State: | Wisconsin |
Type of Government: | Federal |
FSC Category: |
NAICS Category: |
Posted Date: | Aug 29, 2024 |
Due Date: | Sep 30, 2024 |
Solicitation No: | 12363N24Q4216 |
Original Source: | Please Login to View Page |
Contact information: | Please Login to View Page |
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Background: The USDA US Forest Service is advertising for the second year of a 5 year Blanket Purchase Agreement to generate more competitive award pool of vendors. Contractors that were awarded a BPA contract do not need to submit a proposal. The contract renewal will be forth coming in FY2025. This opportunity is for those new entrants that did not receive an awarded BPA in FY2023-2024.
Please refer to “Evaluation Criteria – Instructions to Quoters.” Section of the Solicitation for what constitute a proposal response for submission.
Description of Agreement: The Government is contemplating one of multiple Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA) to provide Timber Marking and Volume Estimation/Cruising Services on an as-needed basis under the terms and conditions of this agreement located on the Ottawa and Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest(s) within the State of Wisconsin and Michigan for a five year period of performance.
Period of Performance: This agreement shall remain in effect for a period of five years unless terminated by either the vendor or the Government with thirty (30) days written notice. The Government may replenish the original pool of available contractors on an annual basis by resoliciting the requirement for the remaining period of performance.
Expected Period of Performance
Base – Date of Award - 15 November 2025
Option 1 – 15 November 2025 – 15 November 2026
Option 2 - 15 November 2026 - 15 November 2027
Option 3 - 15 November 2027 - 15 November 2028
Limitations: The minimum order will be $2,500; requirements for lesser amounts will be acquired as micro-purchases using a Government Purchase Card. Individual call orders under each agreement shall not exceed $250,000; total orders during the duration of each agreement shall not exceed $2,000,000.
Period of Performance: Date of Award to 11/15/2028
(a) This BPA calls for the layout, marking, and/or volume estimation of timber sales on the Ottawa & Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forests. Timber sales contain separate payment units (10-20 per sale of about 20-50 acres in size each on average).
(b) The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, tools, instruments, supplies, transportation, professional services and supervision EXCEPT that which is designated in the Government Furnished Property clause.
(a) Project areas will be on the Ottawa & Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forests and may be located on the Bergland, Bessemer, Kenton, Iron River, Ontonagon, and Watersmeet Ranger Districts. These Districts are located in the Michigan Counties of: Baraga, Iron, Gogebic, Houghton, and Ontonagon. Additional district work locations may be subject to assignment at a later date, pending review and approval of the awarding warranted officer or agent.
(b) Any one or a combination of the following types of harvests, cruising systems, layout, and remarking may be included in future projects. Site specific prescriptions providing further detail will be provided for those projects. Specific methodology and standards for the Technical Requirements to accomplish the GENERAL descriptions given below are defined elsewhere in this Contract.
(c) Keep in mind how the tree will be felled, which will require access for equipment and drop zones for larger trees to avoid damage to residual trees during logging. Marking objectives include establishing skid trails prior to thinning to the desired residual basal area and spacing guidelines between trails, which may result in the target basal area being achieved. There may be scattered inclusions of small, poorly drained pockets, seeps, steep slopes, perched water tables, or shallow bedrock areas; do not designate any trees for removal in these areas unless specifically identified in the prescriptions.
Individuals authorized to purchase under the BPA: Call orders issued under this BPA may be only made by Federal Warranted officials that have the Stewardship IRSC certificate on their warrants. It may not be utilized for requirements funded outside of Stewardship Trust Fund resources.
Aug 16, 2024 | [Presolicitation (Original)] USDA USFS Region 9 Timber Mark & Cruise BPA (Year 2 of 5) |
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CONTRACT NUMBER: 8790 CONTRACT: Sawcutting Dist 10 Percentage of Contract Completed: Not Available
City of Madison
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State Government of Wisconsin
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State Government of Wisconsin
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Project Number Bid Advertisement Date Plans Holder Bid Date Project Name Agency/Institution/Building City
State Government of Wisconsin
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