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2024-0127 Addendum 1
Inmate Medical Care
Issue Date: 4/19/2024
Questions Deadline: 5/3/2024 05:00 PM (ET)
Response Deadline: 5/30/2024 01:30 PM (ET)
Contact Information
Contact: Ashley Merrick
Address: Blount County Purchasing
Blount County Courthouse
Room 319
385 Court Street
Maryville, TN 378045906
Phone: (865) 2735740
(865) 2735746
Deadline: 5/30/2024 01:30 PM (ET)
2024-0127 Addendum 1
Event Information
2024-0127 Addendum 1
Inmate Medical Care
Request for Proposals
Issue Date:
Question Deadline: 5/3/2024 05:00 PM (ET)
Response Deadline: 5/30/2024 01:30 PM (ET)
It is the intent of this Request for Proposal to procure a contract for Inmate Medical
Care for Blount County, TN. The successful contractor shall be responsible for a
comprehensive medical care delivery system for the Blount County Adult Detention
Center located at 920 E Lamar Alexander Pkwy. Maryville, TN 37804 and the Blount
County Juvenile Detention Center located at the Blount County Courthouse 329
Court Street Maryville, TN 37804. Both Detention centers have both male and female
detainees and some sentenced inmates.
Bid documents may be obtained at Vendors
are encouraged to register with Blount County and submit their response through the
online bidding system at this same link. If you have any issues registering in the
online system, contact the IonWave help desk at 866-277-2645, ext. 4,, or Blount County Purchasing, 865-273-5740,
Written (hard copy) bids are an optional method of response and must be submitted
no later than the response deadline to Blount County Purchasing, Blount County
Courthouse Room 319, 385 Court St., Maryville, TN 37804-5906.
Bid responses are not accepted via email or fax. Bidders must allow ample
time to submit their response. No information may be submitted or modified
beyond the Response Deadline Date / Time.
When registered, vendors may submit questions via the Questions tab for this RFP
in the online bidding system. Please make note of the question deadline. Prior to bid
submission, it is the bidder's responsibility to access the online bidding system and
ascertain they have received any addenda and viewed answers to published
questions and bid accordingly.
The public bid opening will be held at the response submittal deadline at Blount
County Purchasing, Blount County Courthouse Room 319, 385 Court St., Maryville,
TN 37804-5906. The opening may also be accessed via Zoom at,Meeting ID:8652735744. Bidders shall
access the online bidding system for possible extension of this date and time. If you
have problems accessing any Zoom meeting, please phone Blount County
Purchasing, 865-273-5740.
Bid Activities
Questions Due
Questions regarding Inmate Medical Care RFP due.
Page 2 of 9 pages
Deadline: 5/30/2024 01:30 PM (ET)
5/3/2024 4:30:00 PM (ET)
2024-0127 Addendum 1
Bid Opening
5/30/2024 1:30:00 PM (ET)
Bid Attachments
Attachment A - Schedule of Events 2024-0127.xlsx
Schedule of Events
Attachment B RFP Guidelines.pdf
RFP Guidelines
Attachment C Terms & Conditions RFP 2024-0127.pdf
Blount County Terms & Conditions
Attachment D Bid Cover & Contractors Information.pdf
Bid Cover
Attachment E- BC Required Forms.pdf
Blount County Required Forms
Attachment F CorEMR specifications.pdf
CorEMR specs
Attachment G Psychiatric Nurse job description.pdf
Job description
Attachment H Blount County Medical Equipement List.xlsx
Equipment List
Attachment I Data for Years 2022,2023.xlsx
Data from previous years and Current Vendors
Attachment J Historical Questions.pdf
Historical Questions relating to Inmate Medical Services
Attachment K Staffing Matrix.pdf
Staffing Matrix
COI professional sample- BCG 24.pdf
Sample Certificate of Insurance
Historical Cost Pool Analysis.xlsx
Historical cost pool analysis
Requested Attachments
Blount County Required forms
(Attachment required)
Complete all Blount County required forms
Minimum Qualifications
(Attachment required)
Provide sufficient information to determine whether or not your proposal meets "Minimum Qualifications for All
Proposers" as stated in this RFP.
Staffing Plan
(Attachment required)
Provide your staffing plan to meet 24/7 medical coverage as outlined in this RFP.
RFP Objectives
(Attachment required)
Describe your ability to meet the objectives as stated in this RFP.
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Deadline: 5/30/2024 01:30 PM (ET)
2024-0127 Addendum 1
(Attachment required)
Describe how you propose to handle your billing to Blount County.
Statement regarding TCI compliance
(Attachment required)
Provide a statement regarding compliance with the Rules of the Tennessee Corrections Institute as stated in this RFP.
Tennessee References
(Attachment required)
Provide a list of all Tennessee correctional institutions, or other Tennessee references, for whom you have provided or
are currently providing medical services.
Other References
(Attachment required)
Provide a list of correctional institutions for whom you are currently providing medical care of other applicable
Temporary Vacancy
(Attachment required)
Describe how temporary vacancies, i.e. vacation, sick leave, etc.. will be handled.
Sample Forms
(Attachment required)
Provide a sample prescription formulary and other forms to be used in your medical services program.
Sample COI
(Attachment required)
Provide your sample Certificate of Liability Insurance as outlined in this RFP.
Sample Contract
(Attachment required)
Provide a sample contract for services for and Inmate Medical Services Program.
Planned Methodology for Comprehensive Inmate Medical Care program
(Attachment required)
Proposer shall be required to submit their planned methodology to provide the comprehensive inmate medical care
program for Blount County, TN. This shall include all areas of the program from intake to release including, but not
limited to, initiation of care, determination of prescription needs, determination of need for off-site care, determination
of best type of referrals needed for continuation of care upon release, and sourcing and selection of any contracting
partners. Contractor shall be able to illustrate that no administration fees are charged to Blount County for off-site
care, all costs are strictly pass-through.
Planned Methodology for Medication Dispensing
(Attachment required)
Proposer shall be required to submit the methodology utilized for medication dispensing for infectious diseases and
chronic conditions, i.e. Hepatitis C or HIV, including reference to applicable correctional institute guidelines.
Planned Methodology for quarterly review.
(Attachment required)
Proposer shall be required to submit their planned method to meet quarterly to provide the county with current
medical needs, billing, vacancies, etc... Please list personnel to be included in said meetings.
MAT program
(Attachment required)
Proposer should describe how they handle Medication Assisted Treatment for opioid use.
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Deadline: 5/30/2024 01:30 PM (ET)
2024-0127 Addendum 1
Bid Attributes
1 Terms & Conditions
Check the box indicating you've read and agree to the terms and conditions of the bid.
(Required: Check if applicable)
2 Primary Contact Info
Provide your company's primary contact person information: name, title, phone number, fax number and email
(Required: Maximum 4000 characters allowed)
3 Secondary Contact Info
Provide your company's secondary contact person information: name, title, phone number, fax number and email
(Optional: Maximum 4000 characters allowed)
4 Accounts Receivable Info
Provide your company's remit to address (if different), contact name, phone number, fax number and email address.
(Required: Maximum 4000 characters allowed)
5 Customer Reference No. 1
Customer reference for the same or similar services/goods proposed. Include company name, contact person,
phone number, fax number and email address.
(Required: Maximum 4000 characters allowed)
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Deadline: 5/30/2024 01:30 PM (ET)
2024-0127 Addendum 1
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.