Bid Number: P25-22 Bid Title: Realtor Services (Commercial) Category: Consulting & Professional Services Status: Open…
City of Bangor | Maine
Bid Number: P25-25 Bid Title: Breathing Air Compressor and Fill Station Replacement Category: Equipment Services…
City of Bangor | Maine
Bid Number: P25-26 Bid Title: BPD Telecommunicator Workstations Category: Equipment Services & Purchase Status: Open…
City of Bangor | Maine
Bid Number: P25-23 Bid Title: CLG HP Survey - Phase 4 Category: Consulting & Professional…
City of Bangor | Maine
Bid Number: P25-21 Bid Title: Realtor Services (Residential) Category: Consulting & Professional Services Status: Open…
City of Bangor | Maine
Bid Number: P25-24 Bid Title: WQM Pest Control Services Category: Consulting & Professional Services Status:…
City of Bangor | Maine
Realtor Services (Residential) The City of Bangor requests proposals from qualified licensed realtors under State…
City of Bangor | Maine
Breathing Air Compressor and Fill Station Replacement The City of Bangor Water Quality Management requests…
City of Bangor | Maine
BGR - Security Access Control System (SACS) The City of Bangor requests proposals from qualified…
City of Bangor | Maine
WQM Pest Control Services The City of Bangor Water Quality Management requests sealed proposals from…
City of Bangor | Maine
CLG HPSurvey - Phase 4 The City of Bangor requests proposals from qualified preservation professionals…
City of Bangor | Maine
Griffin Road/ Kenduskeag Ave Signal Improvements The City of Bangor requests proposals for the MeDOT…
City of Bangor | Maine
Realtor Services (Residential) The City of Bangor requests proposals from qualified licensed realtors under State…
City of Bangor | Maine
Realtor Services (Commercial) The City of Bangor requests proposals from qualified licensed realtors under State…
City of Bangor | Maine
BGR - Purchase or Lease Aircraft Deicer Truck The City of Bangor requests proposals for…
City of Bangor | Maine
BGR - Purchase or Lease Aircraft Deicer Truck The City of Bangor requests proposals for…
City of Bangor | Maine
BGR - Security Access Control System (SACS) The City of Bangor requests proposals from qualified…
City of Bangor | Maine
Cascade Park Boundary and Topographic Survey The City of Bangor requests price proposals to complete…
City of Bangor | Maine
Cascade Park Boundary and Topographic Survey The City of Bangor requests price proposals to complete…
City of Bangor | Maine
Airport Shuttle Van The City of Bangor requests proposals to furnish and deliver one (1)…
City of Bangor | Maine
Griffin Road/ Kenduskeag Ave Signal Improvements The City of Bangor requests proposals for the MeDOT…
City of Bangor | Maine
BGR - Purchase or Lease Aircraft Deicer Truck The City of Bangor requests proposals for…
City of Bangor | Maine
Multiple Trucks The City of Bangor requests proposals to furnish and deliver five (5) vehicles…
City of Bangor | Maine
Cascade Park Boundary and Topographic Survey The City of Bangor requests price proposals to complete…
City of Bangor | Maine
Small Front-End Loader The City of Bangor is requesting proposals to furnish and deliver one…
City of Bangor | Maine
Tandem Axle Cab and Chassis, Dump Body, and Plow Equipment The City of Bangor requests…
City of Bangor | Maine
Single Axle Cab and Chassis with Plow Equipment The City of Bangor requests proposals to…
City of Bangor | Maine
Front End Loader with Plow and Wing (Life Cycle Costing) The City of Bangor is…
City of Bangor | Maine
Airport Shuttle Van The City of Bangor requests proposals to furnish and deliver one (1)…
City of Bangor | Maine
The City of Bangor - City Hall Renovation The City of Bangor is requesting proposals…
City of Bangor | Maine
Multiple Trucks The City of Bangor requests proposals to furnish and deliver five (5) vehicles…
City of Bangor | Maine
Development of Grandview Avenue The City of Bangor is accepting proposals for qualifications from the…
City of Bangor | Maine
Hildreth Street North Force Main Replacement The City of Bangor invites sealed proposals from qualified…
City of Bangor | Maine
Realtor Services The City of Bangor is requesting proposals from qualified license realtors under State…
City of Bangor | Maine
Plug-In Hybrid Passenger Van The City of Bangor is requesting proposals to furnish and deliver…
City of Bangor | Maine
Airfield Maintenance Truck The City of Bangor is requesting proposals to furnish and deliver one…
City of Bangor | Maine
Hammond Street Storm Drain Extension The City of Bangor invites sealed proposals from qualified Proposers…
City of Bangor | Maine
The City of Bangor - City Hall Renovation The City of Bangor is requesting proposals…
City of Bangor | Maine
Front End Loader with Plow and Wing (Life Cycle Costing) The City of Bangor is…
City of Bangor | Maine
Portable Column Lifts The City of Bangor is inviting proposals for the supply and delivery…
City of Bangor | Maine
Hildreth Street North Force Main Replacement The City of Bangor invites sealed proposals from qualified…
City of Bangor | Maine
Silver Road Separation 2024 The City of Bangor invites sealed proposals from qualified Proposer to…
City of Bangor | Maine
Realtor Services The City of Bangor is requesting proposals from qualified license realtors under State…
City of Bangor | Maine
Silver Road Separation 2024 The City of Bangor invites sealed proposals from qualified Proposer to…
City of Bangor | Maine
Combination Sewer Cleaner and Vacuum Truck The City of Bangor requests proposals to furnish and…
City of Bangor | Maine
Hildreth Street North Force Main Replacement The City of Bangor invites sealed proposals from qualified…
City of Bangor | Maine
Hammond Street Storm Drain Extension The City of Bangor invites sealed proposals from qualified Proposers…
City of Bangor | Maine
Hildreth Street North Force Main Replacement The City of Bangor invites sealed proposals from qualified…
City of Bangor | Maine
Silver Road Separation 2024 The City of Bangor invites sealed proposals from qualified Proposer to…
City of Bangor | Maine
Combination Sewer Cleaner and Vacuum Truck The City of Bangor requests proposals to furnish and…
City of Bangor | Maine