City of University City
Department of Planning & Development
6801 Delmar Boulevard
University City, MO 63130
Phone: 314-505-8500 |
for Comprehensive Zoning Code Update
Qualifications must be submitted by:
5:00 PM (CDT) on Monday, October 7, 2024
Responses received after the due date and time will not be evaluated
Issue date: Thursday, August 29, 2024
Department of Planning and Development
6801 Delmar Boulevard, University City, Missouri 63130, Phone: (314) 505-8500, Fax: (314) 862-3168
1.0 STATEMENT OF INTENT………………………………………………………………………………………………3
2.0 BACKGROUND………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
3.0 PROJECT PURPOSE……………………………………………………….…………….…………………………….3
4.0 SCOPE OF WORK……………………………………………………….……………….…………………………….4
5.0 DELIVERABLES………………….……………….…………………………………….……………………………….5
7.0 EVALUATION CRITERIA…………………………………………………………..…....................................9
8.0 PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS……………………….…….….…………………………………………………..10
9.0 SUBMISSION FOR PROPOSALS…………………………………………….……………………………………11
10.0 QUESTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS…………………………………………………………………………….11
City of University City, MO – RFP for Zoning Code Update
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Department of Planning and Development
6801 Delmar Boulevard, University City, Missouri 63130, Phone: (314) 505-8500, Fax: (314) 862-3168
Section 1: Statement of Intent
The City of University City, Missouri is currently accepting proposals from qualified firms to perform a
comprehensive update to its zoning code. The new ordinances shall be in compliance with State
statutes and shall be consistent with the City’s newly adopted Comprehensive Plan (2024) and
Economic Development Strategy (2021), in addition to other current planning initiatives.
Section 2: Background
University City is an inner-ring suburb on the western boundary of the City of St. Louis, Missouri. The
city is located in St. Louis County and was founded by Edward Gardner Lewis in 1906. There are
approximately 35,000 residents and 18,000 housing units across 6 square miles, with a population
density of 6,000 people per square mile. The form of government established by Charter is Council-
University City is a diverse city with many locally and regionally beloved neighborhoods of unique
character. The city developed organically in the early- to mid-twentieth century and is lucky to have a
diverse mix of housing types, with many neighborhoods being walkable to small-scale commercial
“nodes.” There are also several distinct commercial areas, from the mixed-use and walkable Delmar
Loop to the unofficial “Chinatown” and clustering of international businesses on Olive Boulevard to
areas of light manufacturing activity in the Cunningham Industrial Area, and most recently, a regional
retail development near I-170 called Market at Olive. The presence of a major university, Washington
University in St. Louis, is also a significant influence on the city’s demographics and culture, with
many students, staff, and faculty choosing to live and spend time in University City.
The comprehensive plan provides a thorough overview of University City’s most pressing challenges
(racial segregation, severe flooding, and population stagnation; see section 1.2, “Guiding Ideas” of
the comprehensive plan) and outlines a plan to address those challenges, many of which are directly
or indirectly impacted by the City’s zoning and development regulations.
Section 3: Project Purpose
The City adopted its comprehensive plan in January 2024, which has laid the groundwork for an
overhaul of the City’s zoning code. In addition to the comprehensive plan, the City adopted its
Economic Development Strategy in 2021, Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan in 2013, and expects to
complete a Ward 3 housing & revitalization plan in fall 2024.
The updated zoning code must reflect the community’s current vision and streamline the current code
which has evolved in a piece-meal fashion since its original adoption. The code has been amended
numerous times in attempts to address singular issues related to infill development, but a
comprehensive analysis and review of these items must be conducted to evaluate whether it reflects
the community’s values and is fair, efficient, and clear.
The City is looking for a response that will include options to achieve the built form envisioned in the
plans described above. These planning efforts make specific code recommendations that will need
to be incorporated into this effort. However, the recommendations in these studies should not limit
the evaluation of the zoning code. The City is interested in incorporating form-based standards into
the code and is willing to consider other zoning tools including but not limited to, planned districts,
overlay districts, inclusionary zoning, and innovative approaches to parking regulation.
City of University City, MO – RFP for Zoning Code Update
Page 3 of 11
Department of Planning and Development
6801 Delmar Boulevard, University City, Missouri 63130, Phone: (314) 505-8500, Fax: (314) 862-3168
Existing codes and plans may be accessed and viewed at the following locations on the City’s website:
Zoning Code & Development Regulations
• Zoning Code
• Olive Boulevard Design Guidelines (2009)
• Comprehensive Plan (2024)
• Economic Development Strategy (2021)
• Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (2013)
• “For the 3rd Ward Housing & Revitalization
Plan” (estimated completion Fall 2024)
• For a full list of local and regional plans,
please see pages 2-5 in the
Comprehensive Plan
Section 4: Scope of Work
With assistance from City staff, the selected consultant will conduct a transparent process to develop
new zoning code for University City. It is anticipated the consultant(s) will work with staff, boards and
commissions, City Council, and the community to develop an updated code that incorporate form-
based standards, updated conventional zoning standards, and standards that sustain and support
walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods. The consultant should anticipate working with the City’s Plan
Commission and City Council, and other boards & commissions as necessary to address more
specific issues, to formulate the new code in addition to providing opportunities for input from
University City residents, business owners, and developers.
The final work program will be developed in conjunction with City staff. The consultant is expected to
provide identification of deliverables and/or milestones for the project in the submitted RFP. These
deliverables and milestones should be prepared in a way that will also coincide with invoicing for the
project. The scope of work should include the following:
1. Current Zoning Code Diagnosis. The consultant will produce a diagnosis of the existing code.
This should include identifying solutions for the many performance standards which are multi-
layered and difficult to administer. This update should include, but not be limited to, evaluation
of and modifications to the following items:
a. Appropriateness and relevance of land use definitions and consistency with permitted or
conditional uses listed in the code. This evaluation should also identify planning/land use
terms that may be missing from the code (i.e., curbside pick-up, accessory dwelling units,
etc.), and terms that are outdated.
b. Current zoning district structure and administrative processes pertaining to zoning districts.
c. Current Planned Development District (PD) provisions to identify inefficiencies and promote
innovative or unique developments.
d. Efficiency and effectiveness of various dimensional regulations and development standards
(e.g. setbacks, height, FAR, lot coverage, landscaping regulations, parking regulations,
lighting regulations, etc.).
e. Effectiveness of the current code’s ability to preserve existing neighborhood character while
promoting compatible infill development.
f. Current sign code which is found in Article VIII of the Zoning Code.
City of University City, MO – RFP for Zoning Code Update
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Department of Planning and Development
6801 Delmar Boulevard, University City, Missouri 63130, Phone: (314) 505-8500, Fax: (314) 862-3168
2. Review of Current Long-Range Plans. The consultant will review and identify plan goals,
objectives and recommendations to ensure the new code will be consistent with recent planning
3. Evaluation of Existing Neighborhoods, Corridors and Districts. The City of University City
contains many unique areas that warrant context-sensitive regulations. Staff will work with the
consultant to identify these areas.
4. Public Outreach. The consultant will develop a public outreach strategy designed to inform the
public on the process including, but not limited to, providing information to post to the City’s
website/social media platforms at various stages through the process.
5. Code Workshops/Meetings. The consultant will organize and lead regular meetings with the
Plan Commission and/or Steering Committee throughout the process to gain input on proposed
changes. Monthly project management updates shall be provided for the Plan Commission
and/or Steering Committee.
6. Integration of Processes. The code must pay attention to the existing planning & zoning
procedures and regulations to ensure consistency or a smooth transition to the proposed
procedure when applicable. Comparison tables may be necessary when regulations are
significantly revised to highlight the old versus new code.
7. Drafting the Document. The consultant shall prepare drafts of the zoning ordinance, including
graphics (matrices, diagrams, tables, etc.) for review by staff, culminating in a final version to be
acted upon by the Plan Commission and the City Council.
8. Integration of the New Code into User-Friendly Formats. The consultant will work with City
staff as well as eCode360 to make the new code accessible and interactive with the public.
9. Presentations. At a minimum, the following presentations will be expected toward the
culmination of the project. The consultant will be expected to present a draft version to the Plan
Commission and/or Steering Committee and the City Council. After revisions from the first draft
presentation, final presentations, including official public hearing presentations, shall be
required to the boards/bodies determined by the City of University City.
10. Staff Training. The Consultant shall provide resources to assist City staff with implementation
and adjustments of the new code through a ‘start-up’ period not to exceed one year.
Section 5: Deliverables
All items delivered as part of this project shall be the sole property of the City of University City. The
consultant shall be responsible for the submittal and execution of the following:
1. Progress Reports and Research. The consultant shall be responsible for submitting monthly
progress reports and research information relative to the project. The consultant shall clearly
communicate how the regulatory effects of the proposed ordinance may differ from the effects of
the current ordinance. Background information regarding subjects addressed in the new
ordinance, which are not addressed in the current ordinance, shall also be submitted by matrix.
2. Draft Ordinances/Maps. Twelve (12) copies of draft documents are required during the
development stages of the project for review and use by the Plan Commission and staff.
City of University City, MO – RFP for Zoning Code Update
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This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.