WBHS CTE Renovation Addendum 3

Agency: County of Blount
State: Tennessee
Type of Government: State & Local
Posted Date: Mar 25, 2024
Due Date: Apr 11, 2024
Solicitation No: 2024-0113
Original Source: Please Login to View Page
Contact information: Please Login to View Page
Bid Documents: Please Login to View Page

Bid Information

Invitation to Bid
2024-0113 Addendum 3 (WBHS CTE Renovation)
Issue Date & Time
2/23/2024 04:50:44 PM (ET)
Close Date & Time
4/11/2024 02:30:00 PM (ET)
Time Left
16 days 17 hours 29 minutes 33 seconds
Blount County, TN on behalf of the Blount County Board of Education, is requesting SEALED bids for a 53,877 square foot CTE Building renovation and 6,282 square foot addition; and new 5,000 square foot Culinary building for William Blount High School, located at 219 County Farm Road, Maryville, TN 37804. Our goal is to award a General Contractor for the entire scope of the project. Anyone who is interested in providing requirements included in the Base Bid, or either of the Alternates, should work with a GC who is planning on submitting a bid.

References to brand names, numbers or other descriptions particular to specific brand products are made to establish a required level of quality, and are not intended to exclude other products of that level. Submit substitution requests via the process outlined in this bid by the Questions deadline.

The Bid Invitation and all Bid Attachments may be obtained through Blount County's online bidding system at https://blounttn.ionwave.net/login.aspx . If not currently registered with Blount County, vendors are encouraged to register under the Supplier Registration tab and submit their response through the online bidding system at this same link. Manual (hard copy) bid responses are acceptable.

If submitting a hard copy bid response, it shall be submitted to Blount County Purchasing, 385 Court St., Blount County Courthouse Room 319, Maryville, TN 37804. Bid responses, whether electronic or manual (hard copy) submissions, must contain all required information and documentation including, but not limited to, Response Attachments, Bid Attributes, and Bid Lines and be submitted no later than the Response Deadline. Bid responses are not accepted via email or facsimile . Bidders must allow ample time to submit their response. The system does not allow entries beyond the Response Deadline Date / Time.

A copy of the online bid for this project is located under the “Bid Documents” header at the blue “Bid Invitation” link, for Bidders who choose to submit a manual bid. This document will include links to all attachments.

Please review each tab in this system to obtain and respond to required information . Anyone struggling with the access or use of the system should call the Purchasing Department at (865) 273-5740, and we'll be happy to assist you.

When registered, vendors may submit questions via the Questions tab for this ITB in the online bidding system. Please make note of the QUESTIONS and SUBSTITUTIONS deadline. Prior to bid submission, it is the bidder's responsibility to access the online bidding system and ascertain they have received any addenda and viewed answers to published questions and bid accordingly. Questions and substitutions are not accepted after the deadline, even if they are phoned or emailed.

The public bid opening will be held at the response submittal deadline at Blount County Purchasing, 385 Court St., Blount County Courthouse Room 319, Maryville, TN 37804, and attendance is optional. The opening may also be accessed via Zoom at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8101028314, meeting ID 810 102 8314.

Contact Information
Lisa Dyring, Buyer
385 Court Street
Maryville, TN 37804-5906 USA
(865) 273-5742
(865) 273-5746

Bid Documents

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Bid Invitation

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Public Question & Answer

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Bid Attachments

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20 items in 2 pages

Addendum 3 Notice - with Substitution Requests, Q&A ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Addendum 3 Notice 365 KB

Addendum 3 - Specifications ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Addendum 3 272 KB

Addendum 3 - Drawings ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Addendum 3 9.42 MB

Addendum 2 - Special Provisions - Bid 2024-0113.pdf
Addendum 2 - Special Provisions - Updated Questions Due Date 309 KB

Addendum 1 Notice - Pre-bid Minutes, Attendance - ITB 2024-0113 3.8.2024.pdf
Addendum 1 Notice, Pre-bid Minutes, Attendance Sheet, Q&A 905 KB

Addendum 1 - Specifications ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Addendum 1 361 KB

Addendum 1 - Drawings ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Addendum 1 81.48 MB

Addendum 1 - 00 73 00 Supplementary Conditions - ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Update to Supplementary Conditions 111 KB

Bid Cover - 2024-0113 - WBHS CTE Renovation.pdf
Bid Cover & License - Must be attached to the outside of sealed envelope on a manual bid. 49 KB

Bid Form - 2024-0113 - WBHS CTE Renovation.pdf
Bid Form 91 KB

Project Manual - 2024-0113 - WBHS CTE Renovation.pdf
Project Manual 9.83 MB

Drawings - 2024-0113 - WBHS CTE Renovation.pdf
Drawings 91.45 MB

Terms & Conditions - Bid 2024-0113.pdf
Terms & Conditions 214 KB

Blount County Forms - Sign - ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Load the documents as one attachment on the Response Attachments tab after signing and notarizing where requested. Forms must include: Byrd Anti-Lobbying Form, Background Check, Business & Tax License Affidavit, Conflict of Interest, Debarment Form, Drug Free Workplace, Iran Divestment, Non-boycott of Israel, Non-collusion Form, and W-9 1.33 MB

Project Manual Required Forms - 2024-0113.pdf
Project Manual Required Forms 242 KB

Bid Event Non-Participation Activity

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3 items in 1 pages
3/6/2024 10:00:00 AM (ET)
Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting

A mandatory Pre-bid Meeting will be held on:

Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. ET at:

William Blount High School (WBHS)

219 County Farm Rd, Maryville, TN 37801

Suppliers are to meet at each School's main entrance.

3/27/2024 04:30:00 PM (ET)
UPDATED Questions and Substitution Requests Due

Questions DEADLINE EXTENDED: All supplier questions regarding this ITB are due in the Online Bidding System's "Questions" tab by 4:30 PM on Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Substitutions: Any requests for approval of an alternative product should be submitted via email on the "Substitution Form" on the "Attachments" tab by by 4:30 PM on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 to ldyring@blounttn.org. You will receive an email confirmation of substitution requests. Please call the Purchasing Department at 865-273-5740 if you do not receive a confirmation of your email. Emailed substitution requests will not be accepted after the deadline.

Responses will be returned as quickly as possible.

4/11/2024 02:30:00 PM (ET)
Bid Opening

ITB No. 2024-0113 will be opened:

Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. ET

in the Blount County Courthouse Purchasing Department located at:

385 Court Street, Room 319, Maryville, TN 37804.

This Bid Opening will also be available via Zoom Meeting at: h ttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/8101028314, meeting ID 810 102 8314 .

Attachment Preview

Addendum 03
Renovations to Existing CTE Facilities: William Blount High School
219 County Farm Road, Maryville, TN
Maryville, TN 37801
March 22, 2024
To: Prime contractors and all others to whom drawings and specifications have been issued. This
Addendum forms part of the Contract Documents. It supplements and modifies them as follows:
A. Clarifications:
Please see attached Questions and Answers document.
B. Specifications:
00 00 01 - Table of Contents
27 05 28 - Pathways for Communications Systems
27 05 53 - Identification for Communications Systems
27 15 13 - Communications Copper Horizontal Cabling
C. Drawings:
01_210242_G000_Addendum 03
04_210242_A101-1_Addendum 03
04_210242_A201_Addendum 03
07_210242_M106_Addendum 03
08_210242_E001_Addendum 03
08_210242_E103-1_Addendum 03
08_210242_E103-2_Addendum 03
08_210242_E301-1_Addendum 03
08_210242_E301-2_Addendum 03
08_210242_E302-1_Addendum 03
08_210242_E402_Addendum 03
08_210242_E404_Addendum 03
08_210242_E405_Addendum 03
08_210242_E407_Addendum 03
D. Substitution Requests:
Superior Quiet KD Wardrobe Locker: Condition Approval, Substitution accepted based on
the following criteria: Substituted locker manufacturer to meet requirements for locker size,
accessories, and full color selection as indicated in drawings and specified in Section 10
51 13.
LockersMFG All Welded Metal Lockers: Conditional Approval, Substitution accepted
conditional on the following criteria: Substituted locker product to meet requirements for
locker size, accessories, and full color selection as indicated on drawings and specified in
Section 10 51 13.
Smithbuilt Metals, LLC PEMB: Conditional Approval, PEMB manufacturer substitution is
accepted depending on the following criteria: System compatibility with wall panels, roof
panels, and other accessories specified in Section 13 34 19.
Sika Sarnafil TPO: Substitution not approved. The CTE building was recently reroofed,
the new roof system shall match the existing to ensure continuity of warranty: Carlisle
Syntec Systems 60mil KEE PVC roof membrane system.
E. Attachments:
1. Revised bidder questions list and responses.
2. All drawings and specifications mentioned above.
3. Substitution Request information
Job Number: 210242
299 N. Weisgarber R0ad
Knoxville, TN 37919
(o) 865. 584.0999
University Tower
651 E. Fourth Street, Suite 500
Chattanooga, TN 37403
(o) 423.756.5046
PROJECT: Renovations to Existing CTE Facilities: William Blount High School
DATE Revised: March 22, 2024
Q1: Regarding this bid invitation, do you know the desired start date? If we were to bid this project and be successful, we
need to evaluate and forecast our manpower/staffing.
Answer: The bid award will need to be approved by the Board of Education, then go to May Commission for approval.
The anticipated start date is any time after May 20.
Q2: Is there furniture on this bid? After reviewing the documents, it looks to be all construction related? If not, will there be a
separate bid for furniture?
Answer: Furniture will be provided by Owner. Built-in lockers and casework are part of Contractor’s scope of work.
Moveable furniture is shown on drawings to show design intent only.
1) Door 115.2 on plan sheet A101-1 is not on the door schedule.
Answer: Door is existing to remain and will not be replaced as part of the project scope
2) Door 118.1F on plan sheet A101-1 is not on the door schedule.
Answer: Door added to schedule
3) Door C200A on plan sheet A102-1 is not on the door schedule.
Answer: Door is existing to remain and will not be replaced as part of the project scope
4) Door 110.1A on plan sheet A101-2 is not on the door schedule.
Answer: Door added to schedule
5) Door 106.3 on plan sheet A101-2 is not on the door schedule.
Answer: Door added to schedule
6) Door RR5 on plan sheet A101-1 is not on the door schedule.
Answer: Door added to schedule
7) Door RR6 on plan sheet A101-1 is not on the door schedule.
Answer: Door added to schedule
8) Door C106A on plan sheet A103-1 is shown to be double-acting. Specified hardware (set #8) will not work in a double-
acting application. Would recommend traffic door similar to those used in supermarkets & restaurants.
Answer: C106A should be a double traffic door, Eliason Solid Core HPL Traffic Door w/ 9" x 19" vision windows and
SS Protection Plate, or equal
9) Doors 114.1B, 114.1C, & 114.1D. It is unclear whether these doors are in the base bid or alternate #1.
Answer: Door added to schedule
Answers revised: Addendum 03 2025/03/22
Q4: Should bidders build a contingency/discretionary fund into the bid?
Answer: No. A separate contingency fund will be used for changed orders that will be submitted to the Blount County
Purchasing Agent for approval.
Q5: Are you looking for a GC for this bid or suppliers?
Answer: We are looking for general contractors to submit bids on this project.
Q6: What do we do with current bus ducts and existing equipment connected to them?
299 N. Weisgarber R0ad
Knoxville, TN 37919
(o) 865. 584.0999
University Tower
651 E. Fourth Street, Suite 500
Chattanooga, TN 37403
(o) 423.756.5046
Answer: All panels and transformers, and bus bars, are being replaced. The items not being marked to be replaced will
be removed. See general notes on the Electrical E100 series sheets.
Q7: Are the rooms getting drop ceilings or open ceilings?
Answer: Both. Please refer to the reflected ceiling plans for ceiling types and locations.
Q8: Is the paint on some windows being removed? Is that included in the bid or is the Owner completing that work?
Answer: Removal of paint on existing 2nd floor windows should be included in the base bid
Answers revised: Addendum 03 2025/03/22
Q9: Are specialty shop speakers part of the bid or are those being purchased by Owner?
Answer: Information on the speakers will be provided in an upcoming addendum
Q10: Will there be new ceilings put in hallways?
Answer: Yes. Please refer to the demolition plans and reflected ceiling plans for locations of new ceilings.
Q11: When is the school normal day out? Can we work weekends? Will there be summer school in WBHS?
Answer: School is in session from 7:30 to 3:30 with seasonal extracurricular activities. Weekend work will be
acceptable. There will be summer school held at WBHS, however there should not be any students at the CTE building
during summer school.
Q12: Is the card access system being changed, and is that included in the bid or Owner procured?
Answer: Where there are card readers on doors being replaced, the replaced doors will be tied back into the existing card
reader system where readers currently exist. Any new door with a reader will also be tied back into the existing system.
Bidders should include all electrified hardware as required, the reader will be provided by owner.
Answers revised: Addendum 03 2025/03/22
Q13: Is special glass or film being used and is it included in the bid? Is there bulletproof glass anywhere?
Answer: Yes, see specification Section 08 87 23 Security Films and notes on drawings for application of security film
to all Level 1 exterior glass. Bulletproof glass is not specified on this project.
Q14: Is the new culinary equipment in the bid or owner procured? Are the new connections for that equipment included in the
Answer: See the equipment schedule on the Culinary plan sheet for Owner vs GC provided equipment. Electrical and gas
connections to the existing re-used and new equipment are included in the scope of this project.
Q15: How do we schedule additional site visits?
Answer: Contact Lisa Dyring at the Purchasing Department 865-273-5742, Main Line 865-273-5740
Q16: Is there asbestos to be removed? How much time is needed for that? Do we add that time into our proposed
construction schedule that we submit with our bid?
Answer: Yes, there is minimal asbestos. 14 days per phase (28 days total) shall be included in the bid for proposed
construction days to account for asbestos abatement procedures. The Owner will contract with the abatement contractor
GC to coordinate with the Owner’s abatement contractor on scheduling demolition to reveal portions of existing asbestos
to be abated.
Q17: Do you have an anticipated time for the construction schedule?
Answer: Construction schedule to be proposed by each bidder on the bid form for consideration by Owner.
Q18: Are new sprinkler systems in the bid?
Answer: The new culinary building is sprinklered, and the sprinkler system in the existing building will be modified to
work with the new ceilings and equipment. See the FP series of sheets for fire protection design information.
Q19: Was the pre-bid meeting required for sub-contractors?
Answer: No, it was required for General Contractors who will be submitting bids. Subcontractors should not be
submitting their own bids. The pre-bid meeting was not required for subcontractors, but is always encouraged.
Q20: Are there any requirements for who can complete the epoxy flooring and graphics painting work?
Answer: Yes. Epoxy flooring applicator qualifications are specified in Section 09 67 23 Resinous Flooring. Specific
experience duration and references are required. Interior painting applicator qualifications are specified in Section 09 91
23 Interior Painting. Specific experience duration and references are required.
Post-Prebid question fielded by Mechanical Engineers:
Q21: Wall thickness and type of ductwork?
Answer: All exposed ductwork (as in the ROTC rooms and Media Center) is to be double walled spiral duct. 2) All
concealed low-pressure ductwork in ceilings is to be single wall round. 3) All medium pressure duct between units and
VAV boxes is to be double wall round. 4) Square duct is single walled and oval duct can be an acceptable alternative
pending review by engineer.
Questions added through March 22, 2024
Q22: Specification section 13 34 19 1.06 G: Please confirm this is not a Factory Mutual Certified project. This would add
significant costs to the overall project.
Answer: Project is not factory mutual certified.
Q23: Do you have a Specification Document for Video System?
Answer: If this is referring to the security video, the video will be part of the existing Avigilon system.
Q24: Where the head end is located for the video system?
Answer: The NVR is in the main building but the cameras are IP based so the cabling will need to go to the room near
the office with the data equipment.
Q25: Is the camera system being done through GC or the purchasing department?
Answer: The additional cameras if any are needed will be done separate from the bid.
Q26: Do you need a standalone Video System for CTE School or do they want to have the full visualization between
Answer: The video system is one system between the CTE and the main building.
Q27: Which Avigilon version they have on the Main School?
Answer: Version 7.14
Q28: Do we provide a rack for the NVR or do they have a rack on site?
Answer: The NVR is located in the main building so no rack is needed.
Q29: Do you have any preference for camera types, for example, bullet for exterior and domes for indoors?
Answer: We plan to reuse the existing cameras where possible and additional cameras are to be purchased separate from
the bid.
Q30: Which manufacturer would you prefer for Access control?
Answer: We have an Avigilon control access that is used at both the main building and the CTE building.
Q31: Notes on the utility plans call for CL200 PVC, but the South Blount specs are SDR17 and pex. Can you clarify?
Answer: SDR17 can be used.
Q32: 1. Existing fire alarm system manufacturer (Notifier, Fire-Lite, Siemens, etc.) 2. Existing access control manufacturer
(Continental, Kantech, etc.) 3. Existing camera manufacturer (Avigilon?) 4. Existing security manufacturer (DSC, Bosch,
DMP etc.) 5. Existing fire alarm design for the current system?
1. Fire-Lite
2. We have an Avigilon control access that is used at both the main building and the CTE building.
3. The additional cameras if any are needed will be done separate from the bid.
4. unknown.
5. All existing fire alarm in CTE building to be demolished and upgraded to voice evac system.
Q33: Will existing furniture and equipment be moved or does the contractor need to do that? Will the larger shop and room
equipment be covered prior to construction, if it cannot be moved?
Answer: Existing furniture and equipment will be removed by owner. What is left in the shop spaces will be covered by
owner and left. GC shall be responsible for protecting an existing to remain equipment in place
Q34: What are the working hours allowed?
Allowable working times are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. GC and subs should be aware of peak school traffic times
during the morning and afternoon
Q35: Where is staging location for equipment and dumpsters?
The courtyard outside the ROTC space, and the area in front of the new culinary building are acceptable for staging and
Q36: Which wall graphics are being kept in the ROTC room and how are those being preserved?
All wall graphics in the ROTC space are to remain. The school will cover the graphics, the GC will be responsible for
making sure they stay protected during construction
Q37: There is hallway ceramic tile off the main entrance office. Is that being kept, or replaced with same style of ceramic
tile, or matching other hallways?
All existing floor finish at the entry is to be removed (key note 10). New finish in the lobby and corridor is polished,
sealed concrete.
Q38: Which sections of the specifications and drawings addresses the drainage issue and trees at the entrance of the building?
Are the trees being removed by the contractor?
Answer: C400 and C500 include the grading and the drainage in that area. a tree or two might be removed to achieve
that. Yes, the tree to be removed by the contractor.
Q39: There is a hydrant and a valve at the edge of the ROTC infill (Alternate #2). The project manual only states that the
hydrant is to be removed. Are both pieces of equipment to be removed, and is another hydrant to be installed elsewhere
during this renovation? Has the Fire Marshall signed off on the removal?
Answer: Both the hydrant and the PIV to be removed and replaced. We haven’t received an approval from the fire
marshal yet.
Q40: The project is made up of the Base Bid and the 2 Alternates. The Base Bid is made up of 2 Phases. Based on what has
happened in the past, is there any chance that when the bids come in, that the County will only be able to pay for Phase 1 of
the bid, and request to renegotiate the Base Bid price down to just one Phase, or does the Base Bid award definitely include
both Phase 1 and Phase 2.
The base bid has to include both Phase 1 and Phase 2. There is no chance of doing one and not the other. Alternate 1 is
optional. Alternate 2 is being funded by grant funds separately but within this project.
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.
* Disclaimer: This website provides information about bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) for convenience only and does not serve as an official public notice. Individuals who wish to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the relevant government department directly.

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