WBHS CTE Renovation Addendum 2

Agency: County of Blount
State: Tennessee
Type of Government: State & Local
Posted Date: Mar 20, 2024
Due Date: Apr 11, 2024
Solicitation No: 2024-0113
Original Source: Please Login to View Page
Contact information: Please Login to View Page
Bid Documents: Please Login to View Page

Bid Information

Invitation to Bid
2024-0113 Addendum 2 (WBHS CTE Renovation)
Issue Date & Time
2/23/2024 04:50:44 PM (ET)
Close Date & Time
4/11/2024 02:30:00 PM (ET)
Time Left
21 days 17 hours 36 minutes 14 seconds
Blount County, TN on behalf of the Blount County Board of Education, is requesting SEALED bids for a 53,877 square foot CTE Building renovation and 6,282 square foot addition; and new 5,000 square foot Culinary building for William Blount High School, located at 219 County Farm Road, Maryville, TN 37804. Our goal is to award a General Contractor for the entire scope of the project. Anyone who is interested in providing requirements included in the Base Bid, or either of the Alternates, should work with a GC who is planning on submitting a bid.

References to brand names, numbers or other descriptions particular to specific brand products are made to establish a required level of quality, and are not intended to exclude other products of that level. Submit substitution requests via the process outlined in this bid by the Questions deadline.

The Bid Invitation and all Bid Attachments may be obtained through Blount County's online bidding system at https://blounttn.ionwave.net/login.aspx . If not currently registered with Blount County, vendors are encouraged to register under the Supplier Registration tab and submit their response through the online bidding system at this same link. Manual (hard copy) bid responses are acceptable.

If submitting a hard copy bid response, it shall be submitted to Blount County Purchasing, 385 Court St., Blount County Courthouse Room 319, Maryville, TN 37804. Bid responses, whether electronic or manual (hard copy) submissions, must contain all required information and documentation including, but not limited to, Response Attachments, Bid Attributes, and Bid Lines and be submitted no later than the Response Deadline. Bid responses are not accepted via email or facsimile . Bidders must allow ample time to submit their response. The system does not allow entries beyond the Response Deadline Date / Time.

A copy of the online bid for this project is located under the “Bid Documents” header at the blue “Bid Invitation” link, for Bidders who choose to submit a manual bid. This document will include links to all attachments.

Please review each tab in this system to obtain and respond to required information . Anyone struggling with the access or use of the system should call the Purchasing Department at (865) 273-5740, and we'll be happy to assist you.

When registered, vendors may submit questions via the Questions tab for this ITB in the online bidding system. Please make note of the QUESTIONS and SUBSTITUTIONS deadline. Prior to bid submission, it is the bidder's responsibility to access the online bidding system and ascertain they have received any addenda and viewed answers to published questions and bid accordingly. Questions and substitutions are not accepted after the deadline, even if they are phoned or emailed.

The public bid opening will be held at the response submittal deadline at Blount County Purchasing, 385 Court St., Blount County Courthouse Room 319, Maryville, TN 37804, and attendance is optional. The opening may also be accessed via Zoom at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8101028314, meeting ID 810 102 8314.

Contact Information
Lisa Dyring, Buyer
385 Court Street
Maryville, TN 37804-5906 USA
(865) 273-5742
(865) 273-5746

Bid Documents

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1 items in 1 pages

Bid Invitation

Acrobat / PDF

Bid Attachments

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17 items in 2 pages

Addendum 2 - Special Provisions - Bid 2024-0113.pdf
Addendum 2 - Special Provisions - Updated Questions Due Date 309 KB

Addendum 1 Notice - Pre-bid Minutes, Attendance - ITB 2024-0113 3.8.2024.pdf
Addendum 1 Notice, Pre-bid Minutes, Attendance Sheet, Q&A 905 KB

Addendum 1 - Specifications ITB 2024-0113.pdf
00_210242_Addendum 01_Specifications 361 KB

Addendum 1 - Drawings ITB 2024-0113.pdf
00_210242_Addendum 01_Drawings 81.48 MB

Addendum 1 - 00 73 00 Supplementary Conditions - ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Update to Supplementary Conditions 111 KB

Bid Cover - 2024-0113 - WBHS CTE Renovation.pdf
Bid Cover & License - Must be attached to the outside of sealed envelope on a manual bid. 49 KB

Bid Form - 2024-0113 - WBHS CTE Renovation.pdf
Bid Form 91 KB

Project Manual - 2024-0113 - WBHS CTE Renovation.pdf
Project Manual 9.83 MB

Drawings - 2024-0113 - WBHS CTE Renovation.pdf
Drawings 91.45 MB

Terms & Conditions - Bid 2024-0113.pdf
Terms & Conditions 214 KB

Blount County Forms - Sign - ITB 2024-0113.pdf
Load the documents as one attachment on the Response Attachments tab after signing and notarizing where requested. Forms must include: Byrd Anti-Lobbying Form, Background Check, Business & Tax License Affidavit, Conflict of Interest, Debarment Form, Drug Free Workplace, Iran Divestment, Non-boycott of Israel, Non-collusion Form, and W-9 1.33 MB

Project Manual Required Forms - 2024-0113.pdf
Project Manual Required Forms 242 KB

Non-collusion Affidavit of Subcontractor.pdf
Upload all affidavits together on "Response Attachments" tab. One should be completed by each subcontractor. 42 KB

Optional Forms - Title VI, ACH.pdf
Optional Forms 304 KB

RFI & Substitution Request Forms.pdf
RFI (Request for Information) and Substitution Forms: Use the RFI form to submit requests for information that cannot be submitted via the Questions tab. Submit Substitution Forms to LDYRING@BLOUNTTN.ORG. Questions, RFI and Substitution forms must all be submitted by the QUESTIONS and SUBSTITUTIONS deadline in this ITB. 78 KB

Bid Event Non-Participation Activity

Activity Date Activity Name Description

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3 items in 1 pages
3/6/2024 10:00:00 AM (ET)
Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting

A mandatory Pre-bid Meeting will be held on:

Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. ET at:

William Blount High School (WBHS)

219 County Farm Rd, Maryville, TN 37801

Suppliers are to meet at each School's main entrance.

3/27/2024 04:30:00 PM (ET)
UPDATED Questions and Substitution Requests Due

Questions DEADLINE EXTENDED: All supplier questions regarding this ITB are due in the Online Bidding System's "Questions" tab by 4:30 PM on Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Substitutions: Any requests for approval of an alternative product should be submitted via email on the "Substitution Form" on the "Attachments" tab by by 4:30 PM on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 to ldyring@blounttn.org. You will receive an email confirmation of substitution requests. Please call the Purchasing Department at 865-273-5740 if you do not receive a confirmation of your email. Emailed substitution requests will not be accepted after the deadline.

Responses will be returned as quickly as possible.

4/11/2024 02:30:00 PM (ET)
Bid Opening

ITB No. 2024-0113 will be opened:

Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. ET

in the Blount County Courthouse Purchasing Department located at:

385 Court Street, Room 319, Maryville, TN 37804.

This Bid Opening will also be available via Zoom Meeting at: h ttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/8101028314, meeting ID 810 102 8314 .

Attachment Preview

ITB 2024-0113 WBHS CTE Renovation
Special Provisions
Intent: It is the intent of the Invitation to Bid to procure a contract for Blount County on behalf of
Blount County Board of Education for a 53,877 square foot CTE Building renovation and 6,282
square foot addition; and new 5,000 square foot Culinary building for William Blount High School.
Questions and Answers: Bidders may submit written questions in the Online Bidding System
by 4:30 p.m. ET on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 as indicated in this ITB. Bidders may only rely
on written statements issued by Addendum as official communication. Any oral communications
are unofficial and are not binding on the School.
Pre-Bid Meeting: A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 6 at 10:00
a.m. ET. The location of the pre-bid meeting is at the entrance to William Blount High School.
Bid Due Date and Submissions: Bids must be submitted in the manner described in T.C.A. §
62-6-119 (Required disclosures by Bidders) and are due by 2:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, April 11,
2024. (see online bidding system for location detail). Bids may be submitted in a manual format
or electronically in the Blount County, TN Online Bidding System. Note: Blount County does
not accept responses by facsimile or email. Only responses submitted electronically in the
County’s online bidding system or manually via in person delivery, mail or expedited carrier are
acceptable response formats.
A. Electronic Responses: Bidders may obtain and submit responses electronically by
registering with Blount County, TN at https://blounttn.ionwave.net/login.aspx.
Information can be put into the Online Bidding System as soon as the bid is posted.
Therefore, all required attachments and other requested information to be completed
in the system (attributes, line items, response attachments, etc.) can be loaded in the
system as early as bidders have the information available to complete. We strongly
encourage bidders to begin the process in the system as soon as possible rather than
waiting until the due date to place your information in the system.
B. Manual Submissions: Manual submissions are due in the Blount County Purchasing
office by the date and time specified below. These submissions must also include all
documentation requested in the system to include but no limited to all attachments,
response attachments, attributes and line items.
a. A copy of the final online bid for this service is located under the “Bid
Documents” header at the blue “Bid Invitation” link, for Bidders who choose to
submit a manual bid. This document will include links to all attachments, and
will include line items requiring response and submittal. All “Response
Attachments” in the online bid must be submitted with a manual bid. If
additional space is need for any of the information, please attach a separate
sheet to the document.
b. All manual submissions must have the “Bid Cover” page attached to the
outside of the sealed bid envelope. All bids will be due and opened in the
Purchasing Department’s Office by the bid close deadline. Manual
submissions must include the bid cover page and be contained in a sealed
envelope which shall be labeled on the outside with the following information:
The Blount County Courthouse
Purchasing Department, Room 319
ITB No. 2024-0113
385 Court Street
Maryville, Tennessee 37804-5906
Blount County, TN Bid 2024-1113
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ITB 2024-0113 WBHS CTE Renovation
Term: The term of this contract, if awarded, shall begin upon award and continue through
completion of the work required. The bidder warrants that the pricing stated in their bid is all-
inclusive pricing for the project.
Brand Name or Equal: Any reference to brand name and model is made to establish a required
level of quality, and it is not intended to exclude other products of that level. Comparable products
of other manufacturers will be considered if proof of comparability is provided. It shall be the
responsibility of the vendors to furnish specifications demonstrating the quality of the product
offered. The County may require the bidder to submit, at no cost to the County, additional data if
needed or a sample of the alternate. Failure to provide this data may be considered valid
justifications for rejection of a bid. Blount County shall be the sole judge of whether an alternate
is equivalent to the item specified5.
Taxes: Bid pricing shall include all taxes such as sales, use, excise, etc., now and hereafter
imposed by any federal, state, or other government agency upon the labor and materials
specified, and that all said taxes shall be paid for by the bidder.
Invoices – Payments: Invoices shall be directed to the School's Accounts Payable Department,
Blount County Schools Central Office, 831 Grandview Drive, Maryville, TN 37803 on a monthly
basis. All invoices shall be itemized to include the date of service, description of service, location,
cost and an extended cost (for each line item of the invoice) and any other relevant detail
requested by the Facilities and Capital Projects Supervisor. All service is to be billed no later than
the month following the service completion. The awardee(s) is to submit invoices within a timely
manner during the School's fiscal year and should be submitted no later than the month following
completion. In accordance with Blount County, TN’s payment terms, all payments are due to
Bidder no later than thirty (30) days after the later of the following:
A. the date the performance of the service under the Agreement is completed; or
B. the date the School receives the invoice for services under the Agreement.
Retainage: If the total contract amount for this project is $500,000 or greater, a retainage in the
amount of 5% will be held from each payment application. The successful bidder shall be required
to sign an Escrow Agreement and open an Escrow Account at First Horizon Bank with Blount
County’s Agent. Further information will be provided to the bidder upon issuance of the letter of
Intent to Award.
Start Date and Liquidated Damages: The letter of Intent to Award may be given upon evaluation
of bid responses. The “Notice to Proceed” shall be given upon receipt of approved contract,
Certificate of Insurance, and Performance and Payment bonds from the successful bidder. If
awarded the Contract in accordance with the Bid, the Bidder agrees to begin work immediately
upon receipt of the "Notice to Proceed". The Awarded Bidder and Owner will agree upon a
Construction Schedule, and Awarded Bidder agrees and understands that if the schedule is not
adhered to, they could be required to pay liquidated damages in the sum of $500.00 per calendar
day after the agreed upon completion date.
Authorized to Do Business in Tennessee: Bids shall only be acceptable from bidders that are
properly and currently licensed to do business in the State of Tennessee. If your company is
incorporated in states other than Tennessee, you are required to obtain a Certificate of Authority
to conduct business operations within the state per Tennessee Code Annotated (TCA) § 48-25-
101 and 48-11-309. Application forms for this certificate can be downloaded from the Secretary
Blount County, TN Bid 2024-1113
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ITB 2024-0113 WBHS CTE Renovation
of State web site at http://sos.tn.gov/products/business-services/application-certificate-authority-
ss-4431 or by phoning 615-741-2286.
Bid Deposit (Bond): Bidders must include a bid deposit (bond) in the amount of 5% of their
bid amount with their bid submission. See Section 5 in the Terms and Conditions of this
Invitation to Bid (ITB).
Performance and Payment Bond: The successful bidder will be required to furnish the County
a Performance & Payment Bond for the entire amount of their bid amount. The bond shall be
from a surety company licensed to do business in the State of Tennessee. The bond must be
provided to the Blount County Purchasing Department within ten (10) business days from receipt
of notice of intent to award contract. The bond, in part or all, is to be forfeited to the County in the
event that the terms of the Contract are not met in total by the successful bidder.
Contractor License Requirements: At the time of bid submittal, bidders must have a
current Tennessee Contractor’s License. Contractors must demonstrate compliance with
Tennessee Code, Title 62, Chapter 6, Paragraph 119 by providing evidence of a license in
the appropriate classification before your bid can be considered. Bidders shall complete the
attached Contractor’s License Information Page and include it with your electronic bid submittal.
If submitting a written bid response, bidder shall complete the attached Contractor’s License
Information Page and attach it to their bid envelope. See Section 25 in the attached Terms and
Conditions regarding submission of bids.
Business Tax and License: The successful bidder must not be delinquent on their business tax
or license. The enclosed “Business Tax & License Affidavit” shall be submitted with the bid
response. A copy of the current business license shall be provided upon request by Blount
The successful bidder may be required to obtain a Blount County, TN business license. For more
information regarding this requirement, please phone the Blount County, TN County Clerk’s office,
865-273-5800. The following link is provided for the application for the business license:
application. The application may also be completed online and that application can be found on
the Blount County, TN County Clerk’s Online Services webpage or the following link: online
application under New Business Application. If a Blount County license is obtained, please email
a copy to purchasing@blounttn.org.
Insurance: The successful bidder will be required to provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance
(COI) to the County in accordance with the requirements as noted on the attached insurance
checklist and sample COI. The COI must be submitted to the Blount County Purchasing
Department within ten (10) business days from notice of intent to award, excluding County
holidays. Blount County reserves the right to amend the business days allowed for the COI
submittal. Noncompliance may result in the contract being awarded to the next best bidder. The
bidder must maintain the insurance coverage required by the County while this contract is in force,
and shall provide documentation of such insurance in a form satisfactory to the County Risk
Management Department.
W-9 and UEI – Bidders shall complete and submit the enclosed W-9 form and submit their UEI
(Unique Entity Identifier) with their Responses. UEI must be also submitted for subcontractors.
An EIN will be accepted for subcontractors, but UEI is preferred.
Debarment and Suspension: Bidders shall complete the Debarment Certification in the Bid
Attachments of this ITB shall be notarized and submitted with your bid response.
Blount County, TN Bid 2024-1113
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ITB 2024-0113 WBHS CTE Renovation
Drug-Free Workplace: Contractors with 5 or more employees receiving pay must have a drug-
free workplace program in operation that complies with TCA § 50-9-113. If applicable, the
attached Drug-Free Workplace Affidavit must be notarized and returned with your bid as required
by Public Act 2000, Chapter 918. If not applicable due to number of employees, please state
such on affidavit and submit with your bid response.
Background Check - Prior to the Contractor’s employee having contact with students or entering
school grounds when students are present, the employee of the successful vendor or
subcontractor must submit to a Federal background check. Reference TCA § 49-5-413 as
amended in Public Chapter 1080. This check is at the vendor's expense and is conducted by the
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The successful
Bidder must return the attached compliance form to Blount County prior to performance of
contract work. Information regarding this law and the steps to start the process may be obtained
on the Blount County website at http://www.blounttn.org/740/Purchasing-Documents.
Iran Divestment Act Certification: The successful bidder must comply with TCA Title 12,
Chapter 817. The attached Iran Divestment Act Certification shall be submitted with your bid
Non-Collusion Affidavit and Non-Collusion Affidavits of Subcontractors: The attached Non-
Collusion Affidavits shall be notarized and submitted with your bid response. Bidders are required
to state the party submitting a proposal or bid, that such proposal or bid is genuine and not
collusive or sham; that Bidder has not colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or
indirectly, with an entity or person, to put in a sham proposal or bid or to refrain from bidding, and
has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion, or communication
or conference, with any person, to fix the bid price or of any other Bidder, or to fix any overhead,
profit or cost element of said bid price, or of that of any other Bidder, or to secure any advantage
against the School or any person interested in the proposed contract, and that all statements in
said proposal or bid are true.
Conflict of Interest Form: must be filled out and attached to the Response. Any Bidder who does
business with Blount County or who seeks to do business with the School is to fill out the enclosed
Conflict of Interest Form, whether or not a conflict of interest exists.
If no conflict of interest exists, you must indicate N/A on the form, sign and date it for return with
the response to the ITB. In the event of changed circumstances, an updated form must be filed
with the Purchasing Department within seven (7) business days after the Bidder becomes aware
a conflict of interest exists.
No Agency or Endorsements: The School and Bidder are independent contractors and have
no power or authority to assume or create any obligation or responsibility on behalf of the other
party. The Agreement shall not be construed or deemed an endorsement of a specific company
or product. It is the intention of the parties that the Bidder is independent of the School and is not
an employee, agent, joint venture, or partner of the School, and nothing in the Agreement shall
be interpreted or construed as creating or establishing the relationship of employer and employee,
agent, joint venture or partner, between the School and Bidder or the School and any of Bidder's
agents. The Bidder agrees that the School has no responsibility for any conduct of any of Bidder's
employees, agents, representatives, contractors, or subcontractors.
Blount County, TN Bid 2024-1113
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ITB 2024-0113 WBHS CTE Renovation
Independent Contractor: The Contractor shall be an independent contractor and not an
employee of the School when providing products/services to the School. The employees of the
Contractor(s) shall be considered solely employees of the Contractor(s) and shall not be
considered employees or agents of the School in any fashion. The Contractor(s) shall deliver the
required products/services which are compliant with the rules, policies, and statutes of the local,
state and federal governments. The School shall be legally and financially responsible for the
completion of the full project and ensure the installation services are compliant with the rules and
regulations of the local, state and federal governments.
Gratuities: The officers, employees, and agents of the School may neither solicit nor accept,
favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors or parties to subcontracts. Violations of
this standard by an employee will be reported and addressed through the School's personnel
office. Violations of this standard by an officer or the Superintendent shall be addressed to the
Board Chairman and addressed through the Board policies.
Boycott of Israel: The contractor certifies that it is not currently engaged in, and will not for the
duration of the contract engage in, a boycott of Israel as defined by Tenn. Code Ann. § 12-4-119.
This provision shall not apply to contracts with a total value of less than two hundred fifty thousand
dollars ($250,000) or to contractors with less than ten (10) employees.
Non-Discrimination: The contractor and/or subcontractor hereby agrees, warrants, and assures
that no person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be otherwise
subjected to the discrimination in the performance of this Agreement or in the employment
practices of the contractor and/or subcontractor on the grounds of handicap or disability, age,
race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or any other classification protected by federal,
Tennessee state constitutional, or statutory law. The contractor and/or subcontractor shall, upon
request, show proof of nondiscrimination and shall post in conspicuous places, available to all
employees and applications, notices of discrimination
Failure to Perform: If Bidder is unable to provide the products at the rates quoted in Bidder's bid
or if Bidder fails to fulfill or abide by the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the School may
take the following action(s), in the School’s sole discretion, and Bidder agrees to comply with the
School's action(s):
A. Insist that Bidder honor the quoted rate(s) specified in Bidder's bid;
B. Have Bidder pay the difference between Bidder's rate and the rate of the next acceptable
bid (as determined by the School);
C. Have Bidder pay the difference between Bidder's rate and the actual rate paid for the
needed services on the open market; and/or
D. Terminate the Agreement.
Right to Audit: The School, upon written notice, shall have the right to audit all of Bidder's records
and accounts relating to the Agreement. Records subject to audit shall include, but are not limited
to, records which may have a bearing on matters of interest to the School in connection with
Bidder's products and shall be open to inspection and subject to audit and/or reproduction by the
School or its authorized representative(s) to the extent necessary to adequately permit evaluation
and verification of:
A. Bidder's compliance with the Agreement and the requirements of the solicitation,
B. Compliance with the School’s procurement policies and procedures,
C. Compliance with provisions for computing billings to the School, and/or
D. Any other matters required in the Agreement.
Blount County, TN Bid 2024-1113
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This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.
* Disclaimer: This website provides information about bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) for convenience only and does not serve as an official public notice. Individuals who wish to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the relevant government department directly.

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See Also

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Event ID and Documents Event Start-Response Due Event Name Last Updated Event 34101-13447

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