Bid Number: 2025-03 Bid Title: 2025-03 Town Center Sidewalks and Pedestrian Safety Improvements Category: Town…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2025-02 Bid Title: 2025-02 Woodbridge Community and Cultural Center Category: Town of Woodbridge…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2025-02 Bid Title: 2025-02 Woodbridge Community and Cultural Center Category: Town of Woodbridge…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2025-01 Bid Title: 2025-01 Site and Drainage Improvements - Beecher Road Elementary School…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2024-12 Bid Title: 2024-12 Center Building Cupola Restoration Category: Town of Woodbridge Bids…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2024-11 Bid Title: 2024-11 Catch Basin Cleaning Category: Town of Woodbridge Bids Status:…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2024-10 Bid Title: 2024-10 Beecher Road Elementary School Partial Roof Replacement Category: Town…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2024-09 Bid Title: 2024-09 New Woodbridge Fire Dept Garage Phase 2 - Building…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 20254-09 Bid Title: 2024-09 New Woodbridge Fire Dept Garage Phase 2 - Building…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2024-08 Bid Title: 2024-08 Town Planning Consultant Category: Town of Woodbridge Bids Status:…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2024-06 Bid Title: 2024-06 RFP for Consultant for the Update of Plan of…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2024-02 Bid Title: 2024-02 Woodbridge Center Building Gymnasium Renovations Category: Town of Woodbridge…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2024-05 Bid Title: 2024-05 Bethany-Orange-Woodbridge Regional Purchasing Cooperative Fuel Oil Bid Category: Town…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2024-03 Bid Title: 2024-03 Woodbridge Fire Department Storage and Training Facility Category: Town…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2024-04 Bid Title: 2024-04 Brush Grinding and Removal Services Category: Town of Woodbridge…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2024-02 Bid Title: 2024-02 Woodbridge Center Building Gymnasium Renovations Category: Town of Woodbridge…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2024-03 Bid Title: 2024-03 Woodbridge Fire Department Storage and Training Facility Category: Town…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2024-03 Bid Title: New Woodbridge Fire Department Garage Phase 2 - Building Category:…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2024-01 Bid Title: New Woodbridge Fire Department Garage Phase I - Foundations Category:…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2023-09 Bid Title: 2023-09 Dispatch Renovation Category: Town of Woodbridge Bids Status: Open…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2023-12 Bid Title: 2023-12 RFP Former Country Club of Woodbridge Master Plan Category:…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2023-09 Bid Title: 2023-09 Dispatch Renovation Category: Town of Woodbridge Bids Status: Open…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2023-11 Bid Title: 2023-11 Line Painting Services Category: Town of Woodbridge Bids Status:…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2023-10 Bid Title: Small Cities Project 167-PI-01 - 116 Northrop Road, Woodbridge, CT…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2023-08 Bid Title: RFQ - Town Building Committee for Beecher School Capital Projects…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2023-07 Bid Title: 2023-07 Catch Basin Cleaning Category: Town of Woodbridge Bids Status:…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2023-05 Bid Title: 2023-05 Copier RFP Category: Town of Woodbridge Bids Status: Open…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2023-06 Bid Title: RFP For Audio Visual Equipment - Senior Center Category: Town…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2023-05 Bid Title: 2023-05 Copier RFP Category: Town of Woodbridge Bids Status: Open…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2023-04 Bid Title: 2023-04 Fuel Oil Bid Category: Town of Woodbridge Bids Status:…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2023-03 Bid Title: RFQ Renovations / Upgrades - Center Building Category: Town of…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut
Bid Number: 2022-03 Bid Title: RFQ Renovations / Upgrades - Center Building Category: Town of…
Town of WoodBridge | Connecticut