Purchase of Four (4) 30 Cubic Yard Dumpsters

Agency: City of Providence
State: Rhode Island
Type of Government: State & Local
NAICS Category:
  • 562111 - Solid Waste Collection
Posted Date: Jan 17, 2024
Due Date: Feb 12, 2024
Original Source: Please Login to View Page
Contact information: Please Login to View Page
Bid Documents: Please Login to View Page

Purchase of Four (4) 30 Cubic Yard Dumpsters

Attachment Preview

Revised: 11/9/2023
Procurement/MinuteTraq #: 43798
Date to be opened: 2/12/2024
Issuing Department: Department of Public Works
Please direct questions related to the bidding process, how to fill out forms, and how to submit a bid
(Pages 1-8) to the Purchasing Department.
o Email: purchasing@providenceri.gov
Please use the subject line “Solicitation Question
Please direct questions relative to the Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise Program and the
corresponding forms (Pages 9-13) to the MBE/WBE Outreach Director for the City of Providence,
Grace Diaz
o Email: gdiaz@providenceri.gov
Please use subject line “MBE WBE Forms
Please direct questions relative to the specifications outlined (beginning on page 14) to the issuing
department’s subject matter expert:
o Name: Sal Solomon
o Title: Highway Superintendent
o Email Address: Ssolomon@providenceri.gov
Pre-bid Conference
There is no pre-bid conference scheduled for this item.
Deadline for questions submissions: February 2, 2024 by 2:00 PM(EST)
Revised: 11/9/2023
Meeting Date: 2/12/2024
Bids may be submitted up to 2:15 P.M. on the above meeting date at the Department of the City Clerk. Room
311, City Hall. 25 Dorrance Street, Providence. At 2:15 P.M. all bids will be publicly opened and read at the
Board of Contract Meeting in Conference Room 305, on the 3rd floor of City Hall.
Bidders must submit 2 copies of their bid in sealed envelopes or packages labeled with the captioned
Item Description and the City Department to which the solicitation and bid are related and must
include the company name and address on the envelope as well. (On page 1).
If required by the Department, please keep the original bid bond and check in only one of the envelopes.
Communications to the Board of Contract and Supply that are not competitive sealed bids (i.e. product
information/samples) should have “NOT A BID” written on the envelope or wrapper.
Only use form versions and templates included in this solicitation. If you have an old version of a form
do not recycle it for use in this bid.
The bid envelope and information relative to the bid must be addressed to:
Board of Contract and Supply
Department of the City Clerk – City Hall, Room 311
25 Dorrance Street
Providence, RI 02903
**PLEASE NOTE: This bid may include details regarding information that you will need to provide
(such as proof of licenses) to the issuing department before the formalization of an award.
This information is NOT requested to be provided in your initial bid by design.
All bids submitted to the City Clerk become public record. Failure to follow instructions could result in
information considered private being posted to the city’s Open Meetings Portal and made available as a
public record. The City has made a conscious effort to avoid the posting of sensitive information on the
City’s Open Meetings Portal, by requesting that such sensitive information be submitted to the issuing
department only at their request.
Revised: 11/9/2023
Digital forms are available in the City of Providence Purchasing Department Office or online at
The bid package MUST include the following, in this order:
Bid Form 1: Bidder's Blank as the cover page/ 1st page (see page 6 of this document)
Bid Form 2: Certification of Bidder as 2nd page (see page 7 of this document)
Bid Form 3: Certificate Regarding Public Records (see page 8 of this document)
Bid Form 4: Affidavit of City Vendor (see pages 9 and 10 of this document)
Forms from the Minority and Women Business Enterprise Program: Based on Bidder Category. See
forms and instructions enclosed (pages 11-112) or on:
*Please note: MBE/WBE forms must be completed for EVERY bid submitted and must be inclusive of
ALL required signatures. Forms without all required signatures will be considered incomplete.
Bidder’s Proposal/Packet: Formal response to the specifications outlined in this RFP, including pricing
information and details related to the good(s) or service(s) being provided. Please be mindful of
formatting responses as requested to ensure clarity.
Financial Assurance, if requested (as indicated on page 5 of this document under “Bid Terms”)
All of the above listed documents are REQUIRED. (With the exception of financial assurances, which are
only required if specified on page 5.)
***Failure to meet specified deadlines, follow specific submission instructions, or enclose all required
documents with all applicable signatures will result in disqualification, or in an inability to appropriately
evaluate bids.
Revised: 11/9/2023
1. The Board of Contract and Supply will make the award to the lowest qualified and responsible bidder.
2. In determining the lowest responsible bidder, cash discounts based on preferable payment terms will not be
3. Where prices are the same, the Board of Contract and Supply reserves the right to award to one bidder, or
to split the award.
4. No proposal will be accepted if the bid is made in collusion with any other bidder.
5. Bids may be submitted on an “equal in quality” basis. The City reserves the right to decide equality.
Bidders must indicate brand or the make being offered and submit detailed specifications if other than
brand requested.
6. A bidder who is an out-of-state corporation shall qualify or register to transact business in this State, in
accordance with the Rhode Island Business Corporation Act, RIGL Sec. 7-1.2-1401, et seq.
7. The Board of Contract and Supply reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
8. Competing bids may be viewed in person at the Department of the City Clerk, City Hall, Providence,
immediately upon the conclusion of the formal Board of Contract and Supply meeting during which the
bids were unsealed/opened. Bids may also be accessed electronically on the internet via the City’s Open
Meetings Portal.
9. As the City of Providence is exempt from the payment of Federal Excise Taxes and Rhode Island Sales
Tax, prices quoted are not to include these taxes.
10. In case of error in the extension of prices quoted, the unit price will govern.
11. The contractor will NOT be permitted to: a) assign or underlet the contract, or b) assign either legally or
equitably any monies or any claim thereto without the previous written consent of the City Purchasing
12. Delivery dates must be shown in the bid. If no delivery date is specified, it will be assumed that an
immediate delivery from stock will be made.
13. A certificate of insurance will normally be required of a successful vendor.
14. For many contracts involving construction, alteration and/or repair work, State law provisions concerning
payment of prevailing wage rates apply (RIGL Sec. 37-13-1 et seq.)
15. No goods should be delivered, or work started without a Purchase Order.
16. Submit 2 copies of the bid to the City Clerk, unless the specification section of this document
indicates otherwise.
17. Bidder must certify that it does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation and/or religion in its business and hiring practices
and that all of its employees are lawfully employed under all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules
and regulations. (See Bid Form 2.)
Revised: 11/9/2023
1. Financial assurances may be required in order to be a successful bidder for Commodity or Construction
and Service contracts. If either of the first two checkboxes below is checked, the specified assurance
must accompany a bid, or the bid will not be considered by the Board of Contract and Supply. The
third checkbox indicates the lowest responsible bidder will be contacted and required to post a bond to
be awarded the contract.
a) A certified check for $
must be deposited with the City Clerk as a guarantee that the
Contract will be signed and delivered by the bidder.
b) A bid bond in the amount of
per centum (%) of the proposed total price, must be deposited
with the City Clerk as a guarantee that the contract will be signed and delivered by the bidder; and
the amount of such bid bond shall be retained for the use of the City as liquidated damages in case of
default. Any person signing a bid bond as an attorney-in-fact shall include with the bid bond an
original, or a photocopy or facsimile of an original, power of attorney.
c) A performance and payment bond with a satisfactory surety company will be posted by the
bidder in a sum equal to one hundred per centum (100%) of the awarded contract.
d) No financial assurance is necessary for this item.
2. Awards will be made within nighty (90) days of bid opening. All bid prices will be considered firm,
unless qualified otherwise. Requests for price increases will not be honored.
3. Failure to deliver within the time quoted or failure to meet specifications may result in default in
accordance with the general specifications. It is agreed that deliveries and/or completion are subject to
strikes, lockouts, accidents, and Acts of God.
The following entry applies only for COMMODITY BID TERMS:
4. Payment for partial delivery will not be allowed except when provided for in blanket or term contracts.
The following entries apply only for CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICE BID TERMS:
5. Only one shipping charge will be applied in the event of partial deliveries for blanket or term contracts.
6. Prior to commencing performance under the contract, the successful bidder shall attest to compliance
with the provisions of the Rhode Island Worker’s Compensation Act, RIGL 28-29-1, et seq. If exempt
from compliance, the successful bidder shall submit a sworn Affidavit by a corporate officer to that
effect, which shall accompany the signed contract.
7. Prior to commencing performance under the contract, the successful bidder shall, submit a certificate of
insurance, in a form and in an amount satisfactory to the City.
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.
* Disclaimer: This website provides information about bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) for convenience only and does not serve as an official public notice. Individuals who wish to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the relevant government department directly.

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