2023-056 RFP Stormwater Asset Management Maintenance Planning Project

Agency: Kitsap County
State: Washington
Type of Government: State & Local
NAICS Category:
  • 541330 - Engineering Services
  • 541611 - Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
Posted Date: Jan 3, 2024
Due Date: Jan 17, 2024
Solicitation No: 2023-056
Original Source: Please Login to View Page
Contact information: Please Login to View Page
Bid Documents: Please Login to View Page

2023-056 RFP Stormwater Asset Management Maintenance Planning Project Closes 01/17/2024 @2:00 PM

2023-056 Stormwater Asset Management Maintenance Planning Project

2023-056 Legal Ad

2023-056 Addendum 1

Attachment Preview

Proposal Response Deadline:
(Wednesday, January 3, 2024 @2:00 PM)
Kitsap County Public Works Stormwater Division (“Stormwater Division”) is seeking proposals from
qualified firms to conduct an evaluation of the County’s existing stormwater management assets and
systems and develop a strategic asset management plan (SAMP) based on ISO 55000, 55001, and 55002
standards to optimize infrastructure performance, reduce stormwater impacts to waterbodies, and guide
decisions regarding maintenance, planning, budgeting and program management.
The Stormwater Division provides surface water planning and management services for unincorporated
Kitsap County and the County’s MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System). The MS4 includes
conventional assets as well as green infrastructure and stormwater parks. The drainage system spans
several major watersheds featuring abundant freshwater lakes and salmon-bearing streams, has direct
drainage to Hood Canal and Puget Sound, and three TMDL waterbodies (Dyes Inlet, Sinclair Inlet, Liberty
Bay). The Division’s Stormwater program supports stormwater system operation, maintenance, and
administration; National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Stormwater Permit
and other regulatory compliance; various programs and partnerships designed to reduce runoff pollution;
and capital construction. These activities serve approximately 180,000 residents and provide protection
and restoration of local waterbodies and Puget Sound.
The County has invested significantly in GIS-based solutions (Cartegraph, ArcGIS®/ArcGIS® Online,
SeeClickFix) to manage its assets and activities (e.g., stormwater/sanitary sewer assets, customer
complaints, illicit discharges/spills, etc.). They provide field data collection, asset location/information, and
work order fulfillment.
The County has developed key management actions to move the Stormwater program forward, determine
asset types and locations, and meet regulatory requirements, including critical elements like the
Stormwater Comprehensive Plan/Stormwater Management Action Plan (SMAP); M&O/SOP manual with
guidelines for all asset classes; an Overburdened Communities/Environmental Equity Atlas; and a fully-
mapped storm system in an existing data management solution.
The proposed project will add a SAMP that defines how the County manages and enhances maintenance
and replacement of assets, provide AMPs that complement the Cartegraph system, and provide a long-
term view that considers organizational needs, stakeholder expectations and the realities of existing
assets and asset management capabilities to define a clear path forward.
Project goals:
evaluate current tools/decision-making processes, and how resources can more effectively be
provide a framework to increase efficiency in work practices and integrate information that will
inform project priority decisions
pinpoint critical assets, measure risk and reliability across asset types
set key performance indicators
incorporate climate change data, risk assessment, targeted pollution data, environmental equity,
and other decision-making tools to allow us to direct resources to areas with the most impact
Inform policy and procedure, fine-tune SOPs
inform future needs - equipment, staff, or enhanced technology
identify where enhanced maintenance may benefit water quality
track hotspots and support an enhanced monitoring plan to determine assets performance
integrate with existing systems, and amplify stormwater actions and planning efforts
The selected firm will conduct an asset management analysis for the Stormwater Utility and develop a
Strategic Asset Management plan (SAMP) for the Stormwater Division, Asset Management Plans (AMPs)
for two selected asset classes, and an AMP Development User Guide and Template sufficient to enable
staff to independently develop AMPs for all remaining asset classes.
The Procurement Schedule outlines the tentative schedule for important action dates and times. All dates
after the proposal submission due date are approximate and may be adjusted as conditions indicate,
without amending this document. It is the Responder’s sole responsibility to periodically check the
County’s website for amendments to this document.
Procurement Schedule- Figure 1
Kitsap County Issues Request for Proposals
Monday, November 20,
Final Questions Due
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
@2:00 PM
Addendum Issued Regarding Questions (If Needed) Tuesday, December 12,
Responder must submit Proposal by 2:00 p.m. Pacific Wednesday, January 3,
Kitsap County evaluation of Proposals
Announce successful Proposal
Week of January 8, 2024
On or about Wednesday,
January 17, 2024
The Letter of Intent and proposals must be prepared and submitted no later than the submission date
and time specified in the Procurement Schedule. The Proposal is to be sent to the Procurement
Coordinator either by mail, email (preferred) or hand/mail delivered.
Responders should allow sufficient time to ensure timely receipt by the Procurement Coordinator.
Responders assume the risk for the method of delivery and for any delay in the delivery of the Proposal.
Kitsap County will disqualify any Proposal and withdraw it from consideration if it is received after the
proposal submission due date and time.
All responses and any accompanying documentation and material become the property of Kitsap County
and will not be returned.
If mailed, two (2) copies of the proposal must be submitted with the Request for Proposal (RFP)
number and the name and address of the respondent clearly stated on the outside of the envelope.
Please submit proposal documents to the Kitsap County Purchasing Office at:
By Mail
Glen McNeil
Kitsap County Department of
Administrative Services
Purchasing Office
614 Division Street MS‐7
Port Orchard, WA 98366
Express, Courier, or Hand delivery
Glen McNeil
Kitsap County Department of Administrative
Purchasing Office – Fourth Floor
619 Division Street
Port Orchard, WA 98366
By email: Attention Glen McNeil at Purchasing@kitsap.gov (Preferred)
The selected Contractor shall perform the following services and deliver the products described:
A. Review/Assess Background Info and Existing Systems: Provide a background review of the
Stormwater Division’s existing program, systems, policies, and processes, including assessing asset
management program maturity. This task includes review of all relevant local and regional planning
documents, as well as relevant regulatory requirements, for coordination and consistency; and
holding interviews with stakeholders.
Task includes but is not limited to:
Review existing asset inventory
Review existing County-collected condition assessment data
Review and analyze all available historic financial data regarding life cycle costs of assets
Review existing Operations and Maintenance, inspection, and data collection procedures
Review and analyze all available information regarding local water quality, impacts, and goals
Review existing systems and standard operating procedures (SOPs)
Evaluate the Stormwater Division’s current tools and decision-making processes, and how
resources can more efficiently and effectively be allocated.
Review all relevant local, State and Federal regulatory requirements
Review all relevant local plans and policies (Examples: Kitsap County and Kitsap County Public
Works Stormwater Comprehensive Plans, Stormwater Monitoring Action Plan (SMAP), Kitsap
County Water as a Resource policy, Stormwater Capital Facility Plan, Kitsap County Natural
Resources Asset Management project, Kitsap County Equity Outreach Analysis, local
waterbody TMDL’s, Puget Sound Action Plan, Watershed Plans, Salmon Recovery and
Shoreline Master Plans)
Interview relevant stakeholders
Key Deliverables:
Meeting agendas and summary notes
List of relevant regulatory requirements
Summary of key findings from interviews with stakeholders
B. Gap Analysis: Perform Gap Analysis between target Levels of Service (LOS) and current system
Task includes but is not limited to:
Identify gaps in data/data collection methodology
Identify gaps between existing resources (including equipment, staffing and materials) and
those necessary for optimizing O&M
Develop a plan for performing necessary CMMS (computerized maintenance management
system) updates, including any recommended additional software and/or analysis tools
Coordinate review and comment with stakeholders and grant funding agency (Department of
Key Deliverables:
Draft Stormwater Asset Management Needs Assessment/Gap Analysis chapter for SAMP
Summary identifying necessary updates to County’s Cartegraph CMMS
C. Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) Development: Create a Strategic Asset Management Plan
that supports in measuring risk and reliability across asset types, monitoring key performance
indicators, and considering asset life cycle management.
1. Evaluate the Stormwater Division’s Asset Management program, develop needed elements, and
compare system performance to level of service and ISO standards.
Task includes but is not limited to:
Determine asset assessment methodology standards for each asset class
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.
* Disclaimer: This website provides information about bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) for convenience only and does not serve as an official public notice. Individuals who wish to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the relevant government department directly.

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