Owner Advisor (OA) Services for
Central Kitsap Treatment Plant Solids and Liquids Handling Project
RESPONSE DEADLINE: Friday, NOVEMBER 10, 2023 @ 2:00 PM
Central Kitsap WWTP provides wastewater treatment for much of the central Kitsap Peninsula.
The existing plant consists of headworks, primary clarifiers, aeration basins, secondary clarifiers,
and UV disinfection. Solids, including those hauled from the County’s other treatment plants,
are thickened, and digested anaerobically before dewatering and transporting to a beneficial
reuse facility.
CKTP also receives Liquid Hauled Waste (LHW) in the form of septage and fats, oils, and grease
The plant is rated for maximum month flow rate of 6.0 million gallons per day (MGD) as listed in
the NPDES Permit. The treated effluent is discharged to Port Orchard Bay of the Puget Sound in
accordance with the NPDES Permit.
Scope of Work:
This RFQ is for Owner Advisor Services during the General Contractor/Construction Manager
(GC/CM) process of the Central Kitsap Treatment Plant Solids and Liquids Handling Project
Funding phase
OA Responsibility:
• Evaluate previously completed market soundings.
• Develop procurement package for GC/CM including requests for
qualifications/proposals, scope, and initial draft, contract documents.
• Aid with GC/CM selection including reviewing submittals for conformance and
• Develop risk register based on input from County stakeholders and staff, and define
mitigation strategies.
Staff Augmentation:
• Coordinate with County’s Procurement and Legal Department
• Funding research and applications support
Design Development
OA Responsibility:
• Participate in design progress and coordination meetings (including VE meetings
• Assist County with managing the interface between design and GC/CM teams.
Staff Augmentation:
• Review GC/CM deliverables and design
• Coordinate with O&M and other County staff to facilitate design issue resolution.
• Continued funding research and applications support
Cost/GMP Development
OA Responsibility:
• Develop or recommend cost model for GC/CM
• Review cost estimates
• Provide independent cost estimate.
• Support contract price (GMP or Lumpsum) amendment preparation and
• Perform or oversee GC/CM's risk management and mitigation activities.
• Provide or coordinate obtaining information needed to assist County with making
decisions regarding commercial terms.
Staff Augmentation:
• Facilitate cost review meetings.
• Coordinate with County’s Procurement and Legal Department
• Develop County staffing plan for construction phase as well as ongoing operations
and maintenance of Project.
Contract Admin During Construction
OA Responsibility:
• Review project management, H&S, etc. plans.
Staff Augmentation:
• Monitor schedule and costs and provide information for County's reporting.
• Review invoices and recommend payment.
• Monitor potential changes and facilitate amendments.
The County will be using SYNCHRO software for document handling for this project. It is a web-
based system, and the selected team will receive training in its use.
The Kitsap County Wastewater Division will evaluate all proposals based on the
following criteria. Interviews may be held to aid the County in their selection amongst
the qualified firms.
1. Proposed team
2. Completion of at least 3 similar projects in size and complexity within last 10-years
by project team within RCW 39.10
3. One-page description of similar projects
4. Description of typical owner’s adviser services that will be provided for
advising county
5. Knowledge of pertinent local, state, and federal regulations and permitting
requirements, as applicable to this project.
6. Understanding of funding opportunities that may be available for this project
7. Quality of references (3 references each for the project manager and lead
Statement of Qualifications:
Please prepare a brief (ten pages of material – or five two-sided) statement of qualifications.
The following material may go in an appendix. Total submittal including appendices not to
exceed 25 pages.
• Resumes for team members that will be assigned to the project.
• Contact information for references.
• Samples of Procurement strategy.
• Samples of prior successful completion of GC/CM / Progressive Design Build process in
WA, State with RCW 39.10. preferably for a water utility agency.
The statement should include:
• Relevant experience of named project manager and lead engineer
• Brief description of similar projects completed by the project manager and lead
• Description of team expertise and experience to include relevant 39.10 experience.
• Description of previous experience with Kitsap County, if any
• 3 references for the project manager
The consultant is responsible for reviewing the attached sample contract for professional
services, including having it reviewed internally, as deemed necessary and sufficient, prior to
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Submittal:
To be considered as a responsive bidder, submittals must be received by Kitsap County staff no
later than 2:00 PM PST Friday NOVEMBER 10, 2023.
Below is a table of relevant deadlines by which the actions must be completed. Dates and times
are subject to change. If the County changes any of date or time, the change will be made by
Issuance of Request for Bid
Written Questions Due
Addendum Issued (If Needed)
Bid Due Date
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Monday, November 6, 2023
Friday. November 10, 2023
Submit RFQ packet to:
Glen S. McNeill
Purchasing Dept Supervisor
Kitsap County Purchasing Office
614 Division Street, MS-7
Port Orchard, WA 98366
Courier/Hand Deliver:
Glen S. McNeill, Purchasing Supervisor
Kitsap County Administration Building
Purchasing Office – 4th Floor
619 Division Street
Port Orchard, WA 98366
Via Email: (Preferred Delivery)
Project Questions
Questions regarding this request should be directed to Nick Martin (360) 271-1427, or Questions regarding the RFQ process should be directed to Glen McNeill,, 360-337-4789.
Submission, Copies: (If Mailed or Delivered only)
Bids shall be submitted to the Purchasing Supervisor in a sealed envelope or package provided
by the Bidder and identify the: 1) Bidder’s name and address, 2) Solicitation name and number,
and 3) submittal date clearly identified on the outside of the envelope or package. The Bidder is
to return all exhibits and addenda signed by a person authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder.
Unsigned bids may be rejected by the County as incomplete. Bidders shall submit: one (1)
original, marked “original”, two (2) hard copies, and one (1) electronic copy of their bid with
their submittal. Bids submitted by email or fax will not be considered.
Acceptable Formats.
Electronic files shall be submitted in a format acceptable to the County. Acceptable formats
include .DOC and .DOCX (Microsoft Word), .XLS and XLSX (Microsoft Excel), PPT and PPTX
(Microsoft PowerPoint), and .PDF (Adobe Acrobat). Direct requests to submit files in another
format to the Purchasing Supervisor.
Purchasing Department
619 Division St., MS-7
Port Orchard, WA 98366
Phone: (360) 337-4789
All information requested below must be provided. Failure to properly complete, sign and return
this Bidder’s Certification form may cause the bid to the rejected. Bidder, through the duly
authorized undersigned representative (“Representative”) makes this certification as a required
element of submitting a responsive bid. Bidder certifies, to the best of its knowledge and belief,
that the following are true, complete, correct, and made in good faith:
Legal Name of Bidder:
(Provide full legal name)
Bidder’s Trade Names
Bidder’s Street Address:
Bidder’s Website
Bidder Organization Type:
(Check applicable box)
☐ Domestic
Limited Liability Company
☐ Domestic
Partnership: ☐ Domestic
Sole Proprietorship: ☐
☐ Foreign
☐ Foreign
☐ Foreign
State and Date of Formation:
Identify the state where the corporation, LLC, or partnership is formed –
e.g., ‘Washington’ if domestic and the name of the state if ‘Foreign’ (i.e.,
not Washington)
Federal Tax ID No.
Washington State UBI No.
State Industrial Acct ID No.
Name/Title of Bidder’s
Representative’s Address:
Representatives Phone Nos
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.