Johnson County Physical Plant
511 Capital Street Building Envelope Repairs
Johnson County is seeking price quotes and proposals for professional services from responsible
engineering or architectural firms for a project at 511 S Capital Street, the Johnson County
Sheriff’s Office/Jail.
The roof on the building is failing resulting in multiple leaks with every rain. The brick façade
along exterior of the entire structure is showing signs of cracking/movement and potential
failure. There are twelve R-22 AC units located on the roof that will be replaced at the same
time that the roof is replaced.
The scope of this project will include:
Design and specifications for a new single ply glued in place roofing system.
Design and specifications for replacement of 12 AC units which serve the second floor
(Jail). All the condensing units are located on the roof.
Design and specifications for stabilization of the failing brick façade of the building.
Development of plans and specifications ready for bid.
Construction management and coordination.
Johnson County intends to select and negotiate a contract or contracts resulting from this
solicitation with the responsible offeror(s) whose proposal(s) represents the best value to
Johnson County after consideration in light of the requirements and evaluation factors in the
solicitation. Past performance information, which Johnson County may obtain from other
sources, may be used for evaluating responsibleness and used in reaching a best value decision.
Johnson County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals submitted, in whole
or in part, and to waive any informalities or technicalities, which at the County's discretion is
determined to be in the best interests of Johnson County. Further, Johnson County makes no
representations that a contract will be awarded to any proposer responding to this request.
The County expressly reserves the right to reject any and all proposals responding to this
invitation without indicating any reasons for such rejection(s). In the event that no submissions
meet all of the requirements, Johnson County reserves the right to continue the evaluation of
the proposals that most closely meet the requirements. Johnson County reserves the right to
postpone due dates and openings for its own convenience and to withdraw this solicitation at
any time without prior notice.
This request for proposals does not commit Johnson County to award a contract, pay any costs
incurred in preparation of proposals, or to procure or contract for services or equipment.
Johnson County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to negotiate the terms of
the contract, including the award amount, with the selected proposer(s) prior to entering into a
contract. If contract negotiations cannot be concluded successfully with the selected
proposer(s), the County may negotiate a contract with the next preferred proposer.
Proposals should include proposed contracts and terms and conditions and be submitted to:
Dave Curtis
Johnson County Facilities Director
855 S. Dubuque St.
Iowa City, IA 52240
Proposals for service are due no later than 5:00PM on August 15, 2024.
For questions please contact Dave Curtis, Johnson County Facilities Director at: