be available to
be contacted by telephone or attend interviews if deemed necessary by the selection committee.
Ability of the firm to prepare requested engineering services and provide construction engineering services. The
firm’s qualification statement shall include a brief description of similar projects completed.
Project Approach. Provide a brief statement as to the firm’s approach to the project as relates to stated Scope of
References. The firm shall include the names, addresses and telephone numbers of cities where similar projects
have been completed.
Key Personnel and Organization. Personnel assigned to the project shall be identified and their qualifications
provided. A resume indicating key relevant experience and knowledge of each person named must be attached to
the qualification statement.
Submittal and Selection Process. The Shawnee County Selection Committee will review all qualification
statements received and make a determination as to the best-qualified firm for each project.
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Document Information: The bid portal will only allow one PDF document uploaded for a
response. It is your responsibility to make sure the uploaded file is the correct, complete and
contains all required information and signatures. The document file name should only contain
spaces and letters or numbers, please do not use special characters or dashes. The file can be
changed until the bid close time.
Closing Date: Bids will be received until 2:00 p.m. CDT on the scheduled closing date. The
online bid portal will not accept any new bids after this time.
Signature of Bids: Each bid must show in the space provided the complete business or mailing
address of the bidder and must be signed by him/her with his/her usual signature.
Withdrawal of Bids: Bids already submitted may be withdrawn upon proper identification of
bidder and provided request is received prior to time of closing. Negligence on the part of the
bidder in preparing the bid confers no right for the withdrawal after the time set for closing of
Register Your Company: For a mandatory pre bid meeting, you must be registered in our bid
portal for us to record you as an attendee. If you are not marked as attended, the system will not
allow you to download a bid. It will also stop you from downloading your bid if you are not
registered. Also, you will need to subscribe to the bid types you can provide. The portal will
automatically send you bid requests for those items/services in the future.
Please Submit Your Bids Early: In case you have problems getting your bid to upload and need
assistance, we suggest you submit before 1:30 pm. Please contact us at once if you have issues
uploading. Our system will not allow any bids to be uploaded after 2:00 pm. If your pricing
changes, you can replace your bid in the system any time before the 2:00 closing.
Bid Openings: All bids submitted before the specified bid closing time shall be opened and
properly recorded on the bid tabulation sheet. Subsequent to the bid opening, all bids shall be
thoroughly evaluated and a determination made as to their compliance with applicable
specifications. The appropriate County department head shall make this determination. Upon
completion of the above determination, an analysis of all bids submitted shall be prepared and
formally presented to the Board of County Commissioners for acceptance and approval of the
lowest and/or best bid. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to accept or
reject any and/or all bids and to waive any irregularities or informalities therein.
Notice to Successful Bidders: The successful bidder will be notified by email or telephone as
soon as possible after bids have been opened, tabulated, and analyzed.
Notice to Unsuccessful Bidders: Unsuccessful bidders will not be notified.
Disclosure of Proposal Content and Proprietary Information: All proposals become the property of
the Shawnee County. The Open Records Act (K.S.A. 45-215 et seq) of the State of Kansas requires
public information be placed in the public domain at the conclusion of the selection process, and be
available for examination by all interested parties. No proposals shall be disclosed until after a contract
award has been issued. Shawnee County reserves the right to destroy all proposals if the RFP is
withdrawn, a contract award is withdrawn, or in accordance with Kansas law. The online bid portal will
not accept late proposals.
How to include Proprietary Information in your proposal: Trade secrets or proprietary
information legally recognized as such and protected by law may be requested to be withheld if
clearly labeled "Proprietary" on each individual page and provided in a clearly marked and
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separated with the Proprietary Divider page, section within the pdf file uploaded to the online bid
portal. Only one file is allowed to be uploaded to the bid portal. Pricing information is not
considered proprietary and the bidder's entire proposal response package will not be considered
Proprietary Divider Page: This document is available to be downloaded in the bid portal
underneath the Purchasing section.
All information requested to be handled as "Proprietary" shall be submitted in the separate
section from the main proposal and clearly labeled and section off by the divider page. The
bidder shall provide detailed written documentation justifying why this material should be
considered "Proprietary". Shawnee County reserves the right to accept, amend or deny such
requests for maintaining information as proprietary in accordance with Kansas law.
Shawnee County does not guarantee protection of any information which is not submitted as required.
Demandstar Website: Shawnee County open projects are posted on Demandstar as a secondary posting.
Demandstar tracks broadcast and plan holder data. Bids must be submitted through the Shawnee County
Bid Portal.
Shawnee County Bid Portal: When an open project is posted, Shawnee County is not able to track who
downloads project information off the bid portal website. Bids must be submitted through the Shawnee
County Bid Portal to be considered. All projects are posted on the County website, not all projects are
posted on the Demandstar website. Registration is free.
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In the event that goods or services delivered by the vendor are unsatisfactory and remain
unsatisfactory after a notice and an opportunity to correct the deficiencies, the County reserves
the right to purchase substitute goods or services from the other bidders.
Shawnee County reserves the right to negotiate separately with any vendor after the opening of
this RFQ when such action is considered in its best interest. Subsequent negotiations may be
conducted, but such negotiations will not constitute acceptance, rejection or a counteroffer on
the part of the County.
Shawnee County interprets the term “lowest responsible and best bidder” as requiring Shawnee
County to:
A. Choose between the kinds of materials, goods, wares, or services subject to the proposal, and
B. Determine which proposal is most suitable for its intended use or purpose. Shawnee County can
consider among other factors such things as labor cost, service and parts availability and
maintenance costs of items upon which proposals are received. Shawnee County can determine
any differences or variations in the quality or character of the material, goods, wares or services
performed or provided by the respective vendors.
Shawnee County will award the bid. If the successful vendor refuses or fails to make deliveries
of the materials/services within the times specified in the RFQ, purchase order or contractual
agreement, Shawnee County may by written notice, terminate the contract OR purchase order.
The successful vendor will certify and warrant that goods, personal property, chattels, and
equipment sold and delivered are free and clear of any and all liens, or claims of liens, for
materials or services arising under, and by virtue of the provisions of K.S.A. 58-201, et seq., and
any other lien, right, or claim of any nature or kind whatsoever.
The vendor hereby certifies that he or she has carefully examined all of the documents for the
project, has carefully and thoroughly reviewed this RFQ, understands the nature and scope of the
work to be done; and that this proposal is based upon the terms, specifications, requirements and
conditions of the RFQ, and documents. The vendor further agrees that the performance time
specified is a reasonable time, having carefully considered the nature and scope for the project as
Shawnee County will use discretion with regards to disclosure of proprietary information
contained in any response, but cannot guarantee the information will not be made public. As a
governmental entity, Shawnee County is subject to making records available for disclosure
pursuant to the Kansas Open Records Act. Any confidential or proprietary information should
be clearly marked.
Shawnee County reserves the right to enter into agreements subject to the provisions of the Cash
Basis Law (K.S.A. 10-1112 and 10-1113), the Budget Law (K.S.A.79-2935). Agreements shall
be construed and interpreted so as to ensure that the County shall at all times stay in conformity
with such laws, and as a condition of agreements the County reserves the right to unilaterally
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This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.