Issue Date: 07/31/2024
Contract Number: TBD
Sexually Transmitted Infection Clinical and Lab Services
The intent of these specifications is to furnish information to prospective bidders to obtain proposals to provide sexually transmitted infection clinical services per New York State Department of Health regulations.
The County is responsible for providing diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STI) also referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STD) under Public Health Law §2300 et seq. and 10 NYCRR 40-2.20 (part 23, section 23.2 of the New York State Sanitary Code).
Scope of Services
Contractor must be a licensed Article 28 Diagnostic and Treatment Center.
The Contractor shall provide sexually transmitted disease services (hereinafter referred to as "services") to residents of Tompkins County as outlined in NYCRR Title 10 Health sections 23.1 – 23.3, 23.5), Chapter I, of the Sanitary Code as outlined in Appendix A Scope of Services.
Clients shall be seen by the Contractor within three workdays, Monday through Friday. Priority clients identified by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), or the County will be seen on a walk-in basis the day of presentation.
The Contractor shall universally assess all County STI clients for Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and HPV vaccination status and administer such vaccine(s) if needed. Contractor shall document Hep A/B and/or HPV assessment and vaccination in client records. Contractor shall routinely access New York State Immunization Information System (NYSIIS) to obtain STI client vaccination status and to upload vaccinations Contractor administers. When referrals for subsequent vaccinations are indicated, Contractor shall provide referral notice to the County monthly or sooner based on vaccine dosage schedule.
The Contractor agrees to immediately notify, by telephone, New York State Department of Health Investigators with information as required by NYSDOH regarding positive Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Chancroid and LGV cases within 24 hours.
The Contractor shall identify and prioritize cases for partner notification (section 23.5) and refer these to the New York State Department of Health.
In rare instances the New York State Department of Health may need to intervene to obtain field blood from a recalcitrant client. Sampling supplies, labeling and specimen handling/shipping shall be handled by the Contractor.
Contractor shall routinely screen for Hepatitis C and refer clients for treatment when indicated. The County is not responsible for payment for treatment.
Preference will be given to those Contractors participating or are willing to enroll as a New York State Vaccine for Adult (VFA) provider to specifically administer Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and HPV vaccines to STI clients at the point of care.
Contractor shall provide Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) following the Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) to treat persons exposed to Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and/or Trichomoniasis, NYSDOH Position Statement 2021 (Appendix B).
Contractor is a PrEP provider and shall assist clients needing financial assistance to access PrEP.
Standards and guidelines of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, New York State Department of Health STD Control Guidelines (Appendix C) will be adhered to in the operation of services. Contractor will provide STI services in compliance with professional licensing requirements of the NYS Education Department.
Contractor’s proposal shall include lab services.
Contractor is encouraged to bill patients and must, to the greatest extent practicable, bill insurance for STI services. However, if patients do not have insurance or are not willing to have their insurance billed, Contractor must provide services for the diagnosis and treatment of persons with STIs as outlined in the contract. Services rendered to county residents without insurance and are not able to pay or request not to bill insurance, for example a student on a parent’s insurance, shall be billed to the County at the Medicaid rate.
Due Date: 08/26/2024
2:00 PM
Contract Term: 1 Year with Renewals
Location: Tompkins County, NY
Ad Type: General
Primary Contact:
Tompkins County
Joyce Burk
Purchasing Manager
125 E. Court Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
United States
Ph: 607-274-5501 ext.5501
Secondary contact:
Tompkins County
Samantha Dalbano
Purchasing Specialist
125 East Court Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
United States
Ph: 607-274-5500
Secondary contact:
Tompkins County
Joyce Burk
Purchasing Manager
125 E. Court Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
United States
Ph: 607-274-5501 ext.5501