Freezer Floor Replacement

Agency: State Government of Wisconsin
State: Wisconsin
Type of Government: State & Local
NAICS Category:
  • 238330 - Flooring Contractors
Posted Date: Nov 15, 2023
Due Date: Jan 17, 2024
Solicitation No: 21G2A MEP
Original Source: Please Login to View Page
Contact information: Please Login to View Page
Bid Documents: Please Login to View Page



  • PDF scanned file of all required bid documents, including bid and bid bond forms with original wet signatures or properly transmitted electronic signatures (only PDF files will be accepted) emailed to (this is the preferred method);
  • US Mail (United States Postal Service) or Third-pardy delivery (UPS, Fedex, or DHL) to the State of Wisconsin Administration Building; or
  • Hand delivery to the drop box labeled SEALED BIDS ONLY in front of the State of Wisconsin Administration Building located at 101 East Wilson Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53703.


  • PDF files with electronic signatures using a remote online signature or notarization technology provider (approved providers only). Electronic signatures must also be accompanied by telephone numbers for all signatories as well as the bond principal and issuing surety on bond documents for oral verification (only PDF files will be accepted) emailed to (this is the preferred method).

In order to ensure that bids are received and processed, ALL must be delivered by 1:00 P.M. CDT on the day that the bid submission is due REGARDLESS OF DELIVERY METHOD.

Bidders may submit PDFs of bid forms, bonds, and powers of attorney containing e-signatures, e-corporate seals, and e-notaries affixed to each document in accordance with the Surety’s obligations. We will require telephone numbers for all signatories as well as the bond principal and issuing surety for oral verification. Bids must be accompanied by a bid guarantee, which may take the form of a properly executed DFD form of bid bond. If a bidder elects to use a bid bond as their bid guarantee, such bid bond must be accompanied by a power of attorney, which DFD will only accept as genuine if it is properly notarized. Wisconsin law permits the use of (electronic) remote online notarization if it is performed using technology providers that have been approved by the Department of Financial Institutions (DFI). If a bidder elects to use remote online notarization it is the responsibility of the bidder and its surety to ensure that the technology provider has been approved by DFI. DFD reserves the right to reject bids submitted electronically if a bidder uses a remote online notarization technology provider that has not been approved by DFI.

Bid forms containing electronic signatures must be obtained using approved software in order to be accepted. DocuSign software and Adobe Digital Signature software are approved for e-signatures for submission of bids. Use of any other e-signature software will require additional verification and approval at least three (3) business days prior to submission of bids. Please contact regarding any proposed electronic signature software. Failure to obtain pre-approval may result in bid rejection.

Any email submissions should receive a reply.  If a reply is not received within thirty minutes after PDF bid is emailed, please contact DFD at (608) 266-7066 or (608) 261-7758.  Each bid package must be submitted in a separate email as a scanned PDF file of all required bid documents. Size limit is 20 MB per email. The email subject line must use the following format: “Project Number – Bid Category/Division of Work – Company Name".  Only PDF files will be accepted via email.  Bids and bid bond forms must be signed with original wet signatures or properly transmitted electronic signatures using a remote online notarization technology provider that have been approved by the Department of Financial Institutions (DFI), where required.  DFD will require the apparent low bidders to submit “hard copy" versions of their bid documents.  DFD may also require the other bidders to submit hard copy versions of bid documents before any contracts are initiated. Hard copy versions must be received within seven (7) days of request.

Awarded contracts may be signed via DocuSign. However, the contractor may still choose to print, sign, and mail paper contract. If a contractor chooses to sign contract and contract documents electronically via DocuSign, they must attach their remote notarized Performance Bond, Payment Bond, Power of Attorney, and Corporate Resolution using technology providers that have been approved by the Department of Financial Institutions (DFI), to the DocuSign envelope. This is the preferred method and more detailed instructions will be provided with contract offer correspondence.

All bids, regardless of delivery method, are due by 1:00 P.M. CDT on the day that the bid submission is due.  Bidders are responsible for the bid being delivered before the time specified and delivery is entirely at the bidder's risk.  Therefore, bidders are highly encouraged to use email PDF to submit bids.

Bid openings will be conducted via Microsoft Teams. Bidders may call the Madison Microsoft Teams teleconference number: (608) 571-2209, 484 588 360# , on the day of the bid to hear the bid results announced on the day bids are due. The conference line will be open at 1:45 P.M. CDT and all bids will be opened after 2:00 P.M. CDT. All in-person bid openings have been discontinued.

Project Number: 21G2A MEP
Project Title: Freezer Floor Replacement
Bid Date: 01/17/2024
Bid ID: 9960
Notes: GPC Bid Date 1/31/2024.
Bid Bond: True
CD Available: True
Bid Documents Available Via: CD-ROM and/or Download

View/Download Files: (Large files may result in long download times)

Document Type

View/Download File
MEP A-1, Invitation to Bidders 21G2A MEP A-1 Document.pdf (98.02 KB)
MEP Volume 1 Specification Table of Contents 21G2A MEP TOC.pdf (91.27 KB)
MEP Volume 1 Specifications Login Required
GPC A-1, Invitation to Bidders 21G2A GPC A-1 Document.pdf (99.18 KB)
GPC Volume 1 Specification Table of Contents 21G2A GPC TOC.pdf (92.63 KB)
GPC Volume 1 Specifications Login Required
Volume 2 Specification Table of Contents 21G2A Spec Vol 2 TOC.pdf (76.65 KB)
Specifications Volume 2 Login Required
Drawings Volume 1 Login Required

* Disclaimer: This website provides information about bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) for convenience only and does not serve as an official public notice. Individuals who wish to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the relevant government department directly.

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