RFQ 24-041WTWS Program and Project Management Services

Agency: City of Dayton
State: Ohio
Type of Government: State & Local
NAICS Category:
  • 541611 - Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
  • 541618 - Other Management Consulting Services
Posted Date: Jul 8, 2024
Due Date: Aug 23, 2024
Solicitation No: RFQ 24-041WTWS
Original Source: Please Login to View Page
Contact information: Please Login to View Page
Bid Documents: Please Login to View Page
Bid Number: RFQ 24-041WTWS
Bid Title: RFQ 24-041WTWS Program and Project Management Services
Category: Procurement
Status: Open


Electronic proposals are due by August 23, 2024 no later than 2:00 PM (Dayton Local Time).

Publication Date/Time:
7/8/2024 4:30 PM
Closing Date/Time:
8/23/2024 2:00 PM
Related Documents:

Attachment Preview

City of Dayton, Ohio
Department of Water
Division of Water Supply & Treatment
July 2024
SECTION 1 PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS............................................................................................................................. 1
1.01 COMMUNICATIONS REGARDING THIS PROJECT. ................................................................................................................. 1
1.02 RFQ SCHEDULE. .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.03 PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING. ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.04 SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL. ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.05 REQUIRED PROPOSAL CONTENTS. ..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.06 ITEMS THAT DISQUALIFY A VENDOR IMMEDIATELY. ......................................................................................................... 3
1.07 CRITERIA.......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.08 EVALUATION CRITERIA EXPLANATION ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.09 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. ................................................................................................................................................... 4
SECTION 2 SCOPE OF PROJECT .......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.01 PURPOSE AND NEED / PROJECT DESCRIPTION. ................................................................................................................... 5
2.02 BACKGROUND INFORMATION............................................................................................................................................ 5
2.03 SCOPE OF WORK / PROJECT REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................................................... 5
2.04 PRICING STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
2.05 WORK AUTHORIZATION.................................................................................................................................................... 8
SECTION 3 REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS FOR ALL PROPOSERS.................................................................. 9
3.01 TAX EXEMPTION............................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.02 PROPOSER AFFIDAVIT. ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.03 PROCUREMENT ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM. ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.04 PROPOSERS FINANCIAL OBLIGATION TO THE CITY. .......................................................................................................... 9
3.05 PROPOSERS INCURRED COSTS.......................................................................................................................................... 9
3.06 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ASSURANCE (AAA)....................................................................................................................... 9
3.07 STANDARD AGREEMENT TERMS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ......................................................................................... 9
ARTICLE 1. TERM ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
ARTICLE 2. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY CONTRACTOR................................................................................. 10
ARTICLE 3. COMPENSATION .......................................................................................................................................... 10
ARTICLE 4. CITY’S RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................................... 10
ARTICLE 5. STANDARD OF CARE................................................................................................................................... 10
ARTICLE 6. INDEMNIFICATION...................................................................................................................................... 10
ARTICLE 7. INSURANCE................................................................................................................................................... 10
ARTICLE 8. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY....................................................... 11
ARTICLE 9. TERMINATION .............................................................................................................................................. 11
ARTICLE 10. STANDARD TERMS ................................................................................................................................. 11
A. DELAY IN PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................................................ 11
B. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE................................................................................................................................. 11
C. COMMUNICATIONS.................................................................................................................................................... 11
D. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY.................................................................................................................... 12
E. WAIVER ........................................................................................................................................................................ 12
F. SEVERABILITY............................................................................................................................................................. 12
G. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR ................................................................................................................................. 12
H. ASSIGNMENT............................................................................................................................................................... 12
I. THIRD PARTY RIGHTS................................................................................................................................................ 12
J. AMENDMENT .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
K. POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS.................................................................................................................................... 12
L. INTEGRATION ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
M. PCI COMPLIANCE .................................................................................................................................................. 13
N. LIVING WAGE ORDINANCE........................................................................................................................................... 13
EXHIBIT A LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL .......................................................................................................................... 14
EXHIBIT B REFERENCES FOR PROPOSING COMPANY.............................................................................................. 16
EXHIBIT D- BUSINESS INCOME TAX QUESTIONNAIRE ................................................................................................ 18
EXHIBIT E WORK AUTHORIZATION ............................................................................................................................... 17
EXHIBIT F EXAMPLE PROJECTS ...................................................................................................................................... 18
1.01 COMMUNICATIONS REGARDING THIS PROJECT. Please direct all communications regarding the RFQ
process to:
City of Dayton, Department of Water, Division of Water Supply and Treatment
Attn: Liz Zelinski
3210 Chuck Wagner Lane
Dayton, Ohio 45414
Telephone: (937) 333-6134
All communications/questions concerning this RFQ must be submitted in writing referencing the specific paragraph
and page number. The deadline for questions is listed in Section 1.02 (RFQ Schedule). Written responses will be
prepared by the City and posted on the City’s web site by the date listed in Section 1.02. Changes to this RFQ will be
made only by formal written correspondence issued by the City.
A copy of this RFQ proposal and any additional documentation may be found at the City’s website at:
1.02 RFQ SCHEDULE. The proposed RFQ schedule is to be reviewed with City Purchasing and HRC, if
required, and shall be mutually agreed upon. RFQ schedule to be determined prior to finalization of RFQ. The
following is the anticipated schedule for the RFQ Process:
Issue RFQ:
Notify City of Intent to Attend Pre-Proposal Meeting
Mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting:
Last Day to Submit Questions:
Written Responses to Questions:
Due Date for Proposals:
July 8, 2024
3:00 PM local (Dayton OH) time on July 19,
Meeting will be conducted through Teams at
1:00 PM local (Dayton OH) time on July 30,
12:00 PM local (Dayton OH) time on August 5,
August 9, 2024, by end of business
2:00 PM local (Dayton OH) time on August 23,
1.03 PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING. The City shall conduct a MANDATORY pre-proposal meeting. The date
and location of the meeting is listed in Section 1.02 (RFQ Schedule). The intent of the pre-proposal meeting is to:
Review the Request for Proposal
Review the City’s Procurement Enhancement Plan (PEP) procedures
Answer questions
This may be the only opportunity for the Contractors to meet with the City. Each proposer should limit representation
at this meeting to no more than 2 persons. Contractors shall notify Liz Zelinski at Liz.Zelinski@daytonohio.gov by
the time and date specified above if they will be attending the Pre-Proposal meeting and how many persons will attend.
1.04 SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL. Each Consultant seeking consideration for performance of services related
to this RFQ must submit a proposal. All proposals shall be submitted as a PDF via electronic submission to
bids@daytonohio.gov. The City has a 20meg limit for incoming e-mail message sizes (20meg includes e-mail itself
and any attachments total). Should your company’s proposal document exceed this limit, your company will have to
submit its document in multiple parts (emails). Should bid documents require multiple emails, please designate in the
“Subject” line of each email sent: RFQ No 24-041WTWS Program and Project Management Services Part 1, No 24-
041WTWS Program and Project Management Services Part 2, and so forth.
The bid opening will be facilitated using ZOOM with the following login information:
City of Dayton, Ohio
Request for Qualifications
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 886 6977 5767
Passcode: 814072
Electronic proposals must be received in the Procurement bid email in-box (BIDS@DAYTONOHIO.GOV) by
2:00pm on the date indicated in Section 1.02 (RFQ Schedule). Proposals received after the scheduled date/time will
not be considered. All supporting materials and documentation must be included with the proposal. The
responsibility of timely delivery lies solely with the proposer.
The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any irregularities in a proposal, or to accept the
proposal(s) which in the judgment of proper officials, is in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to
accept a part or parts of a proposal unless otherwise restricted in the RFQ or issue subsequent RFQs. The City reserves
the right to approve or reject any sub-Contractors proposed for work under this proposal or waive any minor
The City reserves the right to select the successful vendor(s) once all proposals are received, without seeking further
information for clarification from proposers. Upon review of proposals, the City may designate the most qualified
proposals as finalists. These finalists may be invited to make oral presentations and participate in a question-and-
answer session with the City. The City shall have the right to visit selected user sites, should this be deemed necessary.
All federal, state, and local laws regarding competitive bidding, anti-competitive practices, and conflict of interest
shall be applicable to this RFQ.
The City does not guarantee that any contract will be awarded because of this RFQ. If a contract award is made but
the contract is not executed, the City does not guarantee that the contract will be re-awarded.
1.05 REQUIRED PROPOSAL CONTENTS. All brochures and supplemental documentation shall be included
with the original and all copies. If not, the proposal may be considered as non-responsive. Proposers are required to
submit the following information in their proposal:
Letter of Transmittal. The proposer shall provide a transmittal letter with authorizing signature for the
proposal. The letter must briefly summarize the vendor’s ability and willingness to perform the services
required by the RFQ. The letter must be on the form provided in Exhibit A.
Company Profile and Background. Provide the following information:
o Location – The street address of the proposer’s company headquarters.
o Local Office of Proposer – Provide the location of the proposer’s office nearest to
Dayton, Ohio. Include the local office, a contact name, address, telephone, and fax
o Company’s Primary Business – State the proposer’s primary business, the number
of years in the proposer’s industry, and the number of employees assigned to these
related activities.
o State the legal make-up of your company: sole proprietorship, partnership,
corporation, etc.
o Please list any Lawsuits that you are currently engaged in. Please provide any and
all suits either with the City of Dayton or any other Municipalities (include, but not
limited to Federal, State, Local or other Municipalities and Governmental agencies).
Key Personnel Information. Provide the name, title, mailing address, telephone number and e-mail
address of the persons who will function as the City’s primary contact and back-up contact person.
Provide brief resumes/qualifications of personnel who will be primarily involved in this project. Include
any certifications earned, special training taken, and memberships in professional groups. Complete
Form found in Exhibit A.
Proposal Response as per Section 2.
Statement of Exceptions to RFQ requirements. Provide a detailed description of any exceptions taken
to the requirements of this RFQ, including the City Standard Terms and Conditions in Section 3.
Exceptions shall be referenced to the applicable RFQ section/sub-section numbers. Any other departures
from the city’s RFQ are to be identified and failure to do so shall make the proposal non-responsive.
City’s standard Terms for Payment are Net 30 days from date of invoice once the project is complete,
City of Dayton, Ohio
Request for Qualifications
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.
* Disclaimer: This website provides information about bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) for convenience only and does not serve as an official public notice. Individuals who wish to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the relevant government department directly.

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