University of California, Los Angeles
Project No. 908052.01
Sealed bids for a lump sum subcontract are invited from prequalified subcontractors (hereinafter
“Subcontractors”) for the following work:
Project Number 908052.01
Bid Package No 22 - Window Treatments
GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The proposed Project involves the demolition of an existing University-
owned six-level, approximately 57,075 gross square foot (GSF) apartment building on the approximately 20,831
square foot (sf) (0.48 gross acre) project site, and the construction of an eight-story, approximately 112,000-gsf
co-living style of housing with communal living and study spaces on each floor. Co-living housing is a hybrid of
dorm-style housing with community bathrooms and shared spaces for students to cook, eat, study, and socialize.
The proposed Project would provide 187 bedrooms and up to 545 beds in triple-occupancy rooms, of which at
least 65 percent (358 beds) would be offered as affordable beds. When compared to the existing building, the
proposed Project would result in a net increase of 445 beds (residents), and a net increase of approximately
54,925 GSF of development.
The proposed project would include a central courtyard, which would be enclosed on all sides and open to the
sky, and other landscape and hardscape elements would be installed. On-site vehicular parking for residents
would not be provided. A service drive/garage accessed from Gayley Avenue, which would be located at the
northwest corner of the building, would provide a single parking space for service vehicles and deliveries, and
allow direct access for trash removal.
On-site alternative transportation facilities would include a bike storage room on the ground level, as well as a
designated area for scooter parking. Pedestrian access to the proposed building would be provided from the
existing sidewalk on the south side of Gayley Avenue. The site work will include demolition, excavation, site
clearing, shoring and installation of concrete shear walls. A hazardous materials report will be available for
information, abatement of hazardous materials will include select areas of roofing, sheet vinyl flooring, disposal
of fluorescent bulbs. The building will consist of concrete foundations, post tensioned elevated slabs and metal
wall framing. Exterior finishes will include glazing systems and integrally colored cementitious plaster while interior
finishes will include gypsum board, painted wall board, painted concrete, luxury sheet vinyl flooring at dorm rooms,
carpet at common areas and ceramic tile at wet areas. A large subterranean vault will be constructed to house
LADWP electrical service equipment to support the electrical needs of the building. Municipal utility connections
will include sewer, electrical, domestic and fire water. A gas service is not anticipated as the building will be fully
electrified. The project work hours will adhere to Los Angeles City noise ordinances.
The Project site is not identified on any lists of hazardous waste sites compiled pursuant to California Government
Code Section 65962.5.
The Anticipated Overall Construction Contract Value is $83,500,000.00
The University has bid and awarded a CM at Risk Contract to PCL Construction Services, Inc. (hereafter
"CM/Contractor"). CM/Contractor is responsible for bidding and awarding all subsequent subcontractor
packages, including this package. The successful Subcontractor Bidder shall sign a Subcontract
Agreement directly with CM/Contractor and shall be bound by all the terms of the contract between the
University and CM/Contractor. Refer to Exhibit H – Prime Contract which contains the contract between
the University and CM/Contractor, attached to the subcontract bidding documents and incorporated by
this reference.
Bid Package No 22 - Window Treatments
University of California, Los Angeles
Project No. 908052.01
Bid Package 22: This Bid Package scope consists of: Furnish and Install all types of Window
Treatments including shades, screens, etc.
The estimated construction cost of this bid package is $268,544
Bidding Documents will be available beginning on November 07, 2024, and will be available to intending
prequalified Subcontractor bidders online at (Access to SmartBid must be requested from)
Omkar Shirke, CM/Contractor Project Manager
BID DEADLINE: Bids will be received only at the following locations:
PCL Site Office
Parking Structure 8, UCLA Westwood Campus
405 Hilgard Ave, West End of Top Level, Los Angeles, CA 90024
Contact Tel: 626-833-5141
The directions map is included within these Instructions below
and must be received on or before:
December 13, 2024 at 02:00 PM
MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE AND JOB WALK: Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference and Job Walk will
be conducted on
Option 01 - November 13, 2024 at 01:00 PM,
Option 02 - November 14, 2024 at 01:00 PM,
Option 03 - November 19, 2024 at 01:00 PM .
Only Pre-Qualified Subcontractor bidders who participate in one of the mandatory pre-bid conferences
and the job walk in its entirety will be allowed to bid on the Project as Window Treatments
All Personnel are required to carry their own Personal Protective Equipment such as Reflective
Safety Vest, Hard Hat, Gloves, Safety Toe Shoes, Safety Glasses. Complete PPE must be worn
during the job walk.
Participants shall meet at Parking Structure 8, 405 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles, CA
90095 on west side of top level near the site trailer entrance. After the introductions
and sign-in, all participants will be required to walk to the job-site location.
For further information, contact Omkar Shirke at, 407-988-5266 OR Sam Wen at, 626-933-5141
(NOTE: Bidders are advised that parking may be difficult. Bidders should allow ample time to
drive to the above location in heavy traffic, find a parking space, walk to the meeting location,
and arrive in the designated Meeting location prior to the required time. It is currently
anticipated that the Conference/Job Walk will last at least 1 hour. Bidders are required to pay for
their own parking.)
Bid Package No 22 - Window Treatments
University of California, Los Angeles
Project No. 908052.01
LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: The successful Bidder will be required to have the following California current and
active contractor's license at the time of submission of the Bid:
D52 License
PREQUALIFICATION: The CM/Contractor has prequalified Window Treatments Subcontractor bidders for
this Bid Package and posted a list of said firms on the SmartBid website
Every effort will be made to ensure that all persons have equal access to contracts and other business
opportunities with the University within the limits imposed by law or University policy. Each Bidder may be required
to show evidence of its equal employment opportunity policy. The successful Bidder and its subcontractors will
be required to follow the nondiscrimination requirements set forth in the contract between the University and the
CM/Contractor and to pay the prevailing wage at the location of the work.
In addition, the University is committed to promoting and increasing participation of small business enterprises
(SBEs) and disabled veteran business enterprises (DVBEs) relating to all goods and services covered under the
awarded agreement, subject to any and all applicable obligations under state and federal law, and University
policies. The awarded contractor shall make best efforts to provide qualified SBEs and DVBEs with the maximum
opportunity to participate. Please email for further information.
The work described in the contract is a public work subject to section 1771 of the California Labor Code.
No contractor or subcontractor, regardless of tier, may be listed on a Bid for, or engage in the performance of,
any portion of this project, unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code
section 1725.5 and 1771.1.
This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations.
The successful Bidder shall pay all persons providing construction services and/or any labor on site, including any
University location, no less than the UC Fair Wage ($15 per hour) and shall comply with all applicable federal,
state and local working condition requirements.
Bid Package No 22 - Window Treatments
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.