24-25-014 James F. Ingram Justice Center Elevators 3 & 5

Agency: City of Danville
State: Virginia
Type of Government: State & Local
Posted Date: Aug 12, 2024
Due Date: Sep 18, 2024
Solicitation No: RFP 24-25-014
Original Source: Please Login to View Page
Contact information: Please Login to View Page
Bid Documents: Please Login to View Page
Bid Number: RFP 24-25-014
Bid Title: 24-25-014 James F. Ingram Justice Center Elevators 3 & 5
Category: Construction Services Bids
Status: Open


RFP 24-25-014 James F. Ingram Justice Center Elevators 3 & 5

Publication Date/Time:
8/12/2024 12:00 AM
Closing Date/Time:
9/18/2024 4:00 PM
Pre-bid Meeting:
9/5/2024 @ 10:00 AM
Contact Person:
Carol Henley Purchasing Director
427 Patton Street
Danville, VA 24541
Phone : 434-799-6528 Option 4
Fax: 434-799-5102
E-Mail: purchasing@danvilleva.gov
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Attachment Preview

Proposal #
RFP 24-25-014
James F. Ingram Justice Center Elevators 3 & 5
Pre-Bid Meeting:
A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held August 27, 2024, 10:00 AM, 427
Patton St., Danville, VA. 24541, Second Floor Conference Room or
by Zoom at
Last Day for Questions: Questions may be submitted in writing via email to:
purchasing@danvilleva.gov until 5:00 PM, September 5, 2024.
Proposal Closing Date:
Sealed Proposals shall be accepted no later than September 18,
2024, at 4:00PM at the Purchasing Department, 427 Patton Street,
Room 304, Danville, VA 24541
Direct Inquiries to:
Carol Henley, Director of Purchasing
(434) 799-6528
City Project Representative: Tyler J. High
(434) 799-5245, hightj@danvilleva.gov
General Conditions
Scope of Work
Supplemental General Conditions
RFP 24-25-014
James F. Ingram Justice Center Elevators 3 & 5
Drawings and Project Manual
RFP 24-25-014
James F. Ingram Justice Center Elevators 3 & 5’’
Intent: Secure Virginia-licensed contractor for the James F. Ingram Justice Center
Elevators 3 & 5 as described in the contract documents. The project location is 401
Patton Street, Danville, VA 24541“
1.2 Sealed Proposals must be received in the Purchasing office no later than 4:00PM,
September 18, 2024, mail to:
City of Danville
Purchasing Department
427 Patton Street, Room 304
Danville, VA 24541
1.3 Pre-bid Conference: A pre-bid conference will be held on August 27, 2024 , 10:00 AM,
427 Patton St., Danville, VA. 24541, Second Floor Conference Room.
1.4 Bid Inquiries: The last day for questions will be September 5, 2024, at 5:00 PM
Email Carol Henley at purchasing@danvilleva.gov
1.5 Bonds: 5% Bid bond; 100% performance and payment bonds.
1.6 Time of Completion: Elevator #5 (180) calendar days. Elevator #3 (120) additional calendar days.
Total (300) calendar day should add alternate be awarded.
1.7 Liquidated Damages: $400 dollars per calendar day.
1.8 Owner’s Representative: Project Manager Tyler J. High, hightj@danvilleva.gov
1.9 Code: All work performed shall conform to the Virginia Uniform Building Code.
1.9 Retainage: In making payments, there shall be retained five percent (5%) of the
estimated amount until final completion and acceptance of the contract work.
RFP 24-25-014
James F. Ingram Justice Center Elevators 3 & 5
2.1 The contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, supervision, & incidentals necessary
to perform work as detailed in the project manual and drawings as prepared by Dewberry found in
Section 4 Drawings and Project Manual.
3.1 Compliance: The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the following:
The City of Danville’s “Standard Requirements & Instructions for Bidding”, Version
2.0, dated April 5, 2015. Copies may be obtained from the Purchasing Office or by
downloading from the City’s website “Finance Department, Purchasing Division.
3.2 Award Criteria:
A. The award will be made to the proposal conforming to the RFP and will be most
advantageous to the city. Lump sum bid, project schedule and other factors will be
considered, including but not limited to, statement of qualifications, project approach, quality,
etc. The selection committee will make a recommendation of the top-ranked respondent.
Danville may elect to make award without conducting formal interviews if one firm is
determined to be the most qualified.
B. The City reserves the right to reject any or all offers and to waive informalities and minor
irregularities in offers received.
3.3 Authority:
A. The Director of Purchasing as the designee of the City Manager has the sole
responsibility and authority for negotiating, placing, and when necessary, modifying
each and every invitation to bid, purchase order or other award issued by the City of
Danville. In the discharge of these responsibilities, the Director of Purchasing may be
assisted by assigned buyers. No other City officer or employee is authorized to order
supplies or services, enter into purchase negotiations, or in any way obligate the
government of the City of Danville for any indebtedness. Any purchases contrary to
these provisions and authorities shall be void and the City shall not be bound thereby.
B. This procurement process, including withdrawal of bids and appeal or protests, is governed
Procurement Code may be obtained by writing the City of Danville Purchasing Department,
427 Patton St. Room 304, Danville, Virginia 24541 and by downloading from the City’s
website, Finance Department, Purchasing Division. The City of Danville does not
discriminate against faith-based organizations.
C. Enforcement: This Agreement and the performance hereof shall be governed by and
enforced under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and if legal action by either party
is necessary for or with respect to the enforcement of any or all the terms and conditions
hereof, then exclusive venue therefore shall lie in the City of Danville, Virginia.
RFP 24-25-014
3.4 Proposal Preparation:
James F. Ingram Justice Center Elevators 3 & 5
Proposals must be written in ink or typewritten, no more than five (5) one side pages (not including
bid proposal sheets) and shall be submitted on company letterhead. Submit four (4) hard copies.
Proposals should include the following information:
A. A brief history of the company
B. Statement of Qualifications A detailed description of no more than five (5) similar projects
successfully completed by the company in the past to five (5) years. Include the name and
contact information of each client.
C. Project Approach A detailed description of how the company proposes to approach the
D. Project Schedule outlined.
E. Lump Sum Bid for project as indicated in the contract documents, including all trades.
F. Letter stating willingness to be interviewed on site at the City of Danville and provide
documentation to interested parties.
G. Envelopes containing bids must be sealed and marked in the lower left-hand corner RFP 24-
25-014 James F. Ingram Justice Center Elevators 3 & 5” and submitted to the office
indicated on title page.
Unsigned proposals will not be accepted. No proposal may be considered if received after the time
shown on Title Page. Offerors are expected to examine all instructions and specifications. Failure
to do so will be at the Offeror's risk. Erasures or other changes must be initialed by the person
signing the proposal. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked in the lower left-hand
corner with the invitation number and the words RFP 24-25-014 James F. Ingrams Justice Center
Elevators 3 & 5and submitted to the office indicated on the title page.
H. SCC Number:
Contractors organized as a stock or nonstock corporation, limited liability company,
business trust, or limited partnership or registered as a registered limited liability partnership
shall be authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth as a domestic or foreign
business entity if so required by Virginia Title 13.1 or Title 50 or as otherwise required by law.
A Contactor organized or authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth pursuant to
Virginia Title 13.1 or Title 50 shall include in its bid or proposal the identification number issued
to it by the State Corporation Commission. Any bidder or offeror that is not required to be
authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth as a foreign business entity under Title
13.1 or Title 50 or as otherwise required by law shall include in its bid or proposal a statement
describing why the bidder or offeror is not required to be so authorized.
3.5 Bidder Eligibility:
A. Bidders are required to submit evidence that they have practical knowledge of the
particular work bid upon and that they have the financial resources to complete the
proposed work. Failure on the part of any Bidder to carry out previous contracts
satisfactorily, or lack of experience or equipment necessary for the satisfactory and
timely completion of this Project, may be deemed sufficient cause for disqualification of
said Bidder.
RFP 24-25-014
James F. Ingram Justice Center Elevators 3 & 5
B. The Bidder must readily and independently document that the Bidder possesses the
experience, equipment and financial resources necessary for a timely and
professional completion of this project.
C. Irregular Bid Proposals: Bid proposals shall be considered irregular for the following
1. If the bid is on a form other than that furnished by the City, if the City’s form is
altered, or if any part of the proposal form is detached.
2. If there are unauthorized additions, conditional or alternate pay items, or
irregularities of any kind which make the proposal incomplete, indefinite, or
otherwise ambiguous.
3. If the bid does not contain a unit price for each pay item listed in the proposal.
4. If the bid contains unit prices that are obviously unbalanced.
5. If the bid is not accompanied by the proposal guaranty specified by the City.
D. Withdrawal of Bid Due to Error:
1. A bidder for a City construction contract, other than a contract for construction or
maintenance of public highways, may withdraw his bid from consideration, if the
price bid was substantially lower than the other bids due solely to a mistake therein,
provided the bid was submitted in good faith and the mistake was a clerical mistake,
as opposed to a judgment mistake, and was actually due to an unintentional
arithmetic error or an unintentional omission of a quantity of work, labor, or material
made directly in the compilation of the bid, which unintentional arithmetic error or
unintentional omission can be clearly shown by objective evidence drawn from
inspection of original work papers, documents, and materials used in the
preparation of the bid sought to be withdrawn.
2. The bidder shall give notice in writing of his claim of the right to withdraw his bid within
two (2) business days after the conclusion of the bid opening procedure.
E. Disqualification of Bidder: A bidder shall be considered disqualified for any of the
following reasons:
1. Submitting more than one proposal from the same partnership, firm, or
corporation under the same or different name.
2. Evidence of collusion among bidders. Bidders participating in such collusion shall
be disqualified as bidders for any future work of the City until any such
participating bidder has been reinstated by the City as a qualified bidder.
3. If the bidder is considered to be in “default” for any reason.
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.
* Disclaimer: This website provides information about bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) for convenience only and does not serve as an official public notice. Individuals who wish to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the relevant government department directly.

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