General Terms and Conditions
ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS - Contractors shall comply with all management and
administrative requirements established by Washington Administrative Code (WAC), the
Revised Code of the State of Washington (RCW), and any subsequent amendments or
modifications, as applicable to providers licensed in the State of Washington.
ALL proposals submitted become the property of Clark County. It is understood and agreed
that the prospective Proposer claims no proprietary rights to the ideas and written materials
contained in or attached to the proposal submitted. Clark County has the right to reject or
accept proprietary information.
AUTHORSHIP - Applicants must identify any assistance provided by agencies or indivi-
duals outside the proposers own organization in preparing the proposal. No contingent
fees for such assistance will be allowed to be paid under any contract resulting from this
independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of
restricting competition. This does not preclude or impede the formation of a consortium
of companies and/or agencies for purposes of engaging in jointly sponsored proposals.
INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - Clark County has made this RFP subject to Washington
State statute RCW 39.34. Therefore, the proposer may, at the proposers option, extend
identical prices and services to other public agencies wishing to participate in this RFP.
Each public agency wishing to utilize this RFP will issue a purchase order (or contract)
binding only their agency. Each contract is between the proposer and the individual agency
with no liability to Clark County.
LIMITATION - This RFP does not commit Clark County to award a contract, to pay any
costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this RFP, or to procure or contract for
services or supplies.
CANCELLATION OF AWARD - Clark County reserves the right to immediately cancel an
award if the contractual agreement has not been entered into by both parties or if new state
regulations or policy make it necessary to change the program purpose or content,
discontinue such programs, or impose funding reductions. In those cases where
negotiation of contract activities are necessary, Clark County reserves the right to limit the
period of negotiation to sixty (60) days after which time funds may be unencumbered.
CONFIDENTIALLY - Proposer shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws
governing the confidentiality of information.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST - All proposals submitted must contain a statement disclosing
or denying any interest, financial or otherwise, that any employee or official of Clark County
or the appropriate Advisory Board may have in the proposing agency or proposed project.
CONSORTIUM OF AGENCIES - Any consortium of companies or agencies submitting a
proposal must certify that each company or agency of the consortium can meet the
requirements set forth in the RFP.
COST OF PROPOSAL & AWARD - The contract award will not be final until Clark County
and the prospective contractor have executed a contractual agreement. The contractual
agreement consists of the following parts: (a) the basic provisions and general terms and
conditions, (b) the special terms and conditions, (c) the project description and goals
(Statement of Work), and (d) the budget and payment terms. Clark County is not
responsible for any costs incurred prior to the effective date of the contract. Clark County
reserves the right to make an award without further negotiation of the proposal submitted.
Therefore, the proposal should be submitted in final form from a budgetary, technical, and
programmatic standpoint.
DISPUTES - Clark County encourages the use of informal resolution to address complaints
or disputes arising over any actions in implementing the provisions of this RFP. Written
complaints should be addressed to Clark County – Purchasing, P.O. Box 5000, Vancouver,
Washington 98666-5000.
policy of Clark County to require equal opportunity in employment and services subject
to eligibility standards that may be required for a specific program. Clark County is an
equal opportunity employer and is committed to providing equal opportunity in
employment and in access to the provision of all county services. Clark County's Equal
at This commitment applies regardless of
race, color, religion, creed, sex, marital status, national origin, disability, age, veteran
status, on-the-job injury, or sexual orientation. Employment decisions are made without
consideration of these or any other factors that are prohibited by law. In compliance with
department of Labor Regulations implementing Section 504 of the rehabilitation Act of
1973, as amended, no qualified handicapped individual shall be discriminated against
in admission or access to any program or activity. The prospective contractor must agree
to provide equal opportunity in the administration of the contract, and its subcontracts or
other agreements.
MUNICIPAL RESEARCH and SERVICE CENTER - Clark County (WA) contracts with
the Municipal Research and Service Center (MRSC) to maintain our Consultant, Small
Works and Vendor rosters. To be eligible to participate in this Clark County public
solicitation and the resulting contract, your business must be registered with the MRSC
Rosters. Failure to register may result in your proposal being marked nonresponsive.
Be sure to select Clark County in your application. If you have questions about the
registration process, contact the MRSC Rosters at 206-436-3798 or
LATE PROPOSALS - A proposal received after the date and time indicated above will not
be accepted. No exceptions will be made.
ORAL PRESENTATIONS - An oral presentation may be required of those prospective
contractors whose proposals are under consideration. Prospective contractors may be
informed that an oral presentation is desired and will be notified of the date, time and
location the oral presentation is to be conducted.
OTHER AUDIT/MONITORING REQUIREMENTS - In addition, auditing or monitoring for
the following purposes will be conducted at the discretion of Clark County: Fund
accountability; Contract compliance; and Program performance.
PRICE WARRANT - The proposer shall warrant that the costs quoted for services in
response to the RFP are not in excess of those which would be charged any other individual
or entity for the same services performed by the prospective contractor, in a similar
socioeconomic, geographical region.
PROTESTS - Must be submitted to the Purchasing Department.
PUBLIC SAFETY - May require limiting access to public work sites, public facilities, and
public offices, sometimes without advance notice. The successful Proposer’s employees
and agents shall carry sufficient identification to show by whom they are employed and
display it upon request to security personnel. County project managers have discretion
to require the successful Proposer’s employees and agents to be escorted to and from
any public office, facility or work site if national or local security appears to require it.
ACCEPTANCE or REJECTION OF PROPOSALS - Clark County reserves the right to
accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this RFP, to negotiate with any
or all prospective contractors on modifications to proposals, to waive formalities, to
postpone award, or to cancel in part or in its entirety this RFP if it is in the best interest of
Clark County to do so.
SUBCONTRACTING - No activities or services included as a part of this proposal may
be subcontracted to another organization, firm, or individual without the approval of
Clark County. Such intent to subcontract shall be clearly identified in the proposal. It is
understood that the contractor is held responsible for the satisfactory accomplishment
of the service or activities included in a subcontract.
VERBAL PROPOSALS - Verbal proposals will not be considered in making the award of
any contract as a result of this RFP.
WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE – The contractor shall comply with R.C.W.
Title 51- with minimum coverage limits of $500,000 for each accident, or provide
evidence that State law does not require such coverage.
Clark County ADA Office: V: 564-397-2322
INDEPENDENT PRICE DETERMINATION - The prospective contractor guarantees that,
in connection with this proposal, the prices and/or cost data have been arrived at
Request for Proposal #889
Solid Waste Financial Consulting
Part I
Proposal Requirements
Section IA
1. Introduction
General Information
Clark County Public Health’s Solid Waste Operations program is seeking an experienced solid
waste financial consultant to assist in financial analysis of multiple solid waste projects over
the next few years.
Clark County (WA) contracts with the Municipal Research and Service Center (MRSC) to
maintain our Consultant, Small Works and Vendor Rosters. To be eligible to participate in this
Clark County public solicitation and the resulting contract your business must be registered
with the MRSC Rosters. Failure to register may result in your proposal being marked
nonresponsive. Be sure to select Clark County in your application. If you have questions
about the registration process, contact the MRSC Rosters at 206-436-3798 or
If your company contact details are not on the Plan Holder List at
Attachment B, Letter of Interest must be submitted to participate in this RFP.
Proposers shall respond to all sections to be considered.
Clark County has made this Request for Proposal subject to Washington State statute RCW
39.34 Interlocal Cooperation Act. The proposer may opt to extend identical services and prices
to qualified public agencies. Each contract is between the proposer and individual agency
binding only their agency, with no liability to Clark County.
2. Background
Clark County Solid Waste Operations is in the process of updating the Comprehensive Solid
Waste Management Plan (CSWMP). The CSWMP will guide the County in solid waste and
recycling activities over the next several years. To assist in the implementation of the identified
activities, the County is seeking proposals for assistance in the development of financial
projections to include in the CSWMP.
The County will also perform an assessment of the financial impacts and/or a study of the cost-
benefit analysis of public versus private ownership of the transfer stations. The details of that
study will be developed in discussions with the Regional Solid Waste Systems Steering
Committee (RSWSSC).
Additional projects related to ad hoc rate adjustment requests from various solid waste contracts
are also anticipated to be included in this scope of work.
3. Scope of Project
The results and finds of this solid waste financial analysis work will provide the County with a
projection of revenues and expenses and provide the basis for the County to evaluate future
impacts to rates to support operating and capital activities.
4. Project Funding
Allocation of funds for this RFP will be established based on the funds requested in the selected
Request for Proposal #889
Solid Waste Financial Consulting
5. Title VI
Title VI Statement
Clark County, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78
Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d‐4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that
it will affirmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement,
disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in
response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or
national origin in consideration for an award.
El Condado de Clark, de acuerdo con las disposiciones del Título VI de la Ley de Derechos
Civiles de 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d a 2000d‐4) y el Reglamento, por la presente
notifica a todos los postores que se asegurará afirmativamente de que cualquier contrato
celebrado de conformidad con este anuncio, las empresas comerciales desfavorecidas tendrán
la oportunidad plena y justa de presentar ofertas en respuesta a esta invitación y no serán
discriminadas por motivos de raza, color u origen nacional en consideración a un laudo.
6. Timeline for
The following dates are the intended timeline:
Pre-Submittal Meeting
Deadline for Questions and Answers
Final date for Addendum, if needed
Proposals Dues
Proposal Review/Evaluation Period
Selection Committee Recommendation
Contract Negotiation/Execution
Contract Intended to Begin
April 8, 2024
April 17, 2024
April 19, 2024
April 24, 2024
April 25 – May 10, 2024
May 6 – 10, 2024
May 13, 2024
May 15 - 31, 2024
June 1, 2024
7. Employment
The Contractor, if awarded the Contract, shall register and enter into a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with the Department of Homeland Security E-Verify program before
execution of the Contract. The Contractor shall ensure all Contractor employees and any sub-
contractor(s) assigned to perform work under this Agreement are eligible to work in the United
States. The Contractor shall provide verification of compliance upon County request. Failure by
Contractor to comply with this subsection shall be considered a material breach.
(Sole Proprietors must submit a letter stating such.)