Bid Number: RFQ 6035 Bid Title: RFQ 6035 for Professional Engineering Services for Nueces Bay…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Title: RFB for City-Wide Sidewalk Improvements IDIQ Program CIP #18-006 FY 2022-23 Category: Request…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFQ 5973 Bid Title: RFQ 5973 for Professional Engineering Services for Sunset Lake…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFQ 5973 Bid Title: RFQ 5973 for Professional Engineering Services for Sunset Lake…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFQ 5924 Bid Title: RFQ 5924 for Preliminary Engineering Services for Lift Station,…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFP 5801 Bid Title: RFP 5801 for Animal Care Services Kennel HVAC Improvement…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFQ 5716 Bid Title: Reposted RFQ 5716 for Violet Andrews Park Shoreline Improvement…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFP 5801 Bid Title: RFP 5801 for Animal Care Services Kennel HVAC Improvement…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Title: RFP for Fifth & Elm Restaurant Lease and Facility Management Agreement Category: Request…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Title: Invitation To Bidders for Storm Drainage Improvements - Aspen Drive Category: Request for…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Title: RFB for Hunt Airport Drainage & Outfall Improvements Category: Request for Proposal or…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFQ 5716 Bid Title: RFQ 5716 for Violet Andrews Park Shoreline Improvement Preliminary…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFP 5373 Bid Title: RFP 5373 for Paddleboard and Kayak Rental Services Category:…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Title: RFB for Hunt Airport Drainage & Outfall Improvements Category: Request for Proposal or…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFA 4705 Bid Title: RFA 4705 for Depository Services Category: Request for Applications…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFB 5604 Bid Title: RFB 5604 for Resurfacing of Aquatic Center Pool Category:…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFP 5373 Bid Title: RFP 5373 for Paddleboard and Kayak Rental Services Category:…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFA 4705 Bid Title: RFA 4705 for Depository Services Category: Request for Applications…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFB 5604 Bid Title: RFB 5604 for Resurfacing of Aquatic Center Pool Category:…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Title: Notice of Cancellation - RFA 4705 for Depository Services Category: Request for Applications…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Title: RFP for City of Portland Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Dewatering Press Category: Request…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFP 5473 Bid Title: RFP 5473 for Uniform Rental Services Category: Request for…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFQ 4766 Bid Title: RFQ 4766 for Independent Financial Audit Services Category: Request…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFQ 4766 Bid Title: RFQ 4766 for Independent Financial Audit Services Category: Request…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFQ 4766 Bid Title: RFQ 4766 for Independent Financial Audit Services Category: Request…
City of Portland | Texas
Bid Number: RFB 5368 Bid Title: RFB 5368 for 3M Scott Air-Pak X3 Pro SCBAs…
City of Portland | Texas