Chemicals for Ben Geren Golf Cours

Agency: Sebastian County
State: Arkansas
Type of Government: State & Local
NAICS Category:
  • 325998 - All Other Miscellaneous Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing
  • 424690 - Other Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers
Posted Date: Nov 7, 2023
Due Date: Nov 30, 2023
Solicitation No: SC-2402
Original Source: Please Login to View Page
Contact information: Please Login to View Page
Bid Documents: Please Login to View Page
bid# title date time status
SC-2402 Chemicals for Ben Geren Golf Cours 11/30/2023 2:00 PM OPEN

Attachment Preview

Purchasing Department
35 South 6th Street, Room 106
Fort Smith, Arkansas 72901
(479) 784-1502 Fax (479) 784-1550
November 3, 2023
NOTICE TO: Qualified Bidders
SUBJECT: Request for Proposal
Sebastian County is interested in receiving sealed written proposals for furnishing the
products/services specified in the attached Request for Proposal (RFP). Complete details
regarding the products and/or services required by the County, and instructions for participating
in the bid process, are included in the attached bid package.
Bids must be received by the time and date indicated in the RFP. Bids received after the time
and date set for opening will not be considered.
Bidders who do not wish to submit bids must submit a "No Bid" to continue to be eligible for
retention on the Bid List. The Bid List is periodically reviewed and bidders who have not
responded to proposal requests are deleted.
If you are interested in submitting a bid, please be sure that the requirements of the RFP are
completed since failure to meet the requirements could cause your bid to be rejected.
Any questions regarding the Bid Invitation should be directed to the Purchasing Department,
(479) 784-1502.
Lauri Lowrimore
Purchasing Coordinator
Sebastian County, Arkansas
Attach: RFP
Cover Sheet
Request for Proposal
Sebastian County, Arkansas
Section I
Chemicals for Ben Geren Golf Course
DATE: November 30, 2023
TIME: 2:00 P.M.
PLACE: Purchasing Department
35 South 6th Street, Room 106
Fort Smith, Arkansas
County Judge’s Office
Sebastian County Purchasing Dept.
35 South 6th Street, Room 106
Fort Smith, Arkansas 72901
(1) Return address
(2) Bid opening date
(3) Bid number & title
NAME OF BIDDER: ___________________________________________________
ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________
CITY/STATE/ZIP CODE: _______________________________________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER: ______________________ FAX Number: __________________________
SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT: ________________________________________________________
1. Lump Sum prices a nd extensions a re required on proposa l form.
2. Return three copies of the entire bid package and any other documents required by the specifications.
3. Proposa ls must be signed by a n a uthorized a gent to be a ccepted. (See Section III, Genera l Conditions, #24)
4. Any trade discounts should be deducted and net prices shown.
5. Bidder must gua ra ntee product(s) offered will meet or exceed specifica tions conta ined in this Request for
Proposa ls.
6. Bidding procedures will be in compliance with Arkansas Laws.
7. QUOTE: F.O.B. destination.
8. BID VALIDITY: Net 60 days.
Proposal Form
Section II
We, the undersigned, agree to furnish the products and/or services indicated below in accordance with the
specifications and conditions contained herein, at the bid price shown.
It is expressly agreed and understood by and between the parties hereto, and is made a condition
precedent to the entering into of any purchase agreement resulting from this invitation to bid, that the
County Judge, Sebastian County, shall determine any and all questions or disputes which may arise
concerning conformity to the specifications and conditions, and proposals; and the quantity, suitability,
and acceptability of all items to be furnished hereunder; and his decision as to such matters shall be final,
binding, and conclusive upon the parties hereto.
That this Request for Proposal and proposals submitted hereunder shall be governed by the laws of the
State of Arkansas.
We, the undersigned, affirm that this proposal is made on behalf of the undersigned, and is made without
collusion on the part of any person, firm or corporation; and that the conditions and other provisions have
been carefully examined and are agreed to.
It will be the County’s sole discretion to accept any part or combination of the bid below.
Total Price (not including sales tax): $____________________________
Written Total Price: $____________________________________________________
Amount of Sales Tax to be added to the Total Price: $ _________________________
Contractor’s License No. _____________________________
Exceptions to specifications: NO____ YES____ (Attach itemized list)
From:__________________________ Signature: ___________________________
(Printed name & signature)
Date: ___________________________ Title: _______________________________
1. Proposals must be received no later than the date and time set for bid opening. Proposals shall
be in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the RFP number on the outside or it will not be
considered. Telegraphic, fax, or email proposals sent directly to Sebastian County offices will
not be considered. All proposals must be signed by an authorized officer of the Company.
2. Proposals may be withdrawn, modified or corrected by the bidder after it has been submitted,
provided a written request to do so is filed with the County Judge prior to the time set for opening
the bid. Telegrams or letters received prior to the time set for opening the proposals will be
accepted and attached to the unopened proposal, and the proposal will be considered withdrawn,
modified, corrected, or otherwise changed accordingly. No proposal may be withdrawn,
modified, corrected, or otherwise changed after the time set for opening the proposals.
3. Prices quoted will be considered net prices, unless otherwise stated by the bidder in the proposal.
Proposal prices must remain firm for 60 days, unless otherwise stated in the specifications.
4. The original written or electronic language of the RFP documents shall not be changed or altered
except by approved written addendum issued by the Purchasing Office. This does not eliminate
bidder(s) from taking exception(s) to non-mandatory terms and conditions, but does clarify that
the proposer shall not change the original document’s written or electronic language. If
proposer(s) wishes to make exception(s) to any of the original language, it must be submitted by
the proposer in separate written or electronic language in a manner that clearly explains the
exception(s). If proposer’s submittal is discovered to contain alterations/changes to the original
written documents, the proposer’s response may be declared as “non-responsive” and shall not be
5. This RFP may be modified only by amendments written and authorized by the Purchasing Office.
Proposers are cautioned to ensure that they have received or obtained, and responded to, any and
all amendments to the RFP prior to submission. There will be no addendums to a RFP 72 hours
prior to the RFP opening. It is the responsibility of the proposer(s) to check the County website, for any and all addendums up to that time.
6. Specifications are designed to describe the type and quality of the product/services desired by the
County. They are not intended to restrict bidding on any like product/service of equal or higher
quality. Any exceptions to the specifications must be noted on a separate sheet by reference to
the item number in the specifications where the exception is taken. If no exceptions are
submitted with the Proposal, and accepted by the County, bidders will be expected to comply
with the specifications. Products and/or services will be inspected for compliance prior to
7. The responding Company shall perform according to the terms and conditions as stated herein,
and according to the highest standards and professional practices. Instances of poor performance
by the Company will be documented and submitted to the Company for immediate review and
corrective action. Continued poor performance will be deemed a breach of the specifications of
the RFP and shall be grounds for immediate termination of the contract. A review meeting will
be called between the Company and the County when documented instances of poor performance
occur. A plan for corrective action, agreeable to both parties, will be drafted and implemented.
Sebastian County retains the absolute right to assess whether and when performance is
subsequently acceptable.
8. It shall be understood and agreed that any material or product purchased under this proposal shall
be new and in first class condition unless otherwise stated in or required by the bid invitation.
9. The County is exempt from Federal Excise Taxes and such taxes shall not be included in the
proposal price. An exemption certificate will be furnished where required.
10. State and Local Sales Taxes shall be stated as a separate item and shall not be included in the
proposal price of the product/services being proposed. If no taxes are so stated, the County will
assume that any taxes due have been included in the price quoted and no additional taxes will
subsequently be added to the proposal price. The County is Sales Tax Exempt on motor vehicle
purchases only.
11. Proposals will be evaluated based upon compliance with the specifications, proposal price,
applicability, and suitability of the product/services being offered. Product and vendor
reliability, warranty, delivery time, and such other factors deemed appropriate will be
considered to assure the County receives a quality product most advantageous vendor to the
county. Assignment of any part or all of payments accruing under contracts or purchase
agreements resulting from this Invitation to Bid will not be authorized. Payment shall only be
made to the Contractor or vendor with whom the order is placed.
12. Proposals shall be submitted on 8 ½ x 11 inch paper, which shall include this form. The proposal
should follow the format laid out under Item 8. Submissions should be limited to a maximum of
15 pages, with all required attachments included. Binders, brochures, and materials in this RFP
are neither requested nor desired. Please do not submit these with your proposal. If additional
information is required, the County will request it after review of the proposals.
13. The Company should submit a base proposal in the manner specified, but may also propose other
financial options to the County, either as additions or alternates to the base proposal. Such
additional offerings should be clearly identified. The county prefers that the Company’s response
to the RFP be submitted in same item (paragraph) sequence as the proposal using the same item
(paragraph) numbers for reference.
14. The contents of the RFP will be incorporated into the final Contract documents. All terms and
conditions stated herein shall constitute a complete and integrated document and the covenants
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.
* Disclaimer: This website provides information about bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) for convenience only and does not serve as an official public notice. Individuals who wish to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the relevant government department directly.

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