WBHS CTE Renovation Addendum 5

Agency: County of Blount
State: Tennessee
Type of Government: State & Local
Posted Date: Apr 5, 2024
Due Date: Apr 11, 2024
Solicitation No: 2024-0113
Original Source: Please Login to View Page
Contact information: Please Login to View Page
Bid Documents: Please Login to View Page

Bid Information

Invitation to Bid
2024-0113 Addendum 5 (WBHS CTE Renovation)
Issue Date & Time
2/23/2024 04:50:44 PM (ET)
Close Date & Time
4/11/2024 02:30:00 PM (ET)
Time Left
5 days 17 hours 39 minutes 13 seconds
Blount County, TN on behalf of the Blount County Board of Education, is requesting SEALED bids for a 53,877 square foot CTE Building renovation and 6,282 square foot addition; and new 5,000 square foot Culinary building for William Blount High School, located at 219 County Farm Road, Maryville, TN 37804. Our goal is to award a General Contractor for the entire scope of the project. Anyone who is interested in providing requirements included in the Base Bid, or either of the Alternates, should work with a GC who is planning on submitting a bid.

References to brand names, numbers or other descriptions particular to specific brand products are made to establish a required level of quality, and are not intended to exclude other products of that level. Submit substitution requests via the process outlined in this bid by the Questions deadline.

The Bid Invitation and all Bid Attachments may be obtained through Blount County's online bidding system at https://blounttn.ionwave.net/login.aspx . If not currently registered with Blount County, vendors are encouraged to register under the Supplier Registration tab and submit their response through the online bidding system at this same link. Manual (hard copy) bid responses are acceptable.

If submitting a hard copy bid response, it shall be submitted to Blount County Purchasing, 385 Court St., Blount County Courthouse Room 319, Maryville, TN 37804. Bid responses, whether electronic or manual (hard copy) submissions, must contain all required information and documentation including, but not limited to, Response Attachments, Bid Attributes, and Bid Lines and be submitted no later than the Response Deadline. Bid responses are not accepted via email or facsimile . Bidders must allow ample time to submit their response. The system does not allow entries beyond the Response Deadline Date / Time.

A copy of the online bid for this project is located under the “Bid Documents” header at the blue “Bid Invitation” link, for Bidders who choose to submit a manual bid. This document will include links to all attachments.

Please review each tab in this system to obtain and respond to required information . Anyone struggling with the access or use of the system should call the Purchasing Department at (865) 273-5740, and we'll be happy to assist you.

When registered, vendors may submit questions via the Questions tab for this ITB in the online bidding system. Please make note of the QUESTIONS and SUBSTITUTIONS deadline. Prior to bid submission, it is the bidder's responsibility to access the online bidding system and ascertain they have received any addenda and viewed answers to published questions and bid accordingly. Questions and substitutions are not accepted after the deadline, even if they are phoned or emailed.

The public bid opening will be held at the response submittal deadline at Blount County Purchasing, 385 Court St., Blount County Courthouse Room 319, Maryville, TN 37804, and attendance is optional. The opening may also be accessed via Zoom at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8101028314, meeting ID 810 102 8314.

Contact Information
Lisa Dyring, Buyer
385 Court Street
Maryville, TN 37804-5906 USA
(865) 273-5742
(865) 273-5746

Bid Documents

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2 items in 1 pages

Bid Invitation

Acrobat / PDF

Public Question & Answer

Acrobat / PDF

Bid Attachments

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23 items in 2 pages

Addendum 4 Notice - ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Addendum 4 Notice - with Final Q&A and Subsitutions 305 KB

Addendum 4 - Specifications ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Addendum 4 - Updated Specifications 257 KB

Addendum 4 - Drawings ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Addendum 4 - Updated Drawings 41.66 MB

Addendum 3 Notice - with Substitution Requests, Q&A ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Addendum 3 Notice 365 KB

Addendum 3 - Specifications ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Addendum 3 272 KB

Addendum 3 - Drawings ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Addendum 3 9.42 MB

Addendum 2 - Special Provisions - Bid 2024-0113.pdf
Addendum 2 - Special Provisions - Updated Questions Due Date 309 KB

Addendum 1 Notice - Pre-bid Minutes, Attendance - ITB 2024-0113 3.8.2024.pdf
Addendum 1 Notice, Pre-bid Minutes, Attendance Sheet, Q&A 905 KB

Addendum 1 - Specifications ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Addendum 1 361 KB

Addendum 1 - Drawings ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Addendum 1 81.48 MB

Addendum 1 - 00 73 00 Supplementary Conditions - ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Update to Supplementary Conditions 111 KB

Bid Cover - 2024-0113 - WBHS CTE Renovation.pdf
Bid Cover & License - Must be attached to the outside of sealed envelope on a manual bid. 49 KB

Bid Form - 2024-0113 - WBHS CTE Renovation.pdf
Bid Form 91 KB

Project Manual - 2024-0113 - WBHS CTE Renovation.pdf
Project Manual 9.83 MB

Drawings - 2024-0113 - WBHS CTE Renovation.pdf
Drawings 91.45 MB

Bid Event Non-Participation Activity

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3 items in 1 pages
3/6/2024 10:00:00 AM (ET)
Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting

A mandatory Pre-bid Meeting will be held on:

Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. ET at:

William Blount High School (WBHS)

219 County Farm Rd, Maryville, TN 37801

Suppliers are to meet at each School's main entrance.

3/27/2024 04:30:00 PM (ET)
UPDATED Questions and Substitution Requests Due

Questions DEADLINE EXTENDED: All supplier questions regarding this ITB are due in the Online Bidding System's "Questions" tab by 4:30 PM on Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Substitutions: Any requests for approval of an alternative product should be submitted via email on the "Substitution Form" on the "Attachments" tab by by 4:30 PM on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 to ldyring@blounttn.org. You will receive an email confirmation of substitution requests. Please call the Purchasing Department at 865-273-5740 if you do not receive a confirmation of your email. Emailed substitution requests will not be accepted after the deadline.

Responses will be returned as quickly as possible.

4/11/2024 02:30:00 PM (ET)
Bid Opening

ITB No. 2024-0113 will be opened:

Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. ET

in the Blount County Courthouse Purchasing Department located at:

385 Court Street, Room 319, Maryville, TN 37804.

This Bid Opening will also be available via Zoom Meeting at: h ttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/8101028314, meeting ID 810 102 8314 .

Attachment Preview

Public Questions & Answers
Event Information
2024-0113 Addendum 5
WBHS CTE Renovation
Invitation to Bid
Issue Date:
Question Deadline: 3/27/2024 04:30 PM (ET)
Response Deadline: 4/11/2024 02:30 PM (ET)
Blount County, TN on behalf of the Blount County Board of Education, is
requesting SEALED bids for a 53,877 square foot CTE Building renovation
and 6,282 square foot addition; and new 5,000 square foot Culinary building
for William Blount High School, located at 219 County Farm Road, Maryville,
TN 37804. Our goal is to award a General Contractor for the entire scope of
the project. Anyone who is interested in providing requirements included in
the Base Bid, or either of the Alternates, should work with a GC who is
planning on submitting a bid.
References to brand names, numbers or other descriptions particular to specific
brand products are made to establish a required level of quality, and are not
intended to exclude other products of that level. Submit substitution requests via the
process outlined in this bid by the Questions deadline.
The Bid Invitation and all Bid Attachments may be obtained through Blount County's
online bidding system at https://blounttn.ionwave.net/login.aspx. If not currently
registered with Blount County, vendors are encouraged to register under the Supplier
Registration tab and submit their response through the online bidding system at this
same link. Manual (hard copy) bid responses are acceptable.
If submitting a hard copy bid response, it shall be submitted to Blount County
Purchasing, 385 Court St., Blount County Courthouse Room 319, Maryville, TN
37804. Bid responses, whether electronic or manual (hard copy) submissions, must
contain all required information and documentation including, but not limited to,
Response Attachments, Bid Attributes, and Bid Lines and be submitted no
later than the Response Deadline. Bid responses are not accepted via email or
facsimile. Bidders must allow ample time to submit their response. The
system does not allow entries beyond the Response Deadline Date / Time.
A copy of the online bid for this project is located under the “Bid Documents” header
at the blue “Bid Invitation” link, for Bidders who choose to submit a manual bid. This
document will include links to all attachments.
Please review each tab in this system to obtain and respond to required information.
Anyone struggling with the access or use of the system should call the Purchasing
Department at (865) 273-5740, and we'll be happy to assist you.
Page 1 of 15 pages
2024-0113 Addendum 5
When registered, vendors may submit questions via the Questions tab for this ITB
in the online bidding system. Please make note of the QUESTIONS and
SUBSTITUTIONS deadline. Prior to bid submission, it is the bidder's responsibility
to access the online bidding system and ascertain they have received any addenda
and viewed answers to published questions and bid accordingly. Questions and
substitutions are not accepted after the deadline, even if they are phoned or emailed.
The public bid opening will be held at the response submittal deadline at Blount
County Purchasing, 385 Court St., Blount County Courthouse Room 319, Maryville,
TN 37804, and attendance is optional. The opening may also be accessed via Zoom
at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8101028314, meeting ID 810 102 8314.
Published Questions
Question: Addendum 4: SUBSTITUTION SUBMITTED: 1. Specified Item: Armstrong ACT, Proposed
Substitution: CertainTeed
Addendum 4: SUBSTITUTION SUBMITTED: 1. Specified Item: Armstrong ACT, Proposed
Substitution: CertainTeed
Rejected - Substitution is not accepted. The owner has Armstrong ACT and grid as a standard in
their facilities and wants to maintain that standard for stocking and maintenance.
Asked: 4/4/2024 08:05 AM (ET)
Question: Specification section 01 50 00 1.07 B: Please clarify if covered walkways are required for this
project. If so, please provide locations for the covered walkways.
Answer: Covered walkways not required.
Asked: 3/27/2024 03:17 PM (ET)
Builders Risk Insurance: The required Builders Risk Insurance to be included by the G.C. can only
cover the contract amount. Since this is a renovation to an existing structure and the value is
unknown the existing building should be covered by the Owner's Property Insurance. Please
Answer: The Builders Risk policy will cover the renovation of the structure/the contract amount.
Asked: 3/27/2024 03:10 PM (ET)
Question: Regarding the response to bidder question #8: The extent of paint removal from the existing
windows in unknown. Please provide an allowance amount or the window count (with dimensions)
that require paint removal.
Answer: Removal of paint should be included in the allowance for window replacement/repair
Asked: 3/27/2024 02:44 PM (ET)
Page 2 of 15 pages
2024-0113 Addendum 5
Question: Drawing C400: It is unclear what site grading is required for the base bid amount if the alternates
are not selected. Please clarify what site grading work to include in the base bid, alternate #1, and
alternate #2.
All grading is to be included within the base bid, except for the grading associated with the 6,159-
sf building to be built within the courtyard of the existing building. Alternate #2 has no associated
site grading.
Asked: 3/27/2024 02:37 PM (ET)
Question: Drawing C500: It is unclear what site storm drainage is required for the base bid amount if the
alternates are not selected. Please clarify what storm drainage work to include in the base bid,
alternate #1, and alternate #2.
All stormwater except for the roof drains for the buildings in Atl. #1 & #2 are included in the base
bid. Alternate #1 should include the splash blocks for the 6,159-sf building to be built within the
courtyard of the existing building. Alternate #2 includes all roof drains
associated with the detached building to the North of the existing building.
Asked: 3/27/2024 02:35 PM (ET)
Question: Drawing C300: It is unclear what site utilities are required for the base bid amount if the alternates
are not selected. Please clarify what site utility work to include in the base bid, alternate #1, and
alternate #2.
The base bid consists of the relocation of the existing fire hydrant on the West side of the existing
building. Alternate #1 includes no site utilities. Alternate #2 includes new natural gas, domestic,
sanitary, & fire service lines to the detached building to the North of the existing building.
Asked: 3/27/2024 02:31 PM (ET)
Question: Drawing C300 - Utility Notes: Utility tap fees and aid-to-construction fees are not currently available
for this project. Please provide an allowance amount for all utility tap fees and aid-to-construction
fees required to be included by the G.C.
Answer: Addendum 5 - Answer Revised:
Utility tap fees:
Water tap and meter
Gas tap and meter
Sewer tap
Fire water tap
Electrical aid to construction
These fees will not be known until after permitting.
Include an allowance of $40,000 for Utility tap fees and aid-to-construction fees. The allowance is
not to be utilized without the express permission of the Owner, and a Change Order must be
signed by the Blount County Purchasing Agent.
3/27/2024 02:27 PM (ET)
Page 3 of 15 pages
2024-0113 Addendum 5
Question: Drawing P109: Gas piping is shown below slab with service risers up to specified equipment.
Would installation of gas piping overhead (above the ceiling) with service drops be acceptable?
Answer: Gas piping in culinary building has been rerouted overhead. See P109 Rev 3.
Asked: 3/27/2024 09:21 AM (ET)
Question: There are 6 access control doors on the prints. Are these existing access control doors or do we
need to add access control to them?
If Alt 1 does not occur I believe that there are 6 access points that we will have to have
our badges to get into the building. Currently there are 4 badge (control???) area that we
have. The main entrance, the two double doors where Alt 1 is planned and a double door
next to where the current culinary classroom is.
Asked: 3/27/2024 08:58 AM (ET)
Question: Drawing A203: Please provide an exact window count for all windows requiring security film.
Answer: All exterior ground floor windows and doors with windows, and doors and windows within the
secure vestibule entry, shall receive security film. See revised information on A101-2 and A203
Asked: 3/25/2024 04:38 PM (ET)
Question: Please clarify if Impact Protection Adhesive is required to be included where the new window
security film is scheduled to be applied.
Answer: New security film should be installed per manufacturer's requirements and
recommendations. Impact Protection Adhesive is not required for standard installation.
Asked: 3/25/2024 04:33 PM (ET)
Drawing A203: There are (2) different window types with the same number "16". Please confirm
base bid window type "16" with the pair of double doors has a total quantity of (1) for door type
C101. Also, please confirm window type "16" for the Culinary Building (Alternate #2) has a total
count of (6).
Answer: Confirmed. Culinary windows have been updated to type 19, see revised drawings.
Asked: 3/25/2024 04:29 PM (ET)
Question: Drawing A500: Is security film required for the new addition (Alternate #1)? If so, please provide
the exact locations and window types where the security film is required.
Answer: Security film is only required on the exterior, there is no new exterior glazing in Alternate 1.
Asked: 3/25/2024 04:22 PM (ET)
Question: Drawing A501: Is security film required for the Culinary Building (Alternate #2)? If so, please
provide the exact locations where the security film is required.
Answer: All exterior ground floor windows and doors with windows, and doors and windows within the
secure vestibule entry, shall receive security film. See revised information on A101-2 and A203
Asked: 3/25/2024 04:22 PM (ET)
Page 4 of 15 pages
2024-0113 Addendum 5
Question: Please clarify if any of the interior windows require security film. If so, please provide the exact
locations where the security film is required.
Answer: Only interior windows within the security vestibule shall receive security film. See revised
information on A101-2 and A203
Asked: 3/25/2024 04:18 PM (ET)
Drawings A101-1 & A101-2: Floor Plan General Note #12 (Security Films): Not all exterior
windows are noted with the corresponding window number from the Window Elevation Detail
Drawing A203. Also, some exterior doors have sidelites that are not listed on the door schedule.
Please provide exact locations and window sizes for all areas that require security film.
All exterior ground floor windows and doors with windows, and doors and windows within the
secure vestibule entry, shall receive security film. See revised information on A101-2 and A203.
Contractor shall field verify counts, sizes, and construction of all exterior windows, sidelites, and
Asked: 3/25/2024 04:17 PM (ET)
Drawing P109 (Culinary Bldg. Alternate #2) - The drawing shows gas piping below the slab. Is the
gas piping to be incased? If so, please provide a detail showing how the casing is to be installed
with the service lines teeing off of the main gas trunk line and please provide what type of material
is required.
Answer: Gas piping in culinary building has been rerouted overhead. See P109 Rev 3.
Asked: 3/25/2024 02:25 PM (ET)
Page 5 of 15 pages
2024-0113 Addendum 5
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.
* Disclaimer: This website provides information about bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) for convenience only and does not serve as an official public notice. Individuals who wish to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the relevant government department directly.

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See Also

Bid Title: RFP 25-007-04 Addendum No. 1 Category: Human Resources/Benefits Status: Open Publish

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Bid Title: SB-I000890 Addendum No. 5 Category: Roads and Bridges Status: Open Publish

Shelby County

Bid Due: 9/17/2024

Name of Solicitation Number Deadline Due Date Buyer Attachments Consulting Services for a

Knox County

Bid Due: 9/12/2024

Event ID and Documents Event Start-Response Due Event Name Last Updated Event 34101-13447

State Government of Tennessee

Bid Due: 9/13/2024