Strategic Planning Consultant Services
Emailed responses due:
Monday, September 9, 2024, 5:00 PM Local Time
Lane County
County Administration
125 E 8th Ave
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Notice to Offerors
Pursuant Lane County Contracting Policy 20.300.200, Lane County will receive offers for:
Strategic Planning Consultant Services
Monday, September 9, 2024, 5:00 PM local time
Submitted to:
Laura Holtgrieve, Executive Assistant to the Lane County Administrator
Single Point of Contact during solicitation process:
Same as above
Project Description
In general, the Scope of Work includes assisting Lane County with the development of a new
multi-year County Strategic Plan. Lane County has a solid foundational Strategic Plan with
strategic priorities, initiatives, and activities that we desire to continue to evolve, focus,
reaffirm, enhance and or adjust based on a robust engagement effort. While we do not
anticipate a significant departure from our existing core framework, we want to ensure that
equity, inclusion, and the use of data are woven throughout the process to inform and clarify
our goals and strategic priorities. We would like to continue to evolve and mature our current
Strategic Plan to ensure we remain focused as an organization based on the current context.
The County expects the strategic planning process to be led by Jeff Kincaid, Senior
Operational Analyst in consultation with Steve Mokrohisky, our County Administrator. This
work will generally involve a core group of more than 25 county personnel including County
Commissioners, directors and managers, with the final decision-making for adoption being
made by the Board of County Commissioners. More general coordination efforts,
presentations and engagement opportunities will be required to involve interested community
members, stakeholders, and county employees.
The full Scope of Work is outlined in Attachment A.
Solicitation Documents
Interested parties may download a complete set of solicitation documents from the Lane
County Procurement & Purchasing webpage at: Changes to the
solicitation document will be made only by written addendum. County will publish notice of
addenda on the same webpage stated above.
Offers properly submitted and received will be opened immediately following the time offers
are due, and a list of the Offerors will be promptly sent to all such offerors.
Pre-Offer Conference
None Scheduled.
Not Required.
2.1 Offer Preparation. Offerors are responsible to read and understand all portions of the
solicitation documents, including attachments and addenda, if any, and to include all
requirements in their submittals. To be responsive, offers must be made in writing, and
address the background, information, questions, criteria, and requests for information
contained in the solicitation. Offers must be submitted in the required form and
containing all required documents and responses, be signed by the Offeror or its
Strategic Planning Consultant Services – August 2024
authorized representative, and submitted in the manner and number described in the
2.2 Addenda. Changes to the solicitation document will be made only by written addendum.
County will publish notice of addenda on the same County webpage stated above.
Offerors should frequently check the webpage until closing, i.e., at least once weekly
until the week of Closing and at least once daily the week of Closing. Addenda shall not
be issued without 72 hours of Closing unless the addendum also extends the Closing.
The requirements or clarifications contained in any addenda issued must be included in
the offers received and will become part of any resulting contract.
2.3 Offers Subject to Oregon Public Records Law. Offers submitted in response to this
solicitation become public records under Oregon law and, following contract award, will
be subject to disclosure to any person or organization that submits a public records
request. Offerors are required to acknowledge that any submitted materials may be
disclosed in its entirety to any person or organization making a records request, except
for such information as may be exempt from disclosure under the law. If an offer contains
any information that is considered trade secret under ORS 192.345(2), that information
must be marked with the following:
“This data constitutes a trade secret under ORS 192.345(2) and shall not be disclosed
except in accordance with the Oregon Public Records Law, ORS 192.”
The Oregon Public Records Law exempts from disclosure only bona fide trade secrets,
and the exemption from disclosure applies only “unless the public interest requires
disclosure in the particular instance.” ORS 192.345(2). Note that cost or price
information must be open to public inspection.
If the County receives a records request, including subpoena, covering information the
Offeror believes is covered by an applicable public records exemption, it is the Offeror’s
responsibility to defend and indemnify the County for any costs associated with
establishing such an exemption.
2.4 Nondiscrimination. Submittal of an offer in response to this solicitation evidences
offeror’s agreement that in performing the work called for by this solicitation and in
securing and supplying materials offeror has not and will not discriminate against: 1)
any person on the basis of race, color, religious creed, political ideas, sex, sexual
orientation, source of income, age, marital status, physical or mental handicap,
national origin or ancestry unless the reasonable demands of employment are such
that they cannot be met by a person with a particular physical or mental handicap; and
2) a subcontractor in the awarding of a subcontract because the subcontractor is a
minority, woman, or emerging small business certified under ORS 200.055, or a
business enterprise that is owned or controlled by, or that employs a veteran as
defined in ORS 408.225.
2.5 Offer Submission. Offers must be received by the time and date stated for receipt in
the solicitation. To be considered, offers must be submitted in the form and manner
stated in the solicitation, complete with an Offeror’s Statements & Certifications Form
signed by the Offeror or its authorized representative, responses to all criteria and
requirements included in the solicitation, other documents required to be submitted, if
any, and contain the number of copies required.
By submitting an offer, Offeror acknowledges that the Offeror has read and understands
the terms and conditions applicable to this solicitation and accepts and agrees to be
bound by the terms and conditions of the contract, including the obligation to perform
the scope of work and meet the performance standards.
2.6 Submittal Format. To be considered, offers must be submitted electronically in
accordance with all the following instructions:
Strategic Planning Consultant Services – August 2024
2.6.1 Offers must be submitted as an attachment to an email, submitted to the email
address stated above,
2.6.2 The subject line of the email must clearly identify the submission as a response
to this specific solicitation,
2.6.3 Unless otherwise stated in the Offer Requirements, documents may be
submitted in PDF format only, and
2.6.4 Offers must not include .zip files and cannot be more than 30 megabytes in size.
2.7 Correction, Withdrawal, and Late Submissions. An Offeror may withdraw its offer at
any time prior to the deadline set for receipt of offers, by email to the person identified
for receipt of offers and may submit a new sealed offer in the manner stated in the
solicitation. The County will not consider offers received after the time and date indicated
for receipt of offers. An Offeror may not modify its offer after it has been submitted to the
public officer, other than to address minor informalities as defined by the County, unless
the offer is withdrawn and resubmitted as described above.
3.1 Clarifications. If an Offer finds discrepancies or omissions in the solicitation documents,
or is in doubt as to their meaning, the Offeror must immediately notify the public officer
designated for receipt of offers or other person identified for submission of questions.
If the public officer believes a clarification is necessary, an addendum will be issued in
writing not less than 72 hours prior to the deadline for receipt of offers, and available on
the County's Procurement & Purchasing webpage listed above. Addenda issued within
72 hours of Closing will also postpone the date for submission of offers. The
requirements or clarifications contained in any addenda so issued must be included in
the offers received and will become part of any resulting contract.
The apparent silence of the solicitation documents regarding any detail, or the apparent
omission from the solicitation of a detailed description concerning any point, means that
only the best commercial or professional practice, material, or workmanship is to be
3.2 Protest of Solicitation Documents. A prospective Offeror may protest the competitive
selection process or provisions in the solicitation documents if the prospective Offeror
believes the solicitation process is contrary to law or that a solicitation document is
unnecessarily restrictive, legally flawed, or improperly specifies a brand name pursuant
to the requirements of Lane Manual Contracting Policy 20.700. Any written protest must
be submitted to the public officer identified for receipt of offers in the solicitation not less
than 7 days prior to the deadline for submission of offers.
Lane County will consider the protest if the protest is timely filed and contains all the
following items:
• Sufficient information to identify the solicitation that is the subject of the protest;
• The grounds that demonstrate how the procurement process is contrary to law or
how the solicitation document is unnecessarily restrictive, is legally flawed or
improperly specifies a brand name;
• Evidence or supporting documentation that supports the grounds on which the
protest is based; and
• The protest must state the changes to the procurement process or the solicitation
document that the prospective Offeror believes will remedy the conditions upon
which the protest is based.
If the protest meets these requirements, the County will consider the protest and issue
a decision in writing. If the protest does not meet these requirements, the County will
promptly notify the prospective Offeror that the protest is untimely or that the protest
Strategic Planning Consultant Services – August 2024
failed to meet these requirements and give the reasons for the failure. The County will
issue its decision on the protest not less than 3 business days before offers are due,
unless a written determination is made by the County that circumstances exist that justify
a shorter time limit.
4.1 Offers Held Until Time for Opening. The County will not examine any offer prior to
4.2 Late Submissions. Any offer or modification received after the designated deadline will
not be opened or considered.
4.3 Inspection of Offers Submitted. The offers submitted will be open to public inspection
after the issuance of notice of intent to award, with the exception of any information
covered by an exemption to disclosure.
5.1 Responsiveness. Offers will be reviewed by the public officer for responsiveness to the
minimum requirements established by the solicitation, which include, but are not limited
• Submission of a completed Offer Statements & Certifications Form in the form
included in Attachment B.
• Compliance with solicitation procedures, public contracting laws, and the
requirements of the Lane Manual.
• Application of any applicable preferences for goods and services that have been
manufactured, produced, or performed in Oregon (ORS 279A.120), Resident
Bidders (ORS 279A.120), recycled materials (ORS 279A.125), or printing performed
within the State (ORS 282.210).
5.2 Offer Evaluation. The County will evaluate offers based on the requirements in
Attachments B, the applicable standards of Responsibility to complete the Scope of
Work included in Attachment A, which include overall price, qualifications, experience,
resources, proposed services, Offeror’s past record of performance, and any other
factors identified in the solicitation document.
In evaluating offers and selecting a contractor, Lane County reserves the right to:
• Reject any and all offers not in compliance with all prescribed procedures,
requirements, rules, or laws, and may reject for good cause any and all offers upon
the County's finding that it is in the public interest to do so,
• Issue subsequent solicitations for the same or similar scope of work,
• Not award a contract,
• Waive any irregularities or informalities,
• Accept the offer which the County deems to be the most beneficial to the public and
Lane County,
• Utilize procedures for Competitive Range, Multi-tiered, and Multistep Proposals
pursuant OAR 137-047-0261.
• Negotiate with any Offeror to further amend, modify, redefine, or delineate its offer,
• Negotiate and accept, without re-advertising, the offer of the next-highest scored
Offeror, in the event that a contract cannot be successfully negotiated with the
selected Offeror, which may occur prior to the time a final recommendation for
award is made for executive approval, and
• Further question any Offeror to substantiate claims of experience, background
knowledge, and ability.
5.3 Mistakes in Offers. County shall reject any Offer in which a mistake is evident on the
face of the Offer and the intended correct Offer is not evident or cannot be substantiated
Strategic Planning Consultant Services – August 2024
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.