Inmate Medical Care Addendum 2

Agency: County of Blount
State: Tennessee
Type of Government: State & Local
Posted Date: Apr 29, 2024
Due Date: May 30, 2024
Solicitation No: 2024-0127
Original Source: Please Login to View Page
Contact information: Please Login to View Page
Bid Documents: Please Login to View Page

Bid Information

Request for Proposals
2024-0127 Addendum 2 (Inmate Medical Care)
Issue Date & Time
4/19/2024 08:00:03 AM (ET)
Close Date & Time
5/30/2024 01:30:00 PM (ET)
Time Left
30 days 16 hours 49 minutes 5 seconds

It is the intent of this Request for Proposal to procure a contract for Inmate Medical Care for Blount County, TN. The successful contractor shall be responsible for a comprehensive medical care delivery system for the Blount County Adult Detention Center located at 920 E Lamar Alexander Pkwy. Maryville, TN 37804 and the Blount County Juvenile Detention Center located at the Blount County Courthouse 329 Court Street Maryville, TN 37804. Both Detention centers have both male and female detainees and some sentenced inmates.

Bid documents may be obtained at Vendors are encouraged to register with Blount County and submit their response through the online bidding system at this same link. If you have any issues registering in the online system, contact the IonWave help desk at 866-277-2645, ext. 4,, or Blount County Purchasing, 865-273-5740,

Written (hard copy) bids are an optional method of response and must be submitted no later than the response deadline to Blount County Purchasing, Blount County Courthouse Room 319, 385 Court St., Maryville, TN 37804-5906.

Bid responses are not accepted via email or fax. Bidders must allow ample time to submit their response. No information may be submitted or modified beyond the Response Deadline Date / Time .

When registered, vendors may submit questions via the Questions tab for this RFP in the online bidding system. Please make note of the question deadline. Prior to bid submission, it is the bidder's responsibility to access the online bidding system and ascertain they have received any addenda and viewed answers to published questions and bid accordingly.

The public bid opening will be held at the response submittal deadline at Blount County Purchasing, Blount County Courthouse Room 319, 385 Court St., Maryville, TN 37804-5906. The opening may also be accessed via Zoom at h ttps:// 8652735744,Meeting ID:8652735744. Bidders shall access the online bidding system for possible extension of this date and time. If you have problems accessing any Zoom meeting, please phone Blount County Purchasing, 865-273-5740.

Contact Information
Candace Whitt
385 Court St, Rm 319
Maryville, TN 37804 USA
(865) 2735748
(865) 2735746

Bid Documents

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1 items in 1 pages

Bid Invitation

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Bid Attachments

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Addendum 2 - Attachment B - RFP Guidelines.pdf
Addendum 2 - Attachment B - RFP Guidelines 154 KB

Addendum 2 - Attachment J - Answers to Historical Questions.pdf
Addendum 2 - Attachment J - Answers to Historical Questions 317 KB

Attachment L - W-9.pdf
Addendum 2 - Added W-9 form. Required "Response Attachment." 43 KB

Attachment M - 2024 ACH FORM.v2.pdf
Addendum 2 - Added ACH form - Optional Response Attachment. 289 KB

Attachment A - Schedule of Events 2024-0127.xlsx
Schedule of Events 12 KB

Attachment C Terms & Conditions RFP 2024-0127.pdf
Blount County Terms & Conditions 214 KB

Attachment D Bid Cover & Contractors Information.pdf
Bid Cover 232 KB

Attachment E- BC Required Forms.pdf
Blount County Required Forms 1.21 MB

Attachment F CorEMR specifications.pdf
CorEMR specs 109 KB

Attachment G Psychiatric Nurse job description.pdf
Job description 78 KB

Attachment H Blount County Medical Equipement List.xlsx
Equipment List 18 KB

Attachment I Data for Years 2022,2023.xlsx
Data from previous years and Current Vendors 10 KB

Attachment K Staffing Matrix.pdf
Staffing Matrix 2.08 MB

COI professional sample- BCG 24.pdf
Sample Certificate of Insurance 184 KB

Historical Cost Pool Analysis.xlsx
Historical cost pool analysis 23 KB

Bid Event Non-Participation Activity

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2 items in 1 pages
5/3/2024 04:30:00 PM (ET)
Questions Due
Questions regarding Inmate Medical Care RFP due. Questions and answers will be posted with an addendum after the deadline.
5/30/2024 01:30:00 PM (ET)
Bid Opening
The public bid opening will be held at the response submittal deadline at Blount County Purchasing, Blount County Courthouse Room 319, 385 Court St., Maryville, TN 37804-5906.

The opening may also be accessed via Zoom at h ttps:// 8652735744,Meeting ID:8652735744 . Bidders shall access the online bidding system for possible extension of this date and time. If you have problems accessing any Zoom meeting, please phone Blount County Purchasing, 865-273-5740.

Attachment Preview

Inmate Medical Care Program for Blount County, TN
Request for Proposal Guidelines
Blount County requests proposals for a comprehensive medical care delivery system for the Blount County Adult
Detention Center located at 920 E. Lamar Alexander Pkwy., Maryville, TN 37804 and the Blount County Juvenile
Detention located at the Blount County Courthouse, 329 Court Street, Maryville, TN 37804. These facilities (the “Jail”)
are located approximately one mile from each other. These facilities house both male and female detainees and
some sentenced inmates. The average daily population of the Jail over the past 12 months has been 350 (100 of
those being Federal inmates), and the average length of stay for inmates is 22 days, 7 hours.
It is the intent of Blount County to award the contract for a one and a half (1.5) year term with five (5) one year options
to renew. The contract start date of December 01, 2024, and ending June 30, 2026. The contract shall have the right
to be negotiated and renewed on an annual basis thereafter by agreement of both parties.
Proposers may submit a proposal electronically by registering with Blount County, TN at Questions may be submitted through the same online system upon
registration. If submitting a written bid response, one (1) signed proposal and five (5) exact copies shall be
enclosed in a sealed envelope and addressed to:
Purchasing Department
Blount County Courthouse, Room 319
385 Court Street
Maryville, TN 37804-5906
The name and address of the Proposer shall be identified on the face of the envelope along with the Request for
Proposals (RFP) number and title.
Blount County reserves the right to reject, in whole or in part, any and all proposals received. Blount County will not
pay for any information herein requested, nor will Blount County be responsible for any costs incurred by the
Proposer. All proposals shall become the property of Blount County upon submission. Blount County reserves
the right to negotiate the final price and terms with the selected Proposer subsequent to the submission of proposals.
The selection of a winning Proposer for contract will be made using the following process:
1. To be considered, the Proposer(s) must meet the "Minimum Qualifications for All Proposers" as included in
this RFP and must satisfy both the "Mandatory Requirements for All Proposals" and the "Objectives of this
RFP" also contained in this RFP.
2. After the conditions outlined in #1 above are met, Proposer(s) will be ranked based on the quality of the
response to this RFP, experience in jails of like size and complexity, price, and references.
3. One or more of the Proposers may be invited to make oral presentations to a selection committee and/or to
County Commissioners.
If a final award is made, such award will be made to the Proposer who meets the above stated selection sequences
and is deemed best able to provide a health care delivery system at the Jail. Proposals which do not meet the
minimum and mandatory requirements will be considered non-compliant and rejected. Blount County does not
guarantee that a contract will result from this RFP.
Inmate Medical Care Program for Blount County, TN
I. Objectives of this RFP
Each response will be evaluated as to its achievement and compliance with the following stated objectives:
To deliver high quality medical care services that can be audited against established standards.
To operate the medical care program in a cost-effective manner with full reporting and accountability to the Jail
Administrator, the Sheriff, and Blount County.
To operate the medical care program at staffing levels agreed-to and use only licensed, certified, and
professionally trained personnel.
To implement a written medical care plan with clear objectives, policies, and procedures.
To maintain an open and cooperative relationship with the administration and staff of the Jail.
To maintain complete and accurate records of care and to collect and analyze health statistics on a regular
To operate the medical care program in a humane manner with respect to the inmate's right to basic health care
To provide for a fair and objective evaluation of proposals that will result in a mutually satisfactory contract
between the successful Proposer and Blount County.
II. Special Provisions
1. Blount County reserves the right to review and negotiate all contract pricing and terms as needed throughout
the contract term.
2. The Jail has in place a copay system for inmates seeking medical care. Any copays collected from the inmate
shall remain as revenue solely to the County.
3. The health care delivery system must conform to the State of Tennessee standards for medical services provided
in correctional institutions as established by the Tennessee Corrections Institute (TCI) or other appropriate State
authority, or by statute. The system must be in substantial conformance with the rules set by the Tennessee
Corrections Institute (TCI) Tier II standards for accreditation, and Tennessee Code Annotated (TCA) § 41-4-
4. The Provider shall have and maintain all required licenses, certifications and permits necessary to conduct
business in the State of Tennessee. Proof of licenses, certifications and permits shall be submitted to Blount
County upon request. Any costs related to these requirements will be the responsibility of the Provider.
5. Provider shall be required to examine and treat any inmate in segregation or otherwise unable to attend sick call
in the cell of said inmate. Provider shall be required to render emergency care at any location on Jail property.
6. Provider shall have no responsibility for security at the Jail or for the custody of any inmate at any time, such
responsibility being solely that of the Jail. Provider shall have sole responsibility in all matters of medical,
mental health and dental judgment. Provider shall have primary, but not exclusive, responsibility for the
identification, care, and treatment of inmates requiring medical care and who are "security risks" or who present
a danger to themselves and others. On these matters of mutual concern, the Sheriff or other County Official
Inmate Medical Care Program for Blount County, TN
and his staff shall support, assist and cooperate with Provider, and Provider shall support, assist and cooperate
with the Sheriff or other County Official whose decision in any non-medical matter shall be final. All decisions
involving the exercise of medical, mental health or dental judgment are still the responsibility of the Provider.
7. Policies and procedures of the Provider relating to medical care are to be established and implemented in
cooperation with the County. The Sheriff or other designated County Official retains the right to review and
approve policies and procedures of the Provider in any area affecting the performance of his responsibilities
under law.
8. The successful Proposer will be required to provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance (COI) to the County in
accordance with the requirements as noted on the enclosed insurance checklist and sample COI. The certificate
must be submitted to the Blount County Purchasing Department within five (5) business days, excluding County
holidays, from notice of intent to award. The Contractor must maintain the insurance coverage required by the
County while this contract is in force, and shall provide documentation of such insurance in a form satisfactory to
the Blount County Risk Management Department. Noncompliance may result in the contract being awarded to
the next best responsive and responsible proposer.
III. Minimum Qualifications for All Proposers
Blount County requires that any Proposer meets the following minimum qualifications. Failure to meet each of these
qualifications may result in the Proposer being deemed non-responsive by Blount County.
The County prefers that the proposer be organized and existing for the primary purpose of providing
correctional medical care services and prefers that they have active contract relationships with at least five (5)
county jails.
The County prefers that the proposer have at least five (5) continuous years of successful, corporate experience
in administering correctional medical care programs.
The Proposer must demonstrate its ability to provide a medical care system specifically for a correctional facility
similar in size and scope to the Blount County Adult Detention Center and Juvenile Detention.
Proposers must have a proven system of recruiting staff and adequate support staff in its central office capable
of competently supervising and monitoring the entire operation.
Demonstrate the ability to complete the start-up process in 30 days to begin services for Blount County on
December 1, 2024.
Inmate Medical Care Program for Blount County, TN
IV. Mandatory Requirements for All Proposals
All proposals must contain the following information. Failure to meet each of these qualifications may result in the
proposal being deemed non-responsive by Blount County.
1. Sufficient information concerning the Inmate Medical Care Program that the County representatives may evaluate
whether or not the Proposer meets "Minimum Qualifications for All Proposers". Proposers shall also
demonstrate ability to meet compliance of the stated "Objectives of this RFP”.
2. Proposers must provide the name, address, and phone number of at least three to five (3-5) correctional
institutions for which they are currently providing medical care. The list shall include the administrator’s name
at the institution, their phone number and email address, and the length of time each contract has been in effect.
Proposer shall also provide this information for all Tennessee correctional institutes for which they have provided
or are providing medical care, even if included in above list. This information will be used as a source of
references for the Proposer. Blount County reserves the right to verify references and use as a means for
3. A statement that the policies and procedures for the medical care program shall be developed by the Proposer
and ultimately approved by the County, shall be based on the Rules of the Tennessee Corrections Institute
Correctional Facilities Inspection, and that all nurses and any other staff will comply with protocols established
by the medical director. These rules may be downloaded at:
4. Proposers shall submit their staffing plan to meet the 24/7 required inmate medical care coverage as outlined in
this RFP. Plan must address how proposer will ensure inmates are not transferred offsite for medical care that
can be provided by appropriate personnel.
5. Proposers must state clearly how any temporary vacancy (e.g. vacation, sick leave, etc.) as well as credit
given for vacancies, will be handled and whether each scheduled shift will be worked during such vacancy.
6. All proposals must contain an all-inclusive annual price for an average daily population of 350 (100 of those
being Federal) inmates for all medical care rendered under the resulting contract, taking into account all
requirements detailed herein. Provider shall state their annual price for the first year of the contract and the
annual price escalation percentage for the subsequent 5 years of the initial term. Blount County will not agree
to a per diem charge; however, the contract may be renegotiated in the event of a drastic change in number
of the inmate population. If a Cost Pool is incorporated into the base compensation, proposer must specify the
assumed amount and provide details of what is and is not covered by the pool. Parties shall strive to renegotiate
the contract within 60 days of the population change. Proposers shall address any items included in their
proposal that are not on the following list. The annual price must include coverage of all of the following
products and services to be furnished by the Proposer:
Policies and Procedures development
Any necessary licenses/permits/certifications
All required insurance
Travel expenses
Nurse wages and benefits
Physician medical director on-site
On-site and off-site medical services
X-ray services, preferably on-site
Dental services on-site, and off-site as needed
On-site and/or off-site mental health services
Medications (prescription and over-the-counter)
Emergency kits and restocking
Medical supplies
Equipment, less than $500
Repairs/calibrations on existing equipment
Administrative services (cell phone, electronic
medical record system, etc.)
Phone line and phone calls
Office supplies
Folders and forms
Inmate Medical Care Program for Blount County, TN
Clinical lab procedures
Publications and subscriptions
IV fluid therapy
Training for officers in the jail on various topics
All other specific on-site services (renal dialysis,
Medical hazardous waste disposal
other major chronic care, etc.)
7. Proposers shall include samples of forms to be used for the medical care program including prescription
formulary, special diets, etc.
8. Proposers shall describe how billing to the County will be handled and the expected terms for payments by
the County to the Proposer. Payment terms of less than 20 days will not be considered. Blount County’s normal
payment terms of Net 30 will be adopted if no other terms are quoted and accepted.
9. A sample certificate of liability insurance showing actual coverage limits must be submitted with the proposal
10. In order to better understand all of the working terms being proposed the Proposer shall provide with its proposal
response a sample contract for consideration should the Proposer be awarded the contract.
11. Proposer must include annual performance guarantees with percentage or total amount at risk specified for
key performance indicators. Areas of focus based upon key concerns are below, consideration for other
recommendations will also be given:
-unnecessary offsite transfers of inmates for medical care
-attendance by agreed upon participants in quarterly operational review meetings
-providing identified reporting on agreed upon timeline
-BCSO overall satisfaction with rendered services per the contract
12. Proposer must demonstrate ability to begin services on December 1, 2024 and take over ownership of
CorEMR (See server requirements Attachment F).
V. Scope of Contract
The Proposer who is selected to provide the services described in this RFP (hereinafter “Provider”) shall be the sole
supplier and/or coordinator of the medical care delivery system at the contracted Blount facility, including the Adult
Detention Center and the Juvenile Detention Center (the “Jail”). Provider shall be responsible for all medical care for
all inmates at the Jail. The term "medical care" includes both “mental health care” as well as "dental care". This
responsibility of Provider for the medical care of an inmate commences with the commitment of the inmate to the
custody of the administration of the Jail and ends with the discharge (or temporary release) of the inmate from the
custody of the County at the Jail.
Inmates housed in jails not covered under the terms of this RFP, or the resulting contract, will not be included in the
Provider’s responsibility while they are housed at other facilities or while being transported. Inmates held in the Jail
for other jurisdictions such as other counties or the US Justice Department will be included in the count and the on-
site care for these inmates will be the responsibility of the Provider for nursing and physician care, any supplies used,
and for over-the-counter medications. Other medical costs which can be identified for specific inmates such as
prescriptions, x-rays, dental procedures, and all off-site medically related consultations and procedures will be billed
back to the originating agency by the actual community agency providing the care.
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.
* Disclaimer: This website provides information about bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) for convenience only and does not serve as an official public notice. Individuals who wish to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the relevant government department directly.

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See Also

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