1411876846 (IFB) Normandy APSTF Relay Construction Services

Agency: Jea
State: Florida
Type of Government: State & Local
NAICS Category:
  • 236220 - Commercial and Institutional Building Construction
  • 238210 - Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors
Posted Date: Feb 4, 2025
Due Date: Feb 11, 2025
Original Source: Please Login to View Page
Contact information: Please Login to View Page
Bid Documents: Please Login to View Page
1411876846 (IFB) Normandy APSTF Relay Construction Services
The purpose of this solicitation is to select a vendor to provide construction services as described in this Solicitation (the "Work") and who is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder to meet or exceed the minimum qualifications set forth in this Solicitation.

JEA System Protection and Control Projects is requesting a quote for construction services at Normandy Substation. Services needed include cable pulls from the substation yard to a new control house. Temporary cables must also be pulled between the new and old control houses.

The scope of work includes, but is not limited to:

        Pull and terminate yard cables.

        Pull and terminate panel-to-panel cables.

        Pull new AC and DC cables to each panel.

        Demo existing yard cables and panel-to-panel cables.

        Demo existing AC and DC control house cables.

        Demo old panels.

        Pull communication cables.

        Place and install new panels.

        Extend cable tray and install communication tray.

        Install GPS clock and antenna.

        Bring cable from storeroom to substation.

        Label all cables.

        Pull and remove all temporary cables as directed.

        Remove old and install new breaker, transformer, PT and motor switch conduit as needed.



Mandatory Pre-Response Meeting: January 22, 2025, at 09:00AM
Mandatory Pre-Response Site Visit: January 24, 2025, at 09:00AM

Second Pre-Response Meeting: January 30, 2025, at 09:00 AM

Response Due Date: February 4, 2025

Response Due Date: February 11, 2025

1411876846 IFB Solicitation
1411876846 Appendices A
1411876846 Appendix B - Bid Workbook
1411876846 Appendix B - Bid Forms
1411876846 Addendum 1
1411876846 Addendum 2
1411876846 Addendum 2 Appendix A - SUBSTATION PHYSICAL DRAWINGS
1411876846 Addendum 3

Attachment Preview

1) IFB for Normandy APSTF Relay Construction Services
1.1) Cover Page
For Participation in
Normandy APSTF Relay Construction Services
Jacksonville, FL
Solicitation Number 1411876846
MANDATORY Pre-Response Meeting via TEAMS
Date and Time: January 22, 2025, at 9:00 AM
Meeting URL: Microsoft Teams Meeting
Meeting Number (Access Code): 217 639 937 779
Meeting Password: 1411876846
Dial In: 469-208-1810 | 535 136 942#
Mandatory Site visit at:
Location: 9801 Crystal Springs Road, Jacksonville, FL 32221
Date and Time: January 24, 2025, at 9:00 AM January 22, 2025, at 10:00 AM
Remember your personal protective equipment.
Second Pre-Response Meeting via TEAMS
Date and Time: January 30, 2025, at 9:00 AM
If you attended the first meeting, you do NOT need to attend the second meeting.
Email Lynn Rix at rixlw@jea.com for meeting link.
Those planning to attend the TEAMS meeting and site visit must send contact information to: Lynn Rix
(rixlw@jea.com) 48 hours prior to the Pre-Response Meeting to have contact information documented.
Responses are due on February 4, 2025, by 12:00 PM ET
All Responses shall be submitted through JEA’s E-Procurement and Contract Management Portal which is provided
by Zycus Supplier Network which can be accessed at https://zsn.zycus.com/guest. Instructions on how to login to
Zycus is provided below in this Solicitation. LATE RESPONSES MAY BE REJECTED.
JEA will publicly open all Responses received from qualified Respondents on February 4, 2025, via TEAMS.
For more information, please contact the JEA Buyer at: Lynn Rix - rixlw@jea.com
1.2) Scope of Work
The purpose of this solicitation is to select a vendor to provide construction services as described in this Solicitation
(the "Work") and who is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder to meet or exceed the minimum qualifications
set forth in this Solicitation.
JEA System Protection and Control Projects is requesting a quote for construction services at Normandy Substation.
Services needed include cable pulls from the substation yard to a new control house. Temporary cables must also be
pulled between the new and old control houses.
The scope of work includes, but is not limited to:
Pull and terminate yard cables.
Pull and terminate panel-to-panel cables.
Pull new AC and DC cables to each panel.
Demo existing yard cables and panel-to-panel cables.
Demo existing AC and DC control house cables.
Demo old panels.
Pull communication cables.
Place and install new panels.
Extend cable tray and install communication tray.
Install GPS clock and antenna.
Bring cable from storeroom to substation.
Label all cables.
Pull and remove all temporary cables as directed.
Remove old and install new breaker, transformer, PT and motor switch conduit as needed.
A more detailed description of the Work is provided in the Technical Specifications included as an Exhibit to this
Capitalized terms used in this Solicitation without definition shall have the definitions given to them in Section 2 of
this Solicitation.
1.3) Background
JEA owns, operates and manages the electric system established by the City of Jacksonville, Florida since 1895. In June
1997, JEA also assumed operation of the water and sewer system previously managed by the City. JEA is located in
Jacksonville, Florida, where we proudly serve an estimated 522,469 electric, 396,566 water and 316,441 sewer and
26,902 reuse water customers. JEA is Florida's largest community owned utility and the eighth largest municipal in the
United States.
1.4) Invitation - Submitting a Response
Respondents that meet the Minimum Qualification stated herein are invited to submit a Response to this Solicitation to
perform the Work. A complete copy of this Solicitation, the Technical Specifications, forms and all other documents
referenced in this Solicitation are on JEA’s E-Procurement and Contract Management Portal which is provided by
Zycus Supplier Network which can be accessed at https://zsn.zycus.com/guest/genericRegister/JEA074. Instructions
on how to login to Zycus is provided below in this Solicitation.
All Responses are due at the time indicated on the title page of this Solicitation. Section 1 of this Solicitation are the
instructions for submitting a Response for this Solicitation. Section 2 of this Solicitation contain the definitions and
commercial contract terms associated with this procurement.
A Contract will presented to the Respondent awarded this Work and the Contract will incorporate by reference this
entire Solicitation and all associated Addenda. A sample of the JEA Contract can be found on jea.com.
All documentation submitted with a Response must reference the Solicitation Title and Number stated herein. All
Responses must be made on the appropriate forms and formats as specified by this Solicitation and uploaded to JEA’s
procurement platform.
All Responses should be delivered electronically to JEA via the Zycus platform. An automated, detailed auditing
system provides sealed Response integrity. Responses remain sealed on the platform until the Close Date & Time
(Due Date & Time).
A Respondent shall be solely responsible for timely delivery of its Response to the Zycus Supplier
Network. Respondents are strongly encouraged to acquire log in credentials early as possible. Additionally
Respondents are encouraged to submit Responses early to ensure uploading process goes smoothly. If Respondent is
not able to submit its Response via Zycus, then please email the Response to the JEA Buyer identified in the
Section below titled "Questions".
Responses are due by the time and on the date stated on the cover page of this Solicitation. LATE RESPONSES
1.5) Zycus Instructions
I. How to Log Into Zycus
A. New Users Zycus
1. New Users will need to register to login. Registration will require Company name, address, phone, contact, title,
phone and email address. Also, it is recommended users use Google Chrome to access Zycus.
2. Note if the company is already doing business with JEA, you may find the company is already registered in Zycus.
To find out if you are registered, try entering your email address in the New User Registration screen. If you receive a
message stating “Email ID already registered”, log in as an Existing User Log-in”. If you don’t know your password,
enter your email address and click on “Forgot Password”.
B. Existing Users or New Users with Previously Registered Emails
1. Once the user has a login on the sourcing platform select “Existing User Log-in”, the user may navigate to the
solicitation by selecting the icon for the applicable solicitation.
II. How to Submit a Response Using Zycus
1. Once logged in, users will see all JEA Sourcing Events, then select the applicable event.
2. Once in the Sourcing Event. The Sourcing Event has prompts for actions required to respond to the solicitation.
3. For the user to proceed to submit a Response to JEA using Zycus, the user will be required to provide its acceptance
of the of the Zycus iSource Terms & Conditions associated with the work. Such Terms and Conditions may cover
non-disclosure, safety, cyber security, Invitation for Bid contract terms, etc.
4. Once all terms are accepted, additional Solicitation information will be available for viewing and submitting a
Response by selecting “Confirm Participation”. JEA will then have a record indicating the company intends to submit
a Response.
5. A user then can respond to each section of the Solicitation, once completed with each section, select “Save”. Note
each section has a red, yellow, green light code. Items will turn green once completed. Yellow and red lights mean
there is additional action required. Users may also note under each tab, there are multiple questions to respond to,
scroll down the list to ensure all questions are answered.
6. In most Solicitations, JEA will provide Technical Specifications, pricing tables in Excel which the user will need to
download. Additionally, Excel pricing tables may need to be uploaded once completed to as part of the Response.
Users can download the required attachments by selecting the “Buyers Attachments” icon.
7. Once the required forms are uploaded and saved, the section light will turn green. Once all sections are completed
and green lighted, the User may select “Submit Response”.
8. Once the user selects “Submit Response”, the user will receive a “Success” pop-up when submitted.
9. Once submitted users may recall and modify submitted documentation and submit information until the Response
Due Date and Time.
1.6) Questions
All Questions must be submitted in writing to the JEA Buyer listed herein at least five (5) business days prior to the
opening date. Questions received within five (5) business days prior to the opening date may not be answered.
1.7) Pre-Response Meeting - Mandatory
There will be a mandatory Pre-Response meeting associated with this Solicitation at the date and time listed on the
cover page of this Solicitation. All interested Respondents must attend the Pre-Response meeting. Those planning to
attend the TEAMS or teleconference must email their name and contact information to the JEA Buyer listed herein at
least 24 hours prior to the Pre-Response meeting to facilitate roll call. A Respondent must only sign in representing
one company, unless otherwise agreed to by JEA in writing.
1.8) Opening of Responses
All Responses received shall be publicly announced and recorded via TEAMS at the date and time indicated on the
cover page of this Solicitation.
The details for the TEAMS will be on jea.com at the following website: https://www.jea.com approximately 48 hours
before the Response opening.
At the opening of Responses, a JEA representative will publicly open each Response that was received prior to the
Date and Time, except for those Responses that have been properly withdrawn. JEA has the right to waive
irregularities or informalities in the Responses to the extent allowable under applicable laws.
1.9) Minimum Qualifications
Respondent must meet the following Minimum Qualifications to be considered eligible to have its Response evaluated
by JEA. Responses not meeting all of the following Minimum Qualifications will be rejected:
I. Respondent must be approved in the following Responsible Bidders List (RBL) category by Bid Opening:
a. SB1 Substation Construction up to 500 kV.
b. Visit https://www.jea.com/About/Procurement/Become_a_Vendor/ to learn how to become approved.
c. Bidder shall have successfully completed three (3) similar projects in the past three (3) years ending
December 31, 2024. A similar project is an electrical construction or repair project in an industrial
facility or electrical substation. Each similar project shall have been $50,000.00 in value or greater.
II. Respondent shall possess and provide proof of current Florida Electrical Contractor License in conformity with
Florida Statute 489.
III. The Respondent is not on the State of Florida Convicted Vendor List, State of Florida’s Suspended Vendor List,
The City of Jacksonville’s Disqualified Vendor List, have not had their bidding privileges actively suspended by
JEA, been debarred by JEA, or have had a contract with JEA terminated for default within the last two (2) years.
1.10) Number of Contracts to be Awarded
JEA intends to Award one (1) Contract for the Work. JEA reserves the right to Award more than one Contract based
on certain groupings of the Work items, or JEA may exclude certain Work items, if JEA determines that it is in its best
1.11) Insurance Requirements
Prior to JEA issuing a Purchase Order to the Company to begin the Work, the Company shall submit a certificate of
insurance (COI) that is in compliance with amounts and requirements as indicated in this Solicitation. Note that the
COI shall specifically indicate JEA as additional insured on all required insurance except Worker's Compensation and
Professional Liability (if applicable). Furthermore, waiver of subrogation must be provided for all required insurance
in favor of JEA, including its board members, officers, employees, agents, successors, and assigns.
1.12) Jacksonville Small and Emerging Business (JSEB) Participation Goal
It is at the Respondent's option as to whether it chooses to subcontract with a JSEB firm. JEA encourages the use of
JSEB firms; however, the Respondent is not required to utilize a JSEB to be awarded a Contract under this
All questions and correspondence concerning the JSEB program should be addressed to the following contact:
Bill Hickey
Manager, Supplier Diversity Programs and Procurement Services
hickwj@jea.com or jsebprogram@jea.com
1.13) Basis of Award - Lowest Bid
JEA will Award a Contract to the responsive and responsible Respondent whose Response meets or exceeds the
Minimum Qualifications set forth in this Solicitation, and the Respondent's price represents the lowest cost to JEA.
JEA will use the Respondent's Total Bid Price stated on the Response Form when making price comparisons for
Award purposes.
1.14) Evaluation Methodology - Competitive Sealed Bidding
The Respondent shall submit its sealed Response to this Solicitation no later than the due date and time indicated on
the cover page of this Solicitation. At the public opening of the Responses, the Responses from all Respondents will
be publicly announced. After the public opening, JEA will subsequently review Responses to determine if they meet
the Minimum Qualifications as stated in this Solicitation. JEA will Award the Contract to the lowest responsive and
responsible Respondent whose price meets or exceeds the Minimum Qualifications, and whose Response Price
represents the lowest cost to JEA.
1.15) Safety Qualification Requirement
Respondent shall be approved as JEA Safety Qualified. JEA may reject the company's Bid, and proceed to Award to
the next responsive and responsible Respondent.
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.
* Disclaimer: This website provides information about bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) for convenience only and does not serve as an official public notice. Individuals who wish to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the relevant government department directly.

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