Crane Services for Blount County TN Highway Department
Issue Date: 4/3/2024
Questions Deadline: 4/17/2024 04:30 PM (ET)
Response Deadline: 5/3/2024 01:30 PM (ET)
Contact Information
Contact: Candace Whitt
Address: Blount County Purchasing
Blount County Courthouse
Room 319
385 Court St, Rm 319
Maryville, TN 37804
Phone: 865 (865) 273-5748
865 (273) 5746
Email: cwhitt@blounttn.org
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Deadline: 5/3/2024 01:30 PM (ET)
Event Information
Crane Services for Blount County TN Highway Department
Invitation to Bid
Issue Date:
Question Deadline: 4/17/2024 04:30 PM (ET)
Response Deadline: 5/3/2024 01:30 PM (ET)
It is the intent of this Invitation to Bid (ITB) to procure a contract for crane services for
the Blount County, TN Highway Department as detailed herein on an as-needed
The Bid Invitation and all Bid Attachments may be obtained through Blount County's
online bidding system at https://blounttn.ionwave.net/login.aspx. If not currently
registered with Blount County, vendors are encouraged to register under the Supplier
Registration tab and submit their response through the online bidding system at this
same link. If you have any issues registering in the online system, contact the
IonWave help desk at 866-277-2645 ext. 4, support@ionwave.net or Blount County
Purchasing, 865-273-5740, purchasing@blounttn.org.
Manual (hard copy) bid responses are acceptable. If submitting a hard copy bid
response, it shall be submitted to Blount County Purchasing, Blount County
Courthouse Room 319, 385 Court St., Maryville, TN 37804. Bid responses, whether
electronic or manual (hard copy) submissions, must contain all required information
and documentation including, but not limited to, Response Attachments, Bid
Attributes, and Bid Lines and be submitted no later than the Response Deadline.
Bid responses are not accepted via email or facsimile. Bidders must allow
ample time to submit their response. The system does not allow entries
beyond the Response Deadline Date / Time.
When registered, vendors may submit questions via the Questions tab for this ITB in
the online bidding system. Please make note of the question deadline. Prior to bid
submission, it is the bidder's responsibility to access the online bidding system and
ascertain they have received any addenda and viewed answers to published
questions and respond accordingly. The public bid opening will be held at the
response submittal deadline at the office of Blount County Purchasing, Blount County
Courthouse Room 319, 385 Court St., Maryville, TN 37804. The opening may also
be accessed via Zoom at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85189843374. Bidders shall
access the online bidding system for possible extension of this date and time. If you
have problems accessing the meeting, please phone Blount County Purchasing,
Bid Activities
Bid 2024-0139 Questions
4/17/2024 4:30:00 PM (ET)
All bidder questions are due and are to be entered in the Online Bidding System's "Questions" tab before
the close of business (4:30 PM EST) on April 17, 2024.
Responses to all questions will be posted in either the "Questions" tab or as an Addendum in the "Attachments" tab of
the online bidding system. Responses will be posted as quickly as possible.
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Deadline: 5/3/2024 01:30 PM (ET)
Bid 2024-0139 Opening
5/3/2024 1:30:00 PM (ET)
The public bid opening will be held at the response submittal deadline at Blount County Courthouse, Blount County
Purchasing, Room 319, 385 Court St., Maryville, TN 37804-5906.
The opening may also be accessed via Zoom at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2191440680. Meeting ID 219 144 0680.
Bidders shall access the online bidding system for possible extension of this date and time.
If you have problems accessing any Zoom meeting, please phone Blount County Purchasing, 865-273-5740.
Bid Attachments
Attachment A -ITB No. 2024-0139 Schedule of Events.pdf
Schedule of Events
Exhibit A - Scope of Work - Crane Services Bid 2024-0139.pdf
Scope of Work for Bid 2024-0139
Special Provisions Bid 2024-0139 - Crane Services.pdf
Special Provisions Bid 2024-0139
Terms & Conditions - Bid 2024-0139 - Crane Services.pdf
Terms and Conditions Bid 2024-0139
Bid_Cover_and_Contractor_License_Information_Page Bid 2024-0139.pdf
Bid Cover and Contractor Licensure Cover Page. Please attach to outside of manual bid envelope.
Required Forms Blount County Bid 2024-0139_.pdf
Required. Load the documents as one attachment after signing and notarizing where requested. Forms must include:
Background Check Compliance Form, Blount County Debarment Form, Business Tax & License Affidavit, Buy America
Form, Byrd Anti-Lobbying Form, Conflict of Interest - Blount County Form, Drug Free Workplace Affidavit, Iran
Divestment Act Certification, Non-boycott of Israel, Non-Collusion Form Affidavit Rev 2021, and W-9 Form.
Optional Forms - Blount County.pdf
Optional. Included Title VI and ACH/EFT forms.
COI Riggers sample-HWY 24.pdf
COI Sample
Requested Attachments
Bid Cover and Contractor License Form
(Attachment required)
Required. If manual bid submission, this form must be attached to the outside of sealed bid envelope.
Required Forms for Blount County
(Attachment required)
Required. Load the documents as one attachment after signing and notarizing where requested. Forms must include:
Background Check Compliance Form, Blount County Debarment Form, Business Tax & License Affidavit, Buy America
Form, Byrd Anti-Lobbying Form, Conflict of Interest - Blount County Form, Drug Free Workplace Affidavit, Iran
Divestment Act Certification, Non-boycott of Israel, Non-Collusion Form Affidavit Rev 2021, and W-9 Form.
Optional Forms for Blount County
It is voluntary to complete and submit the enclosed Title VI and ACH/EFT form with your bid response.
Certificate of Insurance
The awarded bidder(s) will be required to provide a COI in compliance with Blount County Risk Management. See COI
sample in Attachments. Please submit confirmation that you will be able to provide the required insurance.
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Deadline: 5/3/2024 01:30 PM (ET)
Additional Documentation
Additional documentation can be uploaded here.
Bid Attributes
1 Terms & Conditions, Special Provisions and All Bid Documents
Check the box indicating you have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions, Special Provisions, and
all associated documentation contained in this Bid.
(Required: Check if applicable)
2 Addenda
Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of all addenda. If applicable, state the addendum number and the date received.
State N/A if no addenda received.
(Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed)
3 Unavailable Request Substitution
In the event the requested size crane is not available when needed, vendor agrees to provide the next largest
crane size available at the contract rate for the range requested.
Yes No
(Required: Check only one)
4 Payment Terms
Provide your invoice payment terms if awarded the contract, i.e., Net 30; 2% 10; 10% 7; etc. Blount County's
standard payment terms are Net 30. No late fees will be considered.
(Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed)
5 Years in Business
State the number of years your company has been in business.
(Required: Maximum 1000 characters allowed)
6 Primary Contact Information
Provide contact information for the primary company contact to be assigned to the Blount County contract, if
awarded. Include their name, title, phone number, and email address.
(Required: Maximum 4000 characters allowed)
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Deadline: 5/3/2024 01:30 PM (ET)
7 Secondary Contact Information
Provide contact information for the secondary company contact to be assigned to the Blount County contract, if
awarded. Include their name, title, phone number, and email address.
(Required: Maximum 4000 characters allowed)
8 Accounts Receivable Contact
Provide your company's remit to address, contact name, phone number, and email address. For ACH/EFT payment,
please provide that on the ACH/EFT form located in the Optional Forms attachments.
(Required: Maximum 4000 characters allowed)
9 ACH Deposit
Will your company accept payment via ACH deposit? ACH is an electronic deposit into your bank account from our
bank account. Deposit would be made instead of processing a check. *If yes, form can be found under Optional
Forms under Attachments.
Yes No
(Required: Check only one)
1 Customer Reference No. 1
0 Customer reference for the same or similar services/goods proposed. Include company name, contact person,
phone number, fax number and email address.
(Required: Maximum 4000 characters allowed)
1 Customer Reference No. 2
1 Customer reference for the same or similar services/goods proposed. Include company name, contact person,
phone number, fax number and email address.
(Required: Maximum 4000 characters allowed)
Page 5 of 13 pages
Deadline: 5/3/2024 01:30 PM (ET)
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.