Agency: | Houston Independent School District |
State: | Texas |
Type of Government: | State & Local |
NAICS Category: |
Posted Date: | Dec 13, 2024 |
Due Date: | Jan 31, 2025 |
Solicitation No: | 25-10-12 |
Original Source: | Please Login to View Page |
Contact information: | Please Login to View Page |
Bid Documents: | Please Login to View Page |
Bid Information
Type | RFP |
Status | Issued |
Number | 25-10-12 (Enterprise Resource Planning Software and Services) |
Issue Date & Time | 12/13/2024 04:45:02 PM (CT) |
Close Date & Time | 1/31/2025 11:00:00 AM (CT) |
Question Cut Off Date | 1/10/2025 11:00:00 AM (CT) |
Notes |
Dear Vendor,
The Houston Independent School District is interested in receiving proposals from qualified individuals and/or organizations ("Vendor") for the procurement of select goods and/or services, as specified within this Request for Proposals ("RFP" or "Solicitation").
In accordance with Houston ISD policies and procedures, HISD schools and/or departments are authorized to engage with "Approved Vendors" only. An HISD Approved Vendor is one that has been authorized for use upon having met a set of pre-determined criteria through a formal procurement process and awarded a contract ("Contract", "Agreement", or "Project") upon approval by the HISD Board of Education.
The first step in obtaining Approved Vendor status is to respond to this solicitation and submit all required information and documentation. Upon completion of the Project evaluation process and verification of compliance with HISD's liability insurance requirements and Minority/Women Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) Program, one or more Vendors will be recommended to the Board of Education for contract award. Once the HISD Board of Education formally approves the selected Vendor(s) for award, the HISD Purchasing Services department will issue a Notice of Award letter, affirming the awarded Vendor(s) status as an Approved Vendor for this specific Project.
The tentative term of this Project is from
from April 11, 2025, through April 10, 2035, with two (2) automatic five (5) year renewals, not to extend beyond April 10, 2045.
Thereafter, HISD at its sole discretion may elect to either extend the Project for a term not to exceed 90 days for business continuity purposes, if needed.
Pre-Proposal Conference:
A Pre-Proposal conference will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams
t (3:00-PM) CST on January 7, 2025. Ve
dors interested in participating in the Pre-Proposal Conference must RSVP by registering with the link provided below. Please include the following information in your registration: Vendor company name, attendee first and last name, and email address.
The HISD Category Specialist assigned to this solicitation is listed below. Any questions or concerns arising out of this RFP are to be directed to such individual in writing. Questions pertaining to the solicitation process or related to the scope or specifications contained in this RFP should be submitted via the electronic bidding portal by the deadline specified within the RFP. Answers to all questions received will be posted as an Addendum to this RFP within the electronic bidding portal.
Thank you in advance for your participation in this solicitation.
Category Specialist Name: David Teer
Email Address: dteer
Office Main Number: 713-556-6515
Direct Line: 713-556-6556
Purchasing Services Department
Houston Independent School District
Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center
4400 West 18th Street
Houston, TX 77092
Keep up with the latest news from HISD:
Name | David Teer |
Address |
4400 West 18th Street
Route 1 Houston, TX 77092-8501 USA |
Phone | (713) 556-6515 |
Fax | | |
File Name | Description | File Size |
RFP Part I Scope of Work and Specific Conditions FINAL.pdf (please login to view this document) | RFP - AGREEMENT PART I - Scope of Work (SOW) and Specific Conditions: Vendors must review thoroughly the attached SOW and specific conditions associated with this RFP and upload an official proposal in response to this solicitation under the "Response Attachments" tab. | 456 KB |
RFP Part II - HISD Standard Terms and Conditions (10.2.2024).pdf (please login to view this document) | RFP - AGREEMENT PART II - HISD Standard Terms & Conditions: These Standard Terms & Conditions are requirements that are binding upon award of a HISD Contract to the selected vendor(s). These terms communicate the District’s expectations in regard to the vendor's performance in connection with the District’s purchases. | 369 KB |
VENDOR_FORM_Execution_of_Offer_RFP.pdf (please login to view this document) | VENDOR FORM - Execution of Offer (EOO): Vendor must download this form, complete it, and upload the completed and signed form under the "Response Attachments" Tab. | 284 KB |
Vendor Form A-MWBE_Participation_Plan_11.01.2024.pdf (please login to view this document) | VENDOR FORM - Form A - M/WBE Participation Plan: Vendor must download this form, complete it, and upload completed and signed form under "Response Attachments" tab. IMPORTANT: M/WBE documents are a part of Proposer’s evaluation. This documentation is required for your proposal to be evaluated by the district. HISD will determine whether the Proposer’s efforts meet the minimum standards of “Good Faith Effort” consistent with the district’s policy on the participation of M/WBEs. Failure to provide the required M/WBE documentation will be considered non-compliant. If a company is deemed non-compliant, it can lead to disqualification from the provision of goods and services to the district for current and/or future projects. | 276 KB |
VENDOR_FORM Reference Survey.pdf (please login to view this document) | VENDOR FORM - Reference Survey: The Evaluation Committee considers Vendor’s reputation and quality of Vendor’s goods or services in the evaluation of this Proposal. To aid in this process, the District requests that Proposer send the attached Vendor Form, Performance Evaluation Survey (Survey) to three (3) valid references. It is Proposer’s sole responsibility to ensure that Surveys are sent to Vendor’s desired references. Recipients must return the completed survey to HISD by the method(s) outlined on the Survey. The District will not accept a Survey returned by Vendor or a Survey returned after the assigned deadline. | 440 KB |
VENDOR FORM - HISD Student Data Privacy Agreement_04.05.2024.pdf (please login to view this document) | VENDOR FORM - Texas Student Data Privacy Agreement (TX-SDPA): Vendors who will collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and/or student data as a requirement to fulfill their services in connection with this agreement must complete and sign this form and upload it under the 'Response Attachments' tab as part of their proposal. | 3.52 MB |
VENDOR FORM Certificate of Insurance.pdf (please login to view this document) |
VENDOR FORM - Certificate of Liability Insurance (ACORD Form) and Insurance Verification Form: All prospective vendors must provide both a Certificate of Liability Insurance (ACORD form) and an Insurance Verification Form signed by the insurance agent/broker. The sample ACORD form provided herein displays the types of coverage and limits required of all vendors by the HISD Risk Management department. Both forms must be uploaded under "Response Attachments" Tab.
824 KB |
VENDOR FORM - HB 1295 - Certificate of Interested Parties_Rev.11.2024.pdf (please login to view this document) | VENDOR FORM (HB 1295) - Certificate of Interested Parties: Vendor must complete the form online at and upload the completed and signed form under the "Response Attachments" tab." Ensure to name "Houston ISD" as the Governmental Entity and the RFP Number referenced in this solicitation as the Contract ID Number. | 884 KB |
VENDOR FORM W-9 (Rev. 3-2024).pdf (please login to view this document) |
VENDOR FORM - IRS Form W-9 (Rev. 3-2024): Vendor must download this form, complete it, and upload the completed and signed form under the "Response Attachments" tab. Vendors must ensure that the Legal Name and the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) entered on this form matches exactly with the information referenced in their IRS income tax return.
137 KB |
VENDOR FORM Conflict of Interest (CIQ).pdf (please login to view this document) |
VENDOR FORM - Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (Form CIQ): Vendors must download this form, complete it, and upload completed and signed form under the "Response Attachments" tab. If the prospective vendor doesn't have any conflict of interest to disclose, then enter your individual or company name on line 1, enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A" on line 3, and then sign and date on line 7.
733 KB |
VENDOR FORM - Criminal History Background Check v11.16.2021 (FILLABLE).pdf (please login to view this document) |
VENDOR FORM - Criminal History Background Certification: All vendors are required to download this form and then upload a completed and signed copy under the "Response Attachments" tab. The purpose of this form is for vendors to indicate whether their engagement with Houston ISD under this project/contract will involve direct contact with students, as defined within the form.
233 KB |
VENDOR FORM - HISD Fingerprint Appointment Registration.pdf (please login to view this document) |
VENDOR FORM - HISD Fingerprint Appointment Registration: All vendors who may or will have direct contact with students and continuing duties in connection with this contract must be fingerprinted as indicated in the Solicitation. Vendors should provide a copy of this form to their employees and/or subcontractor employees so that they may schedule an appointment to be fingerprinted. All employees/subcontractor requiring to be fingerprinted should not perform services in connection with this contract until HISD has reviewed their criminal history background and cleared them to perform services.
351 KB |
VENDOR QUESTIONNAIRE IT Requirements Appendix A.xlsx (please login to view this document) |
VENDOR QUESTIONNAIRE - Appendix C - IT Requirements: Vendor must download this questionnaire (Excel file), review and complete all applicable information found in the multiple tabs, and upload the completed file under the "Response Attachments" tab. The Excel file must be uploaded as an unencrypted and unprotected file.
Vendor Instructions
: Please follow the completion instructions provided within the workbook and complete all applicable tabs, as instructed. The information you provide within this workbook and all sheets within this workbook will be used to autoscore your response.
: Vendors offering software related products and/or services must respond to Appendix B. Failure to submit the required information may exclude the vendor from providing these types of products and/or services to the District if applicable. If vendor does not provide these types of products and/or services, this appendix is optional.
96 KB |
EXHIBIT 1 FUNCTIONAL ERP REQUIREMENTS.xlsx (please login to view this document) | EXHIBIT 1 FUNCTIONAL ERP REQUIREMENTS. Vendor must download this form, complete it, and upload completed and signed form under "Response Attachments" tab in the corresponding field. IMPORTANT: EXHIBIT 1 FUNCTIONAL ERP REQUIREMENTS is part of Proposer’s evaluation. This documentation is required for your proposal to be evaluated by the district. Failure to complete this form will be considered non-responsive and the vendors proposal will not be evaluated. | 53 KB |
EXHIBIT 2 GENERAL ERP REQUIREMENTS.xlsx (please login to view this document) | EXHIBIT 2 GENERAL ERP REQUIREMENTS. Vendor must download this form, complete it, and upload completed and signed form under "Response Attachments" tab in the corresponding field. IMPORTANT: EXHIBIT 2 GENERAL ERP REQUIREMENTS is part of Proposer’s evaluation. This documentation is required for your proposal to be evaluated by the district. Failure to complete this form will be considered non-responsive and the vendors proposal will not be evaluated. | 40 KB |
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