Bid Number: RFQ 2025-02 Bid Title: Architectural Services - EMS Fire Station X Category: Moore…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2025-03 Bid Title: Financial Review Services - Fire Commission Category: Moore County…
County of Moore | North Carolina
County of Moore | North Carolina
County of Moore | North Carolina
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: INFORMAL BID 2025-01 Bid Title: Digital Messaging Sign - Health Department Category: Moore…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2025-01 Bid Title: Advanced Metering Infrastructure Category: Moore County General Bids Status:…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2025-01 Bid Title: Advanced Metering Infrastructure Category: Moore County General Bids Status:…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2025-01 Bid Title: Utility Service Truck Category: Moore County General Bids Status:…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2024-06 Bid Title: MEDICAL CARE AND LAB SERVICES - WELLNESS WORKS Category:…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-10 Bid Title: Solid Waste - Compactors Project - RE-ADVERTISED Category: Moore…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2024-11 Bid Title: Wastewater Bio-Solid Trucking Services - Re-Bid Category: Moore County…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFQ 2024-05 Bid Title: Engineering and Surveying Services - Aberdeen Scale House Project…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-10 Bid Title: Solid Waste - Compactors Project Category: Moore County General…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2024-10 Bid Title: Transportation Services (Secondary Provider) Category: Moore County General Bids…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-09 Bid Title: HVAC - OLD JAIL FACILITY - RE-ADVERTISED Category: Moore…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2024-08 Bid Title: JCPC Program Services Category: Moore County General Bids Status:…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2024-09 Bid Title: Wastewater Bio-Solid Trucking Services Category: Moore County General Bids…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: Informal Bid 2024-07 Bid Title: James Street Waterline Replacement Project - RE-BID Category:…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-08 Bid Title: Re-Roofing Project Category: Moore County General Bids Status: Open…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2027-07 Bid Title: Wastewater Bio-Solids Tipping Services Category: Moore County General Bids…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-09 Bid Title: HVAC - OLD JAIL FACILITY Category: Moore County General…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2024-05 Bid Title: Detention Center - Inmate Services Category: Moore County General…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2024-05 Bid Title: Detention Center - Inmate Services Category: Moore County General…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-08 Bid Title: Re-Roofing Project Category: Moore County General Bids Status: Open…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-06 Bid Title: Liquid Polymer Category: Moore County General Bids Status: Open…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-07 Bid Title: Lime Slurry Category: Moore County General Bids Status: Open…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: Informal Bid 2024-06 Bid Title: James Street Waterline Replacement Project Category: Moore County…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2024-05 Bid Title: Detention Center - Inmate Services Category: Moore County General…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-05 Bid Title: Linden Road Wells and Water System Improvement, Phase 1…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2024-04 Bid Title: JCPC Program Services Category: Moore County General Bids Status:…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2024-03 Bid Title: Maternal Health Care Services Category: Moore County General Bids…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2024-02 Bid Title: Public Health - Electronic Health Records Software System -…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2024-02 Bid Title: Public Health - Electronic Health Records Software System -…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-04 Bid Title: Raw Sewage Station Slide Gate Category: Moore County General…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-03 - BID CLOSED Bid Title: HVAC - OLD JAIL FACILITY Category:…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFP 2024-02 Bid Title: Public Health - Electronic Health Records Software System -…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-03 Bid Title: HVAC - OLD JAIL FACILITY - RE-ADVERTISED Category: Moore…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFQ 2024-03 Bid Title: Engineering Services - Seven Lakes Sewer Project Category: Moore…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: Informal Bid 2024-05 Bid Title: Housing Rehabilitation Category: Moore County General Bids Status:…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-04 Bid Title: Raw Sewage Station Slide Gate Category: Moore County General…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RE-ADVERTISED RFQ 2024-02 Bid Title: Engineering Services - Asset and Inventory Management Assessment…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-02 Bid Title: Influent Pump Station Upgrade Project Category: Moore County General…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: Informal Bid 2024-03 Bid Title: Clarifier Trough Coating Project Category: Moore County General…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-02 Bid Title: Influent Pump Station Upgrade Project Category: Moore County General…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFQ 2024-02 Bid Title: Engineering Services - Asset and Inventory Management Assessment Study…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-03 Bid Title: HVAC - OLD JAIL FACILITY Category: Moore County General…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: RFQ 2024-01 Bid Title: Engineering and Surveying Services - Surry Circle Watermain Replacement…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: IFB 2024-02 Bid Title: Influent Pump Station Upgrade Project Category: Moore County General…
County of Moore | North Carolina
Bid Number: INFORMAL BID 2024-02 Bid Title: Housing Rehabilitation Category: Moore County General Bids Status:…
County of Moore | North Carolina