Francis M. Gomez
Purchasing Agent
Frank J. Picozzi
City of Warwick
Purchasing Division
(Mailing Address)
3275 Post Road
Warwick, Rhode Island 02886
Tel (401) 738-2013
Fax (401) 737-2364
The following notice is to appear on the City of Warwick’s website Wednesday, April 17,
2024. The website address is
Bid 2024-450 Electric Air Compressor for Police Garage
Specifications are available in the Purchasing Division, Warwick City Hall, Monday
through Friday, 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM on or after Wednesday, April 17, 2024. If you
received this document from our homepage or from a source other than the City of
Warwick Purchasing Division, please check with our office prior to submitting your bid to
ensure that you have a complete package. The Purchasing Division cannot be responsible
to provide addenda if we do not have you on record as a plan holder.
All bids should be submitted with one (1) original and one (1) copies in a sealed envelope (total
of two (2) copies), which should read: YOUR COMPANY NAME plainly marked on the
exterior of the envelope as well as “Bid 2024-450 Electric Air Compressor for Police
Garage” No bids will be accepted via Facsimile or email. All bids must be sealed. Sealed bids
will be received by the Purchasing Division no later than 11:00 AM, Tuesday, April 30, 2024.
The bids will be opened publicly commencing at 11:00 AM on the same day at 65 Centerville
Road, Meeting Room 2.
If delivering in person or sent by delivery service (FedEx/UPS/DHL etc.) use physical address
65 Centerville Road, Warwick, RI 02886, Suite D. If sent via United States Postal Service use
mailing address 3275 Post Road Warwick, Rhode Island 02886.
Awards will be made on the basis of the lowest evaluated or responsive bid price.
Please direct questions related to the bidding process, how to fill out forms, and how to
submit a bid (Pages 1-8) to the Purchasing Division.
Phone: 401-738-2013
Please direct all questions related to the specifications outlined (beginning on page 9) to the
issuing department’s subject matter expert:
Name: Michael Grant
Title: Fleet Manager
Phone: 401-468-4362
Individuals requesting interpreter services for the hearing impaired must notify the
Purchasing Division at 401-738-2013 at least 48 hours in advance of the bid opening date.
Original Signature on file
Francis M. Gomez
Purchasing Agent
Acknowledgement of Addendum (if applicable)
Addendum Number
Signature of Bidder
COMPANY NAME: _______________________________________
COMPANY ADDRESS: ____________________________________
COMPANY ADDRESS: ____________________________________
BIDDER'S SIGNATURE: __________________________________
BIDDER'S NAME (PRINT): ________________________________
TITLE: ___________________ TEL. NO.: ___________________
EMAIL ADDRESS: _______________________________________*
*Please include your email address. Future bids will be emailed, unless otherwise noted.
The CITY OF WARWICK, acting as duly authorized through its Purchasing
Agent/Finance Director/Mayor, accepts the above bid and hereby enters into a contract with
the above party to pay the bid price upon completion of the project or receipt of the goods
unless another payment schedule is contained in the specifications. All terms of the
specifications, both substantive and procedural, are made terms of this contract.
DATE: ___________________________ ________________________________
Bid #2024-450
Purchasing Agent
This form must be completed and submitted with sealed bid.
Failure to do so will result in automatic rejection.
Any and all bids shall contain a certification and warrant that they comply with all relevant and
pertinent statues, laws, ordinances and regulations, in particular, but not limited to Chapter 16-
Conflicts of Interest, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Warwick. Any proven violation of
this warranty and representation by a bidder at the time of the bid or during the course of the
contract, included, but not limited to negligent acts, either directly or indirectly through agents
and/or sub-contractors, shall render the bidder’s contract terminated and the bidder shall be
required to reimburse the City for any and all costs incurred by the City, including reasonable
attorney fees, to prosecute and/or enforce this provision.
Company Name
*This form cannot be altered*
2024-450 Electric Air Compressor for Police Garage
The IRS Form W-9 is available on should be completed and
submitted with the bid if the bidder falls under IRS requirements to file this form.
All bids should be written in ink or typed. If there is a correction with whiteout, the
bidder should initial the change.
Any deviation from the specifications must be noted in writing and attached as part of
the bid proposal. The bidder should indicate the item or part with the deviation and
indicate how the bid will deviate from specifications.
Bids received prior to the time of the opening will be securely kept, unopened. No
responsibility will be attached to an officer or person for the premature opening of a bid
not properly addressed and identified.
The opening of bids will be in the order established by the posted agenda and the
agenda will continue uninterrupted until completion.
Once an item has been reached and any bids on that item has been opened, no other
bids on that item will be accepted and any such bid will be deemed late.
Negligence on the part of the bidder in preparing the proposal confers no rights for the
withdrawal of the proposal after it is open.
The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment
because of physical or mental handicap for any position for which the employee or
applicant is qualified and that in the event of non-compliance the City may declare the
contractor in breach and take any necessary legal recourse including termination or
cancellation of the contract.
A bidder filing a bid thereby certifies that no officer, agent, or employee of the City has a
pecuniary interest in the bid or has participated in contract negotiations on the part of the
City, that the bid is made in good faith without fraud, collusion, or connection of any
kind with any other bidder for the same call for bids, and that the bidder is competing
solely in his own behalf without connection with, or obligation to, any undisclosed
person or firm.
All proposals submitted become the property of the City and will not be returned. If the
company intends to submit confidential or proprietary information as part of the proposal,
any limits on the use or distribution of that material should be clearly delineated in
writing. This information should be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly labeled
confidential and where it should be submitted in the response. Please be advised of the
Freedom of Information Act as it may pertain to your submittal.
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.