number description closing date documents RFB-928 Square & Round Sign Posts 02/17/2025 Instruction Sheet Price…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFP-119 General Housekeeping and Healthcare Supplies and Raw Materials 1/16/2025…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFP-119 General Housekeeping and Healthcare Supplies and Raw Materials 1/16/2025…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB-927 Square Sign Posts 12/30/2024 Instructions Price Sheet Spec Sheet
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB 924-2 Pour Concrete Shop Floor - Newton, IA 11/07/2024…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB-925 Aluminum Sheets 09/30/2024 Instruction Sheet Price Sheet Spec Sheet
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB-923 Deodorant, Body Wash, and Food Items for Canteen Christmas…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB 922 EFI H1625-RS Printer 08/20/2024 RFB Instructions RFB Price…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB 921 High Traffic HMA Asphalt 07/29/2024 Instruction Sheet Price…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFP118 On Demand Packaging System for Cardboard Boxes 07-08-2024 RFP…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB 919 Aluminum Sheets 06-20-2024 Price Sheet Instruction Sheet Specification…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFP 117 On Demand Packaging System for Cardboard Boxes 06/14/2024…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB-918 Square and U-Channel Sign Posts 5/10/2024 Price Sheet Instruction…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB-917 Square and U-Channel Sign Posts 05/03/2024 Instruction Sheet Price…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB916 Square Sign Posts 3/29/2024 RFB Instructions Price Sheet Specification…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB915 Aluminum 3/19/2024 RFB Instructions Price Sheet Specification Sheet
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFP116 Ware wash & Laundry Products and Service 03/01/2024 RFP…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFP116 Ware wash & Laundry Products and Service 03/01/2024 RFP…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB914 Aluminum Sheets 02/09/2024 RFB Instructions Price Sheet Specifications
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB913 Roof & Floor Trusses for New Homes 02/08/2024 at…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB912 Lumber for New Homes 02/08/2024 at 2:00pm RFB Instructions…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB80 Anamosa & Fort Madison Seed Corn & Beans -…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB911 Aluminum For Signs 10/19/2023 at 1:00pm - Instructions -…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB910 Sheet Rock & Insulation for Home Building Program 10/12/2023…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa
number description closing date documents RFB910 Sheet Rock & Insulation for Home Building Program 10/12/2023…
Iowa Prison Industries | Iowa