Kenton County Fiscal Court
1840 Simon Kenton Way Ste. 5100
Covington, Kentucky 41011
BID/PROPOSAL Cart Path Paving
BID OPENING DATE: August 7, 2024
TIME: 2:30 P.M. Local Time
LOCATION Purchasing Department
Submit 1 original and 3 copy(s) of the bid/proposal.
Holly Hill
DATE OF RFB/RFP July 18, 2024
Date: ___________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________
Company Name: _________________________ Fax: ________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________ State: ______________ Zip Code: _____________
Contact Person: __________________________ Title: _______________________________
Cell Phone: ______________________ E-mail: ______________________________________
Authorized Signature: ___________________________________________________________
The signee hereby certifies that they have read and understand the contents of this solicitation and
agree to furnish at the prices shown any or all of the items listed, subject to all instructions,
conditions, specifications and attachments hereto. The bidder/offeror affirms to the Kenton County
Fiscal Court the ability to meet all requirements and further affirms that the work will be done in
compliance with all Federal, State and Local codes, ordinances, and regulations.
1. AUTHORITY This Request for Bids/Proposals is issued pursuant to applicable provisions of the
Kenton County Purchasing Ordinance.
2. BID/PROPOSAL OPENING Sealed bids/proposals will be received at the Kenton County Purchasing
Department until the date and time specified at which time they shall be opened in public. Late
bids/proposals shall be rejected and returned unopened to the sender. Kenton County does not
prescribe the method by which bids/proposals are to be transmitted; therefore, it cannot be held
responsible for any delay, regardless of the reason, in transmission of the bids/proposals. Facsimile
bids/proposals will not be accepted.
3. BID/PROPOSAL PREPARATION Bids/Proposals must be submitted on the bid/proposal form when
provided and all information and certifications called for must be furnished. Bids/Proposals submitted in
any other manner, or which fail to furnish all information or certificates required, may be summarily
rejected. Bids may be modified or withdrawn prior to the time specified for the opening of
bids/proposals. Bids/Proposals shall be filled out legibly in ink or typewritten with all erasures,
strikeovers and corrections initialed in ink by the person signing the bid. The bid shall include the legal
name of the bidder, the complete mailing address, and be signed in blue ink by a person or persons
legally authorized to bind the bidder/offeror to a contract. Name of person signing should be typed or
printed below the signature.
4. BID/PROPOSAL ENVELOPES Envelopes containing bids/proposals must be sealed and
addressed to the Kenton County Purchasing Department. The title of the bid/proposal as specified in
the RFB/RFP document must be shown on the outside of the envelope.
5. ERRORS IN BIDS/PROPOSALS Bidders/Offerors are cautioned to verify their bids/proposals
before submission. Negligence on the part of the bidder/offeror in preparing the bid/proposal confers
no right for withdrawal or modification of the bid/proposal after it has been opened. In case of error in
the extension of prices in the bid/proposal, the unit prices will govern. All price extensions are to be
checked by the buyer to insure the total bid/proposal is accurate.
6. RESERVED RIGHTS Kenton County reserves the right at any time and for any reason to cancel this
Request for Bids/Proposals, accept or reject any or all bids/proposals or any portion thereof, or to
accept an alternate bid/proposal. Kenton County reserves the right to waive any immaterial defect in
any bid. Kenton County may seek clarification from any bidder/offeror at any time and failure to
respond promptly is cause for rejection.
7. INCURRED COSTS Kenton County will not be liable for any costs incurred by bidders/offers in
replying to this Request for Bids/Proposals.
8. AWARD It is the intent of Kenton County to award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder/offeror
meeting specifications. Kenton County reserves the right to determine the lowest responsible bid/offer
on the basis of an individual item, groups of items, or in any way determined to be in the best interests
of Kenton County. Award will be based on the following factors (where applicable): (a) adherence to
all conditions and requirements of the bid/proposal specifications; (b) price; (c) qualifications of the
bidder/offeror, including past performance, financial responsibility, general reputation, experience,
service capabilities, and facilities; (d) delivery or completion date; (e) product appearance,
workmanship, finish, taste, feel, overall quality, and results of product testing; (f) maintenance costs and
warranty provisions; and (g) repurchase or residual value. Bids/proposals accepted by the Kenton
County Fiscal Court will be available to all members of the Northern Kentucky Governmental
Purchasing Association.
9. PRICING The price quoted for each item is the full purchase price, including delivery to destination,
and includes all transportation and handling charges, premiums on bonds, material or service costs,
patent royalties and all other overhead charges of every kind and nature. Unless otherwise specified,
prices shall remain firm for the contract period.
10. DISCOUNTS Prices quoted must be net after deducing all trade and quantity discounts. Where
cash discounts for prompt payment are offered, the discount period shall begin with the date of receipt
of a correct invoice or receipt or final acceptance of goods, whichever is later.
11. OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES All Bidders/Offerors must have or obtain a Kenton County and Cities
Occupational License prior to performing any work in Kenton County or any of its Cities, Kenton County
Ordinance 225.19, Section III (a). Bidders/Offerors must be in full compliance with all Kenton County
and Cities’ Occupational License Ordinances (KENTON COUNTY FISCAL COURT ORDINANCES 78-
6-1, 220.8, 223.0, 223.7, 225.19, 225.25) prior to awarding of a contract. Kenton County shall have the
right to reject any bids/offers from Bidders/Offerors that are not in compliance with Kenton County and
Cities’ Occupational License Ordinances.
12. TAXES Kenton County is not subject to Federal Excise tax. Per Kentucky Administrative Regulation
103 KAR 30:225E, Kenton County is exempt from state and local taxes.
13 SPECIFICATIONS Reference to brand names and numbers is descriptive, but not restrictive, unless
otherwise specified. Bids/Proposals on equivalent items will be considered, provided the bidder/offeror
clearly states exactly what is proposed to be furnished, including complete specifications. Unless the
bidder/offeror specified otherwise, it is understood the bidder/offeror is offering a referenced brand item
as specified or is bidding/offering as specified when no referenced, and does not propose to furnish an
“equal.” Kenton County reserves the right to determine whether a substitute offer is equivalent to and
meets the standard of quality indicated by the brand name and number.
notify Kenton County of any ambiguity, inconsistency or error which they may discover upon
examination of the bidding documents. Interpretations, corrections and changes will be made by
addendum. Each bidder/offeror shall ascertain prior to submitting a bid that all addenda have been
received and acknowledged in the bid.
15. VARIANCES State or list by reference on the reverse side of the Bid/Proposal forms herein any
variations to specifications, terms and/or conditions.
16. INDEMNIFICATION The Seller shall indemnify and hold harmless Kenton County, its agents,
officials, and employees from and against all injuries, losses, claims, suits, costs and expenses which
may accrue against Kenton County as a consequence of granting the Contract.
17. DEFAULT Time is of the essence of this contract and if delivery of acceptable items or rendering of
services is not completed by the time promised, Kenton County reserves the right, without liability, in
addition to its other rights and remedies, to terminate the contract by notice effective when received by
Seller, as to stated items not yet shipped or services not yet rendered and to purchase substitute items
or services elsewhere and charge the Seller with any or all losses incurred. Kenton County shall be
entitled to recover its attorney’s fees and expenses in any successful action by Kenton County to
enforce this contract.
18. INSPECTION Materials or equipment purchased are subject to inspection and approval at Kenton
County’s destination. Kenton County reserves the right to reject and refuse acceptance of items which
are not in accordance with the instructions, specifications, drawings or data of Seller’s warranty
(express or implied). Rejected materials or equipment shall be removed by, or at the expense or, the
seller promptly after rejection.
19. WARRANTY Seller warrants that all goods and services furnished hereunder will conform in all
respects to the terms of this solicitation, including any drawings, specifications or standards
incorporated herein, and that they will be free from latent and patent defects in materials, workmanship
and title, and will be free from such defects in design. In addition, Seller warrants that said goods and
services are suitable for, and will perform in accordance with, the purposes for which they are
purchased, fabricated, manufactured and designed or for such other purposes as are expressly
specified in this solicitation. Kenton County may return any nonconforming or defective items to the
Seller or require correction or replacement of the item at the time the defect is discovered, all at the
Seller’s risk and expense. Acceptance shall not relieve the Seller of its responsibility.
20. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE Seller represents and warrants that the goods or services furnished
hereunder (including all labels, packages and container for said goods) comply with all applicable
standards, rules and regulations in effect under the requirements of all Federal, State and local laws,
rules and regulations as applicable, including the Occupational Safety and Health Act as amended, with
respect to design, construction, manufacture or use for their intended purpose of said goods or
services. Seller shall furnish “Material Safety Data Sheets” on all chemicals.
21. ROYALTIES AND PATENTS Seller shall pay all royalties and license fees. Seller shall defend all
suits or claims for infringement of any patent, copyright or trademark rights and shall hold Kenton
County harmless from loss on account thereof.
22. LAW GOVERNING This contract shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky. Pursuant to the provisions of KRS 45A.343, the contractor or vendor is
required to reveal to Kenton County any final determination of a violation of KRS Chapters 136, 139,
141, 337, 338 and 342 by the contractor or vendor within the previous five (5) years; and further that
said contractor or vendor has been and is in continuous compliance with the provisions of KRS
Chapters 136, 139, 141, 337, 341, and 342 for the duration of the contract. The failure of a contractor
or vendor to reveal a final determination of a violation to a local government, or to comply with the
statutory requirements, is considered grounds for cancellation of a contract and disqualification of the
contractor or vendor from eligibility for any Kenton County contracts for a period of two (2) years.
23. BID BOND A Bid Bond amounting to five (5%) percent of the proposed bid/proposal price must be
provided with the response. The Bid Bond may be in the form of a surety bond; cashier check or other
form of surety satisfactory to the county attorney. If the contract is awarded to the bonded bidder, the
bidder will accept the contract as bid, or else the surety will pay the Fiscal Court a specific amount
because of default on part of the bidder.
It is the intention of these specifications to provide to prospective bidders the requirements for the Furnishing,
Delivery, and Installation of Asphalt cart paths for Kenton County Golf Courses.
Successful bidder shall furnish all required supervision, labor, materials, equipment, apparatus, tools
transportation, storage, permits (if required) and all necessary related items and appurtenances for a full and
complete job in accordance with the industry standards.
Prospective proposers are hereby required to completely familiarize themselves with the scope of work
required and the conditions to be met by conferring with Mr. Ron Freking, Superintendent, at cell no.
859.802.6875. Said bidder covenants and agrees that they have satisfied themselves with their own
investigation of the conditions to be met and that they fully understand their obligation and that they will not
make any claim for or have right to cancellation or relief without penalty of the contract because of any
misunderstanding or lack of information. This is an important and irrevocable part of any resulting contract.
Kenton County Golf Courses, 3908 Richardson Rd, Independence, KY 41051t
Scope of Work: Pioneer and Willows courses
a) Approximately 7,100 square feet on Pioneer course in 3 separate areas holes 4,5 and 6 and
Approximately 5,100 square feet on Willows course in 5 separate areas holes 1,2,3,4 and 6
- Excavate and remove topsoil to stockpile for future use.
- Ccompact sub base
- Install 8” of DGA limestone and compact
- Install 2.5” of surface asphalt and compact
- Grade stored topsoil to bank edges and restore areas with seed and straw
- Install rip rap as needed on hole #4 to shore up edges
Pioneer hole #4, (3600 square feet, 44 tons of channel lining)
Pioneer hole #5, (2500 square feet, 22 tons of channel lining)
Pioneer hole #6, has asphalt removal and millings replacement only
Willows hole #1 (800 square feet, 22 tons of channel lining)
Willows hole #2, 2000 square feet of asphalt removal
Willows hole#3 (1000 square feet, 22 tons of channel lining)
Willows hole #4 (1300 square feet, 22 tons of channel lining)
Willows hole #6 has asphalt removal only
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.