Agency: | City of Tualatin |
State: | Oregon |
Type of Government: | State & Local |
NAICS Category: |
Posted Date: | Jun 16, 2023 |
Due Date: | Jun 27, 2023 |
Original Source: | Please Login to View Page |
Contact information: | Please Login to View Page |
Bid Documents: | Please Login to View Page |
City of Tualatin is accepting sealed proposals (“Bids”) for the BOONES FERRY CORRIDOR SIDEWALK AND BIKE LANE IMPROVEMENTS PHASE 2 until 2:00 pm, June 27, 2023, (“Bid Closing”) at City of Tualatin Services Center, 10699 SW Herman Road, Tualatin Oregon 97062. Brooke Baxter is the person designated to receive bids. Bids will not be received after such date and time. Please contact Brooke Baxter at or 503-691-3044 with any questions about submitting bids. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud ("Bid Opening") immediately following the bid closing deadline.
The First-Tier Subcontractor Disclosure form will be received at the location given for the receipt of the bid until 4:00 pm (local time), June 27, 2023. Instructions for providing the First-Tier Subcontractor Disclosure and the required disclosure form are included in the Contract Documents. The disclosure form shall be submitted no later than two working hours, including lunch hours, after the Bid Closing. THE CITY WILL REJECT A BID IF THE BIDDER FAILS TO SUBMIT THE DISCLOSURE FORM WITH THIS INFORMATION BY THE STATED DEADLINE.
IDENTIFICATION OF PROJECT: Major items of work consist of the following: road widening, curb and sidewalk improvements, curb ramp replacement, storm drain conveyance, asphalt cold plane pavement removal, asphalt pavement overlay/inlay, striping and signing, pedestrian RRFB beacon and lighting, modifications to existing traffic signals, landscaping, and other items as called for on the plans.
Contract Documents, including plans and specifications, may be obtained, and examined at the City’s bid website by creating an account and joining the plan holders list.
CONTRACT TIME: The Contractor shall begin construction Work within 30 calendar days following the Notice to Proceed. Contractor shall reach substantial completion of all work, except Avery traffic signal work, by October 20, 2023. The contractor shall reach final completion of all work, except Avery traffic signal work, (including all punch list items) no later than November 10, 2023. Contractor shall reach substantial completion of the project, including Avery traffic signal work, by December 15, 2023. Contractor shall reach final completion of the project, including Avery traffic signal, by December 29, 2023. Avery traffic signal work includes installation of new traffic signal, removal of existing traffic signal pole, and completion of concrete surfacing, asphalt surfacing, striping, landscaping and restoration within the immediate vicinity of the existing pole at the southwest corner of SW Avery Street and SW Boones Ferry Road. Date of access to proposed right-of-way and easements at 9160 SW Avery Street is anticipated to be August 1, 2023.
OTHER BID REQUIREMENTS: No proposal for a construction contract shall be received or considered by the City unless the firm is registered with the Construction Contractors Board or is licensed by the State Landscape Contractors Board, as applicable, as specified in OAR 137- 049-0230.
Proposals must be made upon the Proposal form bound in the Contract Documents and must be accompanied by a certified check or proposal bond payable to the City of Tualatin (County of Washington, State of Oregon) in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid.
This is a contract for a public work, subject to ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870 and prevailing wage is required. Contractor must comply fully with the provisions of ORS 279C.800 through 279C.870. Contractor and subcontractors shall pay the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) wages to workers. Wage rates may be found at the following website:
Every subcontract must contain a provision requiring payment of prevailing wage pursuant to the provisions of ORS 279C.800 through 279C.870. Contractor and all subcontractors must file or cause to be filed the certified statements with the BOLI, as provided in ORS 279C.845.
The bid must indicate whether the contractor is a resident contractor, as defined in ORS 279A.120.
RIGHT OF REJECTION: The City of Tualatin reserves the right to reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public procedures and requirements and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding that it is in the public interest to do so. Bids cannot be withdrawn within thirty days (30) after the Bid Closing.
WRITTEN ADDENDA: The City reserves the right to make changes to the Invitation to Bid and the Contract Documents by written addenda prior to the Bid Closing. Addenda shall be made available to all contractors who have joined the plan holders list on the City of Tualatin bid website, as provided in the Contract Documents.
For additional information, contact Kristen Ballou, P.E. at 503-287-6825. For plan holders list information see the City of Tualatin bid website at
Dated this 15th day of May, 2023.
(County of Washington, State of Oregon)
Published in the Daily Journal of Commerce on May 22 and 24, 2023
Published in the Business Tribune on May 23 and 26, 2023
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