Elevator Repair and Maintenance

Agency: Arlington Public Schools
State: Virginia
Type of Government: State & Local
NAICS Category:
  • 238290 - Other Building Equipment Contractors
  • 811310 - Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance
Posted Date: Feb 9, 2024
Due Date: Mar 7, 2024
Solicitation No: ITB 46FY24
Original Source: Please Login to View Page
Contact information: Please Login to View Page
Bid Documents: Please Login to View Page
Solicitation Description Due Date Contact
ITB 46FY24
Pricing Schedule
Elevator Repair and Maintenance March 07, 2024, No Later Than 11:59 P.M. (Local Prevailing Time)
Link to submit Bid – ITB 46FY24
Link to Bid Opening – ITB 46FY24
Carolina Sorto

Attachment Preview

Arlington Public Schools
Procurement Office
Invitation to Bid Title:
Invitation to Bid 46FY24
Elevator Repair and Maintenance
Invitation to Bid Number:
Invitation to Bid Issue Date:
February 09, 2024
Pre-Bid Conference:
A Pre-Bid Conference will not be held for this
Bid Closing Date/Time:
March 07, 2024, No Later Than 11:59 P.M. (Local
Prevailing Time)
Bid Opening Date/Time:
March 08, 2024, at 10:00 A.M. (Local Prevailing Time)
Procurement Office
Carolina Sorto, Procurement Specialist
(703) 228-6193, carolina.sorto@apsva.us
This is Arlington County School Board’s, operating as Arlington Public Schools (“APS” or “Owner”), Invitation to Bid
Number 46FY24 (“ITB”) for the establishment of a Term Contract for Elevator Repair and Maintenance(“Work”). Sealed
Bids in response to the ITB shall be solely received electronically, through a secure cloud-based file sharing platform
(“Platform”). Bids shall not be received at the Syphax Education Center by mail, express mail, in person, or by courier.
Bidders wishing to submit a Bid in response to the ITB are required to upload the Mandatory Requirements, found in the
Instruction to Bidders, into the Platform through the link found on the Current Solicitations webpage, which can be located
by accessing APS’ Procurement Office website. A link to the webpage is provided below. Found under the Due Date
column for ITB 46FY24 of the Current Solicitations table is a link for Bidders to submit their Bids. (“Link to submit Bid –
ITB 46FY24”). To assist Bidders with the submission of their respective Bids, screenshots of the steps required to submit a
Bid are provided in this ITB.
For a Bid to be considered for award of a Contract, the Bid must be received in the Platform by no later than 11:59 P.M.
(Local Prevailing Time) on Thursday, March 07, 2024 (“Bid Closing”). Bidders are strongly encouraged to submit their
Bids in advance of Bid Closing to allow sufficient time for the Bids to be uploaded into the Platform before the Bid Closing.
The time a Bid is reflected as having been received shall be determined by the time shown under the Activity in the Folder
log (“the Log”). If the upload time shown in the Log is after Bid Closing, the Bid will be considered non-responsive and
will not be considered for Contract award. Bids received after the Bid Closing shall not be considered. Confirmation
Invitation - 1
is not provided that a Bid has been received in the Platform. However, Bidders can contact Carolina Sorto at:
carolina.sorto@apsva.us or 703-228-6193 to request confirmation that its Bid has been received.
Bids shall not be opened and announced in the Syphax Education Center but will be done so virtually at 10:00 A.M. (Local
Prevailing Time) on Friday, March 08, 2024 (“Bid Opening”) using Microsoft Teams. Anyone wishing to view the Bid
Opening can also find the link to the Microsoft Teams invite under the Due Date column of the Current Solicitations table
on the Procurement Office website (“Link to Bid Opening – ITB 46FY24”). Please note, the link requires attendees to use
the Microsoft Teams application or the Google Chrome browser to view the Bid Opening.
For further information, please contact Carolina Sorto at: carolina.sorto@apsva.us or 703-228-6193.
Link to the Current Solicitations webpage: https://www.apsva.us/procurement-office/current-solicitations/
All Bids must be submitted on the enclosed pages bearing the caption Bid Form (collectively “Bid Form”) or a copy thereof.
All pages of the Bid Form must be submitted and all blanks in the Bid Form must be completed or noted as not applicable.
A notation of “not applicable” or “N/A” shall be used only if the information requested is not a required or mandatory
element of the Bid. A person authorized to bind the Bidder in contractual matters must sign the Bid Form. Mandatory
provisions of this ITB are indicated by the inclusion of the words "shall" or "must" to identify the Bidder's obligations.
Failure to comply with any requirement stated as mandatory either in this Invitation or in the Instructions to Bidders shall
result in rejection of the Bid as non-responsive, except to the extent the failure or omission either is not a mandatory statutory
requirement or does not affect price, quantity, quality, or time. A response to, and meeting, any qualifications and mandatory
requirements set forth in the Instructions to Bidders, if any, is mandatory. In limited circumstances as set forth in Instructions
to Bidders, Section 27, mandatory information may be supplemented. Any mandatory requirement for which
supplementation is not addressed in Instructions to Bidders, Section 27, must be satisfied in the Bid to be responsive and no
supplementation will be permitted.
1.0 Purpose:
1.1. This solicitation is being issued to establish a Term Contract(s) for "as required" Services for the Work for
all schools and departments of APS, and will be used as a primary source for the items listed herein during
the term of any Contract awarded from this solicitation. Further detail regarding the Scope of Work and the
Specifications applicable to the Work are set forth in the Contract Documents.
1.2. The labor rates and any materials costs specified in the Bid Form shall include all direct and indirect
overhead costs, benefits, insurance, transportation, materials, equipment, and other general and
administrative cost or markup of any type.
2.0 Bid Documents:
The Bid Documents for this solicitation consist of this Invitation, the Instructions to Bidders, the Scope of Work,
all Addenda issued prior to the Bid Closing, and the Bid Form. The Contract Documents are as defined in the form
Agreement included with this solicitation. All provisions of the Bid Documents and of the Contract Documents
shall apply to this solicitation, and submission of a Bid shall be the Bidder’s confirmation of the acceptance thereof
and agreement to comply therewith.
3.0 Pre-Bid Conference:
A Pre-Bid Conference will not be held for this Solicitation.
4.0. Taxes:
APS is exempt from the payment of any federal excise taxes Tax. The price Bid must be net, exclusive of federal
excise taxes. However, when under established trade practice any federal excise tax is included in the list price the
Bidder may quote the list price and shall show separately the amount of federal tax, either as a flat sum or as
percentage of the list price, which shall be deducted by APS in evaluating the Bid. The APS Federal Excise Tax
Number is 54-6001128. Bidders located outside the Commonwealth of Virginia may charge and collect their own
local/state sales tax when the Bid Documents provide that the Goods are to be picked up by APS at Bidder’s out of
Virginia place of business.
Invitation - 2
5.0 Term of Contract and Renewals:
5.1. The initial term of any Contract awarded shall commence on May 01, 2024, for a period of 12 months.
(“Initial Contract Term”), unless otherwise stated in the Contract.
5.2. Any Contract awarded may be renewed for a term not to exceed one (1) year (“Renewal Contract Term”)
by written notice given by APS (30) Days prior to the expiration of the preceding Initial Contract Term or
Renewal Contract Term. No representative of APS has any authority to order, direct or request work after
expiration of the Initial Contract Term or Renewal Contract Term and prior to a Renewal Contract Term in
strict compliance with the renewal terms herein. APS, at its sole discretion, has the right, but is under no
obligation, to exercise this right to renew not to exceed four (4) Renewal Contract Terms at the same terms
and conditions.
5.3. APS, at its sole discretion, may, but is not required to, extend any existing Initial Contract Term or Renewal
Contract Term for a period of not more than six (6) months to allow for completion of Work in progress at
the time of scheduled expiration of the Initial Contract Term or a Renewal Contract Term. If the Initial
Contract Term or a Renewal Contract Term is not extended, all Work shall terminate at the expiration of
the Contract Term or Renewal Contract Term in which it began.
5.4. For additional provisions regarding the Initial Contract Term and Renewal Contract Terms, the Bidder is
directed to the Agreement provided with this solicitation and all Contract Documents referenced therein.
6.0 Certification Regarding Criminal Convictions:
Refer to Instructions to Bidders and the Bid Form for required certifications regarding criminal convictions.
7.0 Nondiscrimination Requirements:
7.1. APS does not discriminate against faith-based organizations in the solicitation or award of Contracts.
7.2. APS does not discriminate against a Bidder because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age,
disability, status as a service-disabled veteran, or any other basis prohibited by state law relating to
discrimination in employment.
7.3. APS does encourage the inclusion in the procurement process of small businesses, businesses owned by
women, minorities and service-disabled veterans, and employment services organizations, all as provided
by Va. Code Ann. § 2.2-4310.
8.0 Rejection of Bids; Waiver of Informalities:
APS reserves the right to cancel this solicitation, to reject any and all Bids, and to waive informalities in Bids.
9.0 Request for Comments:
Following the award of any Contract or Contracts, or the cancellation of this solicitation, all Bidders or potential
Bidders are invited to provide to APS written comments regarding the manner in which this solicitation was
conducted and any suggested modifications to that process which might make future solicitations by APS more
efficient, more productive, and more attractive to potential Bidders.
End of Invitation
Invitation - 3
Table of Contents
Invitation ........................................................................................................................................................1
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................................4
Instructions to Bidders ....................................................................................................................................5
Scope of Work ..............................................................................................................................................17
Bid Form .......................................................................................................................................................33
Agreement ..................................................................................................................................................... 49
Terms and Conditions ..................................................................................................................................55
Sample Job Authorization Form ...................................................................................................................90
Sample Purchase Order.................................................................................................................................91
Screenshots of the Steps Required to Submit a Bid .....................................................................................92
Appendix 1 - Contractor Certification Regarding Criminal Convictions .....................................................97
Appendix 2 - Insurance Coverage Checklist ................................................................................................98
Appendix 4 – Equipment Location and Inventory......................................................................................100
Appendix 5 – Schedule Maintenance Inspections – Part A, Part B, Part C, Part D....................................103
Table of Content - 4
Instructions to Bidders
1. Meaning of Terms:
All terms used in the Invitation, these Instructions to Bidders, the Bid Form, or any Addenda shall have the meanings
established by the Contract Documents.
2. Failure to Comply with Mandatory Requirements:
Mandatory provisions of this ITB are indicated by the inclusion of the words "shall" or "must" to identify the
Bidder's obligations. Failure to comply with these requirements or with any other requirements stated as mandatory
either in this Invitation, these Instructions to Bidders, the Bid Form, or any Addenda shall result in rejection of the
Bid as non-responsive, except to the extent the failure or omission either is not a mandatory statutory requirement
or does not affect price, quantity, quality or time, or if the requirement is designated in the Bid Documents as a
Class 2 Mandatory Requirement for which supplementation after Bid Opening may be permitted.
3. Bidder Registration, Licensing and Certification:
3.1. To be eligible to Bid and to perform any Contract which may be awarded, a Bidder is required to be qualified
to do business in Virginia in the name in which the Bid is being submitted, including but not limited to any
required filings of applicable fictitious name authorizations.
3.2. To be eligible to Bid and to perform any Contract which may be awarded, a Bidder is required to have in
effect all business licenses, Contractor licenses and trade certifications required by federal or state law or
regulation, or by Arlington County, Virginia ordinance or regulation to perform the Services which are the
subject of this solicitation.
3.3. A Bidder shall submit with the Bid Form information of all registrations, licenses or certifications required
by the Bid Documents. Each information shall show that such license or certification is current and valid.
3.4. See “Submission of Bids” below for additional requirements regarding Bidder’s registration licensing and
3.5. The Bid Form provides for identification of the Bidder’s State Corporation Commission Identification
Number and for explanation of any reason the Bidder is not required to be authorized to transact business
in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
3.6. These are mandatory provisions in the Bid Form and failure to complete these sections properly shall make
the Bid non-responsive.
4. Examination of Bid Documents:
4.1. Each Bidder shall thoroughly examine the Bid Documents. The Bidder’s failure or omission to examine
any Bid Document shall not relieve the Bidder from any obligations with respect to its Bid or to any
Contract which may result therefrom. Each Bidder shall be responsible for the discovery and resolution by
inquiry of any ambiguity, discrepancy, error, omission or conflict in the Bid Documents and Contract
Documents which in the exercise of reasonable care a reasonably competent Contractor in the field of work
involved reasonably should have discovered, all of which shall be included in the Bidder’s Bid Evaluation
5. Bidder’s Questions:
5.1. All questions regarding this solicitation, other than those submitted at the Conference, must be submitted
in writing via email, addressed to: Carolina Sorto, Procurement Specialist, at carolina.sorto@apsva.us and
Steven Bernheisel, Assistant Director of Maintenance Services at steven.bernheisel@apsva.us and must be
received by 5:00 P.M. Local Prevailing Time, Tuesday, February 20, 2024.
5.2. The Procurement Office will issue written answers to all questions timely submitted. If a Conference is
conducted, the Procurement Office will issue written answers to all questions raised at the Conference as
an Information Item. Information Items shall be posted on the APS website (www.apsva.us) (“the APS
Instructions to Bidders - 5
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.
* Disclaimer: This website provides information about bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) for convenience only and does not serve as an official public notice. Individuals who wish to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the relevant government department directly.

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