Sealed Bids will be received by the City of Eagle Lake located at 75 7th Street N, Eagle Lake, Florida
33839, until 2:00 PM local time on March 21, 2024. Bids received after said time will be returned
unopened. The Bidder shall be solely responsible for delivery of their Bid. Reliance upon mail or public
carriers is at the Bidder’s risk.
The principal features of the Work are:
1. Milling and resurfacing of approximately 5.875 linear feet of existing asphalt averaging
approximately 21-ft in width as follows:
a. Base Bid
• North 6th Street from Eagle Avenue to Pearce Avenue
• East Pearce Avenue from 5th Street (US17) to 6th Street
• West Pearce Avenue from 1st Street to 2nd Street
• Marshall Street from Felton Avenue to 3rd Street
• Felton Street from Crystal Beach Road to Hampton Street
• Felton Street from Hampton Street to Marshall Street
• North 2nd Street from Central Avenue to Eagle Avenue
• West Central Avenue from 2nd Street to 3rd Street
• West Central Avenue from 3rd Street to 4th Street
• Felton Street from Terrace Drive to Bingham Street
• South Bingham Street from Felton Street to Hibiscus Avenue
• North 1st Street from Pearce Avenue to Bay Avenue
• West Lake Avenue from 2nd Street to 3rd Street
• Southshore Drive from Lynn Street to Bingham Avenue
b. Add Alternate 1
• Southshore Drive from Bingham Avenue to Lynn Street
2. Installation / replacement of existing striping.
3. Replacement of any signage damaged during construction.
The Construction Documents may be obtained at no charge in downloadable, electronic PDF format
from Pennoni’s FTP site, which may be accessed as follows:
Go to
Enter Login ID: ELAKX23004
Enter Password (case sensitive): 366Hk0GP
Select document for download
Press/Select blue Download arrow
Select additional documents for download
Press/Select blue Download arrow again
Anyone who downloads the construction documents shall notify the Pennoni Project Manager
Steven Shealey (email: to create a plan holders list for future distribution
of addenda and project updates.
The hardcopy construction documents will also be available from the Winter Haven office of Pennoni,
with two (2) days’ notice and upon payment by cash or check (made payable to Pennoni) in the amount
of $150.00. No refunds will be made.
Updates and addenda will be posted on the above FTP site and may be sent to prospective bidders via
e-mail, U.S. Mail, or fax. It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that the bidder has all addenda
issued for the Project.
Bids will be received for the Project as set forth in the Bid Form and related documents. If the Contract
is awarded, the Owner shall award same within 60 calendar days after opening of Bids, by written
notice to the successful Bidder. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any and
all informalities, or to re-advertise for Bids. Award, if made, will be to the low, responsible and qualified
Bidder whose Bid is responsive to the invitation and is most advantageous to the Owner, price and
other factors considered, unless the Owner rejects all Bids. The Owner specifically reserves the right
to take the Bidder's past performance with the Owner and others into consideration in determining if
the Bidder and its Bid is responsible, qualified, and most advantageous to the Owner. The Owner is an
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Any bid received after the date and time specified will not be considered, and no Bidder may withdraw
his/her bid for a period of 60 days after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids. All bids must be
firm bids for a period of 60 calendar days after the time set for the opening of bids.
Sealed Bids shall reference the following on the outer envelope:
All Bids shall be publicly opened, read aloud and recorded at 2:00 PM local time on March 21, 2024,
in the City of Eagle Lake City Hall, 75 7th Street N, Eagle Lake, Florida 33839.
PRE‐BID MEETING: A Pre‐Bid meeting will not be held for this project.
QUESTIONS: All questions regarding this Invitation for Bid shall be submitted in writing and delivered
to Tom Ernharth, City Manager, City of Eagle Lake, 75 7th Street N, Eagle Lake, Florida 33839, or via