City of Redmond, Washington
Purchasing Division, M/S: 3NFN
15670 NE 85th Street
PO Box 97010
Redmond, WA 98073-9710
RFP 10808-24
Request for Proposals
Business License and Utility Tax Audit
The City is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to audit the City’s business license and utility tax
records for the past 3 years.
Posting Date: Thursday, March 21, 2024
Questions Due Date: Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 5:00PM (PST)
Proposals Due: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 2:00PM (PST)
The City of Redmond, Washington (the “City”) requests interested parties to submit proposals for the above
referenced Request for Proposals (RFP).
The City of Redmond, WA is a suburb of Seattle and hub for residential and employment growth due to its
strong technology business sector. The City encompasses an area of over 17 square miles and is located
less than 20 miles east of downtown Seattle. The City has three urban growth centers in Downtown,
Overlake, and Marymoor, which are expected to grow significantly in the next 20 years.
Business Licenses
• To engage in business in the City of Redmond, a business license is required, pursuant to the
Redmond Municipal Code (Ch. 5.04 General Business Regulations | Redmond Municipal Code) and
the laws of the State of Washington. Additional information can be found on the city website:
Business Licensing | Redmond, WA
• Business licenses may be non-regulatory or regulatory (miscellaneous)
• Non-regulatory licenses
o Non-regulatory licenses are for commercial, home, and non-resident businesses (out-of-city
businesses who do business in Redmond)
o The City currently has about 6,000 to 7,000 known business licenses
o In March 2021, the City transitioned the collection of its non-regulatory business license fees
to the Department of Revenue (DOR). Prior to March 2021, the City collected these business
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license fees in-house via Citizenserve software.
o Since partnering with the DOR, businesses pay for their non-regulatory city business licenses
through the DOR Business Licensing Service (BLS) portal, and the DOR remits funds to the
o New licenses – when a new Redmond business applies with the State, they are also
automatically assigned a Redmond application. If a business is not located within Redmond
but does business within the city limits, they must apply for a Redmond endorsement on their
own or elect to add Redmond as a new city when they renew a license they hold with the BLS.
o Renewal licenses – annual business license renewals are based on the anniversary/renewal
date (not calendar year)
• Regulatory (miscellaneous) licenses
o Regulatory licenses are for the following business types/activities: Adult Entertainment,
Cabaret Dances, Carnival/Circuses/Amusement Activities, Master Event License, Music
Boxes, Pawnbrokers, Peddlers/Solicitors/Canvassers, Public Bathhouses, Public Dances &
Dance Halls, Shooting Sports Facilities, Tow Trucks
o These types of licenses are issued on a calendar basis from February 1 – January 31, XXXX
o Fees vary according to the city’s annual Administrative Policy Fees Schedule, and these
regulatory licenses are managed in-house by the City, not through the BLS
o The City processes about 50 to 150 regulatory licenses per year
Utility/Admission/Gambling Taxes
• The City collects admission and gambling taxes, and also imposes a utility tax on telephone, gas,
power, cable, and solid waste utility revenues, pursuant to the Redmond Municipal Code and the
laws of the State of Washington. Additional information can be found on the city website: Taxes &
Fees | Redmond, WA
o Occupation & Utility Tax: Ch. 5.44 Occupation Tax | Redmond Municipal Code
o Admissions Tax: Ch. 3.28 Admissions Tax | Redmond Municipal Code
o Cable Service Tax: Ch. 5.44 Occupation Tax | Redmond Municipal Code
o Gambling Tax: Ch. 9.30 Gambling | Redmond Municipal Code
o Garbage Collection Tax: Ch. 5.48 Garbage Collection Tax | Redmond Municipal Code
o Franchise Fees: Ch. 5.60 Cable Communications Systems | Redmond Municipal Code
• Taxpayers are required to fill out the required tax form and send payment to the City
o Utility Taxes and Admission Taxes – taxpayers use the Multi-Purpose Tax Return Form: City of
Redmond Multi-Purpose Tax Return
o Gambling Taxes – taxpayers use the Gambling Tax Return Form: City of Redmond Gambling
Tax Return
• The City currently has over 200 known taxpayers, who may file monthly, quarterly, or annually
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Scope of Work
Consultant will audit the City’s business license records and utility/admission/gambling tax records, for the
past 3 years. The complete Scope of Work for this project is included as Attachment A.
The City will not allow subcontracting of any kind to be performed on this work.
Notice regarding site visits:
If your staff visits the site to prepare proposals/reports, please stay on public streets. Do not enter private
Licenses and permits:
Consultant will be required to obtain a Redmond Business License and is responsible for any other required
licenses and related fees for licenses.
Consultant will prepare a report that includes the following audit findings (see Attachment A for the
complete Scope of Work, including deliverables):
• Discrepancies and miscalculations (deficiencies, and material weaknesses)
• Back taxes/fees/penalties owed to the City
• Recommendations
Project Schedule
Work is to commence upon contract execution, and all work shall be completed, including delivery of the
audit findings, by 6/30/2025.
Please provide a work schedule with your proposal to allow for adequate notification and staff scheduling
during the performance of this work. The work schedule is to include all proposed major milestones.
Actual work schedule shall be confirmed at the time of contract development with the selected Consultant.
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Proposed Timeline
The following table outlines the anticipated schedule for this RFP process. The City reserves the right to
modify or reschedule milestones as necessary.
RFP Announced
Questions Due
Proposals Due
Evaluation of Proposals
Interviews (optional at City discretion)
Consultant Selected
Contract Negotiation
City Council Approval (if required)
Main Task Order Timeframe
March 21, 2024
April 4, 2024, 5:00 PM
April 9, 2024, 2:00PM
April 10 – 17, 2024
Late April – TBD
April 30, 2024
May-June 2024
July 2024 – June 2025
Proposal Due Date/Time
2:00PM (local time) April 9, 2024. The City must receive proposals no later than said date and time.
Proposal Submittal Procedures
The City now utilizes DocuSign for the electronic submittal of bids and proposals. This service is free of
charge for bidders and does not require that a bidder have a DocuSign account to complete the signature
process. Please refer to the instructions shared in the online posting for this RFP on for step-by-step instructions for submitting a proposal.
The City must receive electronically submitted proposals no later than said date and time. Responses
received after such time will be returned unopened. By submitting a proposal, respondents acknowledge
their satisfaction as to the size, scope and location of the work to be performed.
Response Requirements & Format
All costs for developing a response to this RFP are the obligation of the respondent and are not
chargeable to the City. The respondent must bear all costs associated with the preparation of the
submittal and of any oral presentation requested by the City. All responses and accompanying
documentation will become property of the City and will not be returned. Proposals may be withdrawn at
any time prior to the published close date, provided notification is received in writing to the below listed
city agent(s). Proposals cannot be withdrawn after the published close date.
Proposals must include all information requested and meet all specifications and requirements outlined
in this RFP. The following submittals must be part of your proposal; if any are not included, your proposal
may be judged as non-responsive. A committee will evaluate the submitted proposals. During the
evaluation process, the City reserves the right to request additional information or clarification from firms
responding to this RFP.
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A complete response will include:
1) Executive Summary & Overall Approach – Summarize your proposal and include your firm’s
qualifications and contact information. The summary should discuss your overall approach to
performing the audit, understanding of identified work, and your strategy for completing the audit.
Identify how a job is planned and scheduled, the team’s commitment and quality control, and any
other areas in which you feel you are unique.
2) Experience & Capabilities – Describe your level of industry experience and capabilities/expertise in
the proposed services.
3) Pricing Methodology – Provide price estimate including number of hours, hourly rate of all named
team members and total cost, as identified in the Scope of Work (Attachment A). Any expenses that
are to be included as part of your proposal must be listed as separate line items and must include
both the total anticipated expenses to be claimed and nature of the expenses (such as: office
supplies, lodging, meals, etc.). If you are able to provide your services for a fixed fee, indicate the
fee and services included. Consultants may also submit alternate pricing options for different
samplings (i.e. scaled price points for number of records audited and/or estimated number of hours
per record audited).
a. If Consultant can perform the Additive option (10-year forecast – see Attachment A for more
details), please indicate separate pricing for the Additive option.
4) Project Schedule – Include a timeline for completion of the items identified in the Scope of Work,
including all proposed major milestones. It is anticipated that the term of the project is as needed
for the stated deliverables.
5) Qualifications and Project Lead & Team – Identify the individual you propose to assign as lead and all
members of the project team. Include a statement of qualifications and/or resume for each member.
6) References and Work Samples – Include a list of references (with contact name and telephone
number) of at least three (3) projects completed within the last two years. The City reserves the right
to contact references without prior notification.
7) Business Name – Proposals must be made in the official name of the firm or individual under which
business is conducted (showing official business address) and must be signed by a person duly
authorized to legally bind the person, partnership, company, or corporation submitting the
proposal. A corporation must indicate place and date of incorporation.
8) Business License – Provide a statement to the effect that you understand and agree to obtain a City
of Redmond business license as a requirement for performing these services. A city business license
application can be found at: If your place of business is
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This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.