Bid Number: ER 26-02 Bid Title: Dental Benefits FY 2026 Category: Procurement Status: Open Description:…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: ER 26-01 Bid Title: Medical Benefits FY 2026 Category: Procurement Status: Open Description:…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: FO 25-01 Bid Title: EV CHARGING STATIONS RFP CANCELLATION NOTICE Category: Procurement Status:…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: FO 25-02 Bid Title: Generator Wiring for PRC Facility Category: Procurement Status: Open…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: FO-25-01 Bid Title: EV Charging Stations Category: Procurement Status: Open Description: The City…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: RFQ PD 24-01 Bid Title: Wrecker and Towing Services Category: Procurement Status: Open…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: ER 24-06 Bid Title: RFQ Public Defender - ER 24-06 Rev 1 Category:…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: UT 25-02 Bid Title: Extending Regional Support for WWTP Capacity Category: Procurement Status:…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: UT 25-01 Bid Title: Utilities Rate Study and Related Consultation Services Category: Procurement…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: ER 24-06 Bid Title: Public Defender Services Category: Procurement Status: Open Description: The…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: ENG 24-07 Bid Title: RFQ Architectural & Engineering Services for the Design of…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: RFQ PD 24-01 Bid Title: Wrecker and Towing Services Category: Procurement Status: Open…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: DS 24-02 Bid Title: 91st Avenue and Van Buren St Development Services Category:…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: RFP ER 24-05 Bid Title: Life Insurance Benefits Category: Procurement Status: Open Description:…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: PR-IWR 24-05 Bid Title: RFP for Portable Toilets for Special Events Category: Procurement…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: PR-IWR 24-04 Bid Title: RFP for Inflatables, Water Slides & Recreational Activity Equipment…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: PR-IWR 24-02 (Re-issued) Bid Title: RFP for Audio, Lighting & Stage Equipment for…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: PR-IWR 24-03 Bid Title: RFP for Unarmed Security Guard Services for Special Events…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: PR-IWR 24-06 Bid Title: RFP for Tents, Chairs, Tables & Small Stages for…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: ENG 24-06 Bid Title: Safe Streets and Roads for All Safety Action Plan…
City of Tolleson | Arizona
Bid Number: PR-IWR 24-01 Bid Title: Audio, Lighting & Stage Equipment for Special Events RFP…
City of Tolleson | Arizona