Project ID: 3818 Title: RFQ to Provide Utility Professional Services Addenda: 0 Release Date: 1/2/2025…
City of Lynnwood | Washington
Project ID: 3671 (ReAd) Title: ITB - Scriber Creek Trail Phase 3 Construction (Readvertisement) Addenda:…
City of Lynnwood | Washington
Project ID: 3671 Title: ITB - Scriber Creek Trail Phase 3 Construction Addenda: 0 Release…
City of Lynnwood | Washington
Project ID: 3671 Title: RFQ - Provide Construction Management and Administration (CM/CA) Services Addenda: 0…
City of Lynnwood | Washington
Project ID: 3816 Title: RFQ Provide Utility Modeling On-Call Services 2024-2029 Addenda: 0 Release Date:…
City of Lynnwood | Washington
Project ID: 3813 Title: RFQ Provide Utility Engineering On-Call Services 2024-2029 Addenda: 0 Release Date:…
City of Lynnwood | Washington
Project ID: 3672 Title: RFP - Owner's Advisor Services for Lynwood Wastewater Treatment Plant Major…
City of Lynnwood | Washington
Project ID: 3670 Title: ITB - Lift Station 10 Wet Well Cleaning and Force Main…
City of Lynnwood | Washington
Project ID: 3775 Title: RFP 3775 - Professional Consulting Services to Update Interlocal Agreement Addenda:…
City of Lynnwood | Washington
Project ID: RFP 3777 Title: Sound Transit Everett Link Extension (EVLE) Lynnwood Corridor Project Consulting…
City of Lynnwood | Washington
RFQ to Provide General Transportation On-Call Services OPEN 3667 1 5/28/2024 6/18/2024
City of Lynnwood | Washington
RFQ to Provide General Transportation On-Call Services OPEN 3667 0 5/28/2024 6/18/2024
City of Lynnwood | Washington
ITB 3717 - Pioneer Park Tennis Court Asphalt Overlay OPEN 3717 1 2/27/2024 3/20/2024
City of Lynnwood | Washington
ITB 2024 Curb Ramp Project OPEN 3585 0 2/28/2024 3/20/2024
City of Lynnwood | Washington
ITB WWTP Interim Sludge Hauling OPEN 3586 1 2/6/2024 2/27/2024
City of Lynnwood | Washington
ITB WWTP Interim Sludge Hauling OPEN 3586 0 2/6/2024 2/27/2024
City of Lynnwood | Washington
ITB 3584 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Pump Control Panel Replacement OPEN 3584 1 1/18/2024…
City of Lynnwood | Washington
ITB Scriber Lake Park Boardwalk OPEN 3579 3 1/3/2024 1/31/2024
City of Lynnwood | Washington
204th St SW and College Place Improvements OPEN 3582 2 1/10/2024 1/30/2024
City of Lynnwood | Washington
204th St SW and College Place Improvements OPEN 3582 1 1/10/2024 1/30/2024
City of Lynnwood | Washington
204th St SW and College Place Improvements OPEN 3582 0 1/10/2024 1/30/2024
City of Lynnwood | Washington
ITB Scriber Lake Park Boardwalk OPEN 3579 0 1/3/2024 1/31/2024
City of Lynnwood | Washington
ITB 40th Ave Tank Improvements - Phase 2 OPEN 3444 3 9/26/2023 10/24/2023
City of Lynnwood | Washington
RFQ to Provide On-Call SCADA Engineering Services OPEN 3583 0 9/27/2023 10/18/2023
City of Lynnwood | Washington
ITB 40th Ave Tank Improvements - Phase 2 OPEN 3444 1 9/26/2023 10/17/2023
City of Lynnwood | Washington
RFQ to Provide On-Call Project Management Services OPEN 3581 1 9/20/2023 10/11/2023
City of Lynnwood | Washington