6th Cycle Housing Element

Agency: American Planning Association
State: Federal
Type of Government: State & Local
Posted Date: Sep 19, 2022
Due Date: Oct 17, 2022
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6th Cycle Housing Element

City of Ridgecrest




Date Issued: Thursday, September 15, 2022

Responses Due: Thursday, October 17, 2022, 4:00 PM


The City of Ridgecrest was incorporated in 1963. Ridgecrest is located in the northeast corner of Kern County at the edge of the Mojave Desert in the Indian Wells Valley. City limits encompass 21.4 square miles. Approximately nine square miles lie within the boundaries of the Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake. Although, within city limits, the area on NAWS China Lake is managed by the Navy.

The population of the City of Ridgecrest is 27,959 (2020 Census). Services provided by the City of Ridgecrest include administration, police, planning and building, transit, parks and recreation, streets, and wastewater management. Fire protection services are provided by Kern County Fire. Water service is provided by IWV Water District. The City has approximately 112 employees. The FY 2022-2023 General Fund budget for the City of Ridgecrest is approximately $19,117,099.

General Information

The City of Ridgecrest is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to prepare the City's 6th Cycle 2023-2031 Housing Element Update, including environmental analysis and clearance documentation under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

Project Objectives

The City is seeking qualified consultants to develop a recommended approach and strategy to:

  • Prioritize and craft an updated Housing Element meeting all state and regional requirements and Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) targets;

  • Ensure proper public engagement;

  • Complete the required CEQA documentation;

  • Use the City's limited resources efficiently; and

  • Ensure that the update is completed on time and is approved by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).

Scope of Work

Under this contract, the selected consultant will prepare an update of the City's Housing Element for the planning period beginning June 30, 2023, and extending to December 30, 2031. This period will cover the term of compliance for the 6th Cycle of Housing Element updates.

At a minimum, the consultant is expected to complete the following tasks:

  1. Existing Conditions and Needs

    1. Review the City's current Housing Element, General Plan, and other supporting materials as needed to gain insight into housing progress and priorities;

    2. Evaluate results from previous housing programs and policies implemented, and their effectiveness.

  2. Regional Housing Need Assessment (RHNA)

    1. Review City's vacant and underutilized land inventory.

  3. Public Participation and Community Engagement

    1. The consultant will propose an appropriate community outreach program that meets State HCD standards and meaningfully engages a broad array of community members in the Housing Element update process. The consultant should lead the engagement. At a minimum the outreach should consist of:

      • Initial presentation to City Council

      • Two Community meetings

      • One stakeholder focus group

      • Online/virtual participation opportunities

Assessment of Housing Needs

The Kern Regional Council of Governments (KernCOG) will provide jurisdictional-specific graphs for required data, including population, demographic, housing, market conditions, and regional comparisons. This information should be incorporated into the update process.

Housing Constraints

Identify potential and actual governmental and nongovernmental constraints for the preservation, protection, or production of housing across income levels within the City.

Existing Housing Element

Review the current Housing Element and identify Ridgecrest's success in accomplishing and implementing the identified goals, policies, and programs, and provide explanations and updates where goals, policies, or programs are in progress, have been abandoned, or have not proven effective.

Sites Inventory

Prepare the sites inventory section of the Housing Element, demonstrating how the City of Ridgecrest will satisfy its RHNA in each income category. This includes identifying safe assumptions, evaluating sites and analyzing potential policy strategies to increase site capacity, demonstrating development viability (per State law), and inputting the information into the HCD's electronic form for submittal with the updated element.

Goals, Policies, Programs, and Qualified Objectives

Identify goals, policies, programs, and quantified objectives to include in the Housing Element to ensure compliance with State law and effective response to the housing needs, constraints, and key priorities articulated through the community engagement process as well as ensuring internal consistency with other elements of the General Plan. This task will include the identification of other General Plan policy updates or revisions needed to ensure consistency.


Work with staff based on analyses of potential areas for rezoning.

Draft Housing Element and Public Hearing

Prepare and submit an administrative draft Housing Element for staff review. Staff will provide a comprehensive set of desired changes. Once edits are complete, prepare a draft Housing Element that is made available to the public and presented to the City Council at a public hearing. Based on Council input, prepare an HCD review draft and submit it to HCD for the mandated review.

Final Draft Hearings, Final Adoption, and Certification

The consultant will work closely with HCD and City staff to respond to any comments and produce a final draft Housing Element for adoption. Present to the City Council at a public hearing. Prepare the final Housing Element, including any changes from the public hearing, and submit it to the HCD for final certifications.

General Plan Amendment (if applicable)

Update the City's General Plan Safety Element as required and identify sections of the General Plan, zoning code, and other adopted plans/regulations identified by staff that may need to be amended to be in compliance with the State law including all tables, maps, etc., consistent with the 2023-2031 Housing Element.

Environmental Document (CEQA)

Prepare all required documents for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review and submittal, including the Initial Study, Mitigated Negative Declaration or Environmental Impact Report, and CEQA Determination. This should include public posting and notice for comment. For budget purposes, the consultant may list different prices depending on the level of analysis that may ultimately be needed.

Other Services to Be Included

  1. It is the Consultant's responsibility to research, collect and verify all information such as existing records and documents including documents furnished by the City in order to complete this project on schedule and within budget.

  2. Provide a detailed project schedule, including major tasks and project milestones, and deliverables.

  3. Prepare monthly progress reports, including budget and schedule status.


Submit seven (7) hard copies and electronic (editable native files and final publishable version) files of final versions of all documents/products, including one unbound version and an electronic version in PDF format.

Note: All plans, documents, and drawings both in printed and electronic formats prepared by the consultant for the City are property of the City of Ridgecrest and are to be submitted to the City.

Submittal and Review Process

  1. Applicant questions: All questions regarding the RFP shall be submitted in writing to Heather Spurlock, City Planner, at hspurlock@ridgecrest-ca.gov . Questions and responses will be posted on the City website.

  2. Submittal deadline: Late submittals will not be accepted.

  3. Format and Delivery:

All submittals must follow the format described in this section.

Four (4) bound copies of the submittal, one (1) unbound, reproducible copy, and one thumb drive (or other digital media) containing a PDF copy must be submitted. Each submittal shall be on 8 ½" x 11" pages.

Submittals shall be placed in a clearly marked envelope, titled Housing Element Update and hand-delivered or mailed to:

Attn: Ricca Charlon, City Clerk

City of Ridgecrest

100 W. California Ave.

Ridgecrest, CA 93555

  1. Submittals will not be returned.

  2. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to alter the selection process in any lawful way, to postpone the selection process for its own convenience at any time, and to waive any non-substantive defects in the RFP or the proposals.

  3. The City proposes to shortlist and interview the most qualified firms for consideration during the RFP process, and to modify work plans and scope during negotiations. The City reserves the right to negotiate with other qualified persons or firms, or to solicit additional statements of qualifications at any point in the project should it fail to negotiate a reasonable fee with the initially selected person or firm or should that firm fail to execute the City's agreement.

Proposed Timeline

September 15, 2022 ? RFP available on the City of Ridgecrest website

October 17, 2022 ? Proposals Due at 4 PM PST

October 20, 2022 ? Interviews if necessary

November 2, 2022 ? Recommendation to City Council and selection of Consultant

Proposal Content

The proposal should include the following:

  1. Firm or Person Introduction: including information such as the form of organization, length of time in business, office location(s), number of staff, and general summary of qualifications documenting the strengths of the firm or person, areas of expertise, and licensing.

  2. Approach: the person or firm's project management practices, methodologies, and processes.

  3. Project Experience: List specific planning experience that is related to the type of service required by the project. Project experience should list the type of work provided with the client's contact information for each project. If sub-consultants are proposed, include information on joint work, if any, and their roles in those projects.

  4. Work Plan: detailed work plans with estimated hours by task or project phase.

  5. Key Staff: including the identification of the Principal-in-Charge and key staff. This selection should identify the qualifications and related experience in project management services. Including an organizational chart for this project.

  6. References: Provide client references, for similar projects in the past five (5) years, that have work experience with the project team and companies proposed for assignment to this project. Furnish the name, title, address, and telephone number of the person(s) at the client reference who is most knowledgeable about the work performed and can comment on the professional qualifications/expertise of the staff.

  7. Litigation: a list of any current litigation to which the firm or person are parties by virtue of their professional service, in addition to a list of any such litigation from the past ten years.

  8. Disclosure: any past, ongoing, or potential conflicts of interest that the firm or person may have as a result of performing the anticipated work.

  9. Professional Fees: Include standard hourly fees and charges.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Firm Qualifications

  • Project Team Members' Technical Experience

  • Project Team Members' Graphic Presentation

  • Understanding of Project Issues and Expected Results

  • Quality of Proposed Work

  • Quality of References

Request Type


Request Type



Monday, October 17, 2022

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