Agency: | City of Santa Cruz |
State: | California |
Type of Government: | State & Local |
NAICS Category: |
Posted Date: | May 6, 2023 |
Due Date: | Jun 15, 2023 |
Solicitation No: | Request for Proposals No. PL2317 |
Original Source: | Please Login to View Page |
Contact information: | Please Login to View Page |
Bid Documents: | Please Login to View Page |
The City of Santa Cruz requests proposals from qualified firms for this Fee Study (the “Study”). The goal of the Study is to ensure that existing fees are calibrated to capture the full, true direct and indirect costs of public services and to provide an opportunity for City to fully capture said costs of services, provided that any increased cost recovery from fees would not conflict with broader City goals and values. A successful proposer will have the ability to perform a cost-of-service Study managed by the City Departments and programs outlined below for the:
Public Works Department,
Parks and Recreation Department,
Economic Development,
City Manager’s Office, and
Fire Department.
Proposal Delivery Instructions:
The Proposal Due Date for this solicitation is 5:00 p.m. PST on June 15, 2023.
Proposals are due by the Proposal Due Date to guarantee review. Proposals received after the deadline will be deemed non-responsive. All proposals will be e-mailed to before the due date. Proposers take full responsibility for City’s receipt of its Proposal. The City will not be liable for any expenses incurred by Proposers in responding to this solicitation, including but not limited to any costs associated with interviews. The subject line of the emailed proposal shall include the Project name and RFP number. It is the responsibility of the Proposer to ensure that electronic submittals are received by the City prior to the deadline.
For More Information:
With Free Trial, you can:
You will have a full access to bids, website, and receive daily bid report via email and web.
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