The Iowa Telecommunications and Technology Commission operating
the Iowa Communications Network (ICN) will be receiving sealed bid
proposals until 3:00 p.m. Central Standard Time, September 3, 2024
ITB 24-035
Brian Clayton – Issuing Officer
Iowa Communications Network
400 East 14th Street
Grimes State Office Building
Des Moines, IA 50319
FAX 515-725-4774
Vendors must comply with all affirmative action/equal employment
opportunity provisions of State and Federal laws.
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Exhibit A
Administrative Issues
Contractual Terms
Technical Specifications For Transport Providers
Evaluation Criteria
Proposal Compliance Form
Terms and Conditions
Authorization To Release Information
Council Bluffs Connection Point Map
1.1 Purpose. The ICN is seeking bid proposals from Vendors capable of providing transport services
between ICN’s location within Council Bluffs, IA and the Coresite DE1 carrier neutral internet exchange
point. Vendors who meet the Chapter 3 requirements for Transport Vendors will have their bid evaluated.
1.2 Schedule and Submission of Proposal.
1.2.1 Questions and Answers. Vendors are invited to submit written questions and requests for
clarifications regarding the ITB. Vendors may also submit suggestions for changes to the
requirements of this ITB. Oral questions will not be accepted or responded to by the ICN. If the
questions, requests for clarifications, or suggestions pertain to a specific section of the ITB, the page
and section number(s) must be referenced.
1.2.2 The questions, requests for clarifications, or suggestions must be in writing and received by
the Issuing Officer before 4:00 p.m., central time, August 16, 2024. The ICN will post the responses
on the ICN web page, by close of business August 20, 2024. The ICN’s written
responses will be considered part of the ITB. If the ICN decides to adopt a suggestion, the ICN will
issue an amendment to the ITB. The ICN assumes no responsibility for verbal representations made by its officers or
employees unless such representations are confirmed in writing by the ICN and incorporated
into this ITB.
1.2.3 Changes and Amendments. The ICN reserves the right to amend the ITB at any time. If the
ICN amends the ITB, the ICN will post the amendment on its web site. It is suggested that all
Vendors check the ICN web page periodically, for updates, amendments, etc. Vendors’ bid
proposals must include acknowledgment of all amendments issued by ICN. If the ICN amends the
ITB after the closing date of receipt of proposals, the ICN may, in its sole discretion, allow Vendors to
amend their bid proposals in response to the ICN’s amendment.
1.2.4 Receipt of Bid Proposals. Bid Proposals must be received at ICN’s office no later than 3:00
p.m. central time September 3, 2024. This requirement is a mandatory requirement and is not a minor
deficiency subject to waiver by the ICN. No bid proposals will be accepted after the date and time
specified. A late bid proposal shall be returned unopened to the Vendor. Additionally, no bid proposal
will be accepted by telephone, electronic mail or facsimile. The bid proposals must be delivered to:
Brian Clayton – Issuing Officer
Iowa Communications Network
400 East 14th Street
Grimes State Office Building
Des Moines, IA 50319 If Vendor sends a Bid Proposal to the ICN, Vendor is requested to provide shipment
confirmation and tracking numbers to the Issuing Officer at
1.2.5 Bid Proposal Opening. The ICN will open bid proposals at 3:00 p.m. central time on September
3, 2024. Vendors may attend the bid opening if they wish, but no price information or any other
information contained in any bid will be made public at that time. The bid proposals and the
evaluation documents created by the ICN will remain confidential subject to Iowa Code Section 72.3
until the evaluation committee has evaluated all bid proposals submitted in response to this ITB and
the ICN has issued a notice of intent to award the contract. The bid proposals submitted and the
evaluation documents created by the ICN will be available for inspection subject to the exceptions
described in Iowa Code Chapter 22 or other applicable law only after the selection process is
3 Vendors must furnish all information necessary to evaluate the bid proposal. Bid
proposals that fail to meet the mandatory requirements of the ITB or that fail to provide all of the
information requested may be disqualified. Verbal information provided by the Vendor shall not
be considered part of the Vendor’s bid proposal. All bid proposals shall be firm for a minimum period of sixty (60) days to allow the
evaluation committee to fully evaluate all bid proposals and make an award deemed to be in the
best interest of ICN and the State of Iowa. The ICN reserves the right to issue an award either
prior to, or beyond the 60 days after proposal deadline if it is in the best interests of ICN, in
ICN’s sole opinion, to do so. If the award is not issued within 60 days, Vendors that submitted
bid proposals will be given the opportunity to confirm that the price and other factors in the bid
proposal, are still valid. By submitting a bid proposal the Vendor agrees to the terms and conditions
contained within this ITB.
1.3 Proposal Format.
1.3.1 Bid Proposals shall be printed on 8.5” x 11” paper. One original and One (1) copy must
accompany each submission. The original bid proposal and copies must be in a package very clearly
marked “ITB 24-035 Bid Proposal”. In addition, one (1) soft copy of the bid proposal shall be provided on
CD or USB drive using Microsoft Word, and Excel software if the proposal includes spreadsheets. If the
Vendor has identified portions of its bid proposal as confidential in accordance with section 1.9, the
Vendor must submit one copy of the bid proposal with the confidential material redacted as required by
section 1.9.4.
1.3.2 To achieve a uniform review process and the maximum degree of comparability, bid
proposals shall be organized in the following manner: Completed Bid Proposal Compliance Form (Attachment 1). If an exception is
made by the Vendor, the Vendor must explain the exception and must describe the Vendor’s
proposed method for dealing with the exception. Exceptions that materially change the terms
of the requirements of the ITB may result in disqualification of the Vendor’s bid proposal. Completed Authorization to Release Information Form (Attachment 3). The
Vendor must sign the Authorization to Release Information form included with this ITB as an
attachment. Failure to sign this Authorization will result in the bid proposal being rejected
outright. Technical Specifications / Service Requirements. The Vendor must provide a
positive statement of compliance to each requirement to have its bid proposal considered.
The bid proposal must fully address each specification and or requirement of the Chapter it
is responding to and explain how the Vendor will accomplish or fulfill each specification and
or requirement. Proposals must identify any deviation from any specification / requirements
of this ITB that the Vendor cannot satisfy. Any deviations from the requirements of the ITB
or requirements the Vendor cannot satisfy may result in disqualification of the Vendor’s
proposal. Vendor’s cost proposal which shall provide a clear description of all facets of the
price proposed for the Chapter of the ITB, Vendor is responding to.
1.4 Clarification of Bid Proposals and Obtaining Information. ICN reserves the right to contact a
Vendor after submission of bid proposals for the purpose of clarifying a bid proposal to ensure mutual
understanding. This contact may include written questions, interviews, site visits, a review of past
performance if the Vendor has provided goods or services to the ICN, or any other political subdivision
wherever located, or requests for corrective pages in the Vendor’s bid proposal. This information may be
used to evaluate the Vendor’s bid proposal. However, (except as provided for in section 5.1.2) the
information received from the Vendor shall not be considered in the evaluation of a Vendor’s bid proposal if the
information materially alters the content of the bid proposal, as determined by the ICN in its sole discretion.
ICN reserves the right to obtain information concerning any Vendor or any bid proposal from any source
and to consider such information in evaluating the Vendor’s bid proposal.
1.5 Cost of Bid Proposal. ICN is not responsible for any costs incurred by a Vendor which are related
to the preparation or delivery of the bid proposal, or any other activities carried out by the Vendor as it
relates to this ITB. The costs of preparation and delivery of the bid proposal are solely the responsibility of
the Vendor.
1.6 Bid Proposal Obligations. The contents of the bid proposal and any clarification thereto submitted by
the successful Vendor shall become part of the contractual obligation and incorporated by reference into the
resulting contract.
1.7 Bid Proposals Property of ICN. All bid proposals become the property of the ICN and the State of
Iowa and shall not be returned to the Vendor. At the conclusion of the selection process, the contents of
all bid proposals will be placed in the public domain and be opened to inspection by interested parties
subject to the exceptions provided in Iowa Code Chapter 22 or other applicable law.
1.8 Rejection of Bid Proposals. ICN reserves the right to reject any and all bid proposals, in whole and
in part, received in response to this ITB at any time prior to the execution of a written contract. Issuance of
this ITB in no way constitutes a commitment by ICN to award the contract. This ITB is designed to provide
Vendors with the information necessary for the preparation of competitive bid proposals. This ITB process
is for ICN’s benefit and is intended to provide ICN with competitive information to assist in the selection of
goods and services.
1.9 Disqualification. The ICN may reject outright and may not evaluate bid proposals for any one of
the following reasons:
1.9.1 The Vendor fails to deliver the bid proposal by the due date and time.
1.9.2 The Vendor states that a service requirement cannot be met.
1.9.3 The Vendor's response materially changes a service requirement.
1.9.4 The Vendor’s response limits the rights of the ICN.
1.9.5 The Vendor fails to include information necessary to substantiate that it will be able to
meet a service requirement.
1.9.6 The Vendor fails to respond to the ICN's request for information, documents, or
1.9.7 Reserved.
1.9.8 The Vendor fails to include a completed, signed Authorization to Release Information Form
(Attachment #3).
1.9.9 The Vendor fails to include a completed, signed Bid Proposal Compliance Form
(Attachment #1).
1.9.10 The Vendor presents the information requested by this ITB in a format inconsistent with
the instructions of the ITB.
1.9.11 The Vendor initiates unauthorized contact regarding the ITB with state employees.
1.9.12 The Vendor’s exceptions to the contract terms and conditions in ITB Chapter 2 and
Attachment #2 materially change the terms and conditions of or the requirements of this ITB.
1.9.13 The Vendor provides misleading or inaccurate responses.
1.9.14 The Vendor’s proposal is materially unbalanced.
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.