Bid No. 24-33
August 21, 2024
Project Title: 2024 Aubrey Davis Park Asphalt Repairs
Project Informa�on: The City of Mercer Island is reques�ng pricing quota�ons for asphalt repairs. Work under this
contract will consist of various repairs and may include pedestrian, bicycle paths and parks. Work will occur at various
loca�ons within the jurisdic�onal boundaries of Mercer Island, Washington.
General Contract Informa�on: The purpose is to establish, through a compe��ve bidding process u�lizing the MRSC
Small Works Roster, a contractor to perform services at various loca�ons within the City of Mercer Island, WA. A
nonexclusive contract is to be awarded from this request.
Term and Es�mated Cost: The City will enter a contract with the successful contractor. Work under this contract may
start as soon as the contract is executed but all work will be completed by October 31st, 2024. Engineers es�mate for this
project is $14,982.00.
Mandatory Pre Bid Site Visit: Bidders are required to atend a pre bid site visit on September 3, 2024 at 8am at Aubrey
Davis Park, please RSVP to for mee�ng loca�on
Bid Submital: Any document that requires a signature shall be submited as a PDF. All submitals shall be sent via
electronic transmission to:
Due Date: September 9, 2024
by 2:00 PM (PST)
Contractors that deviate from this format or alter this form shall be deemed non-responsive. Contractors accept all risk
of late delivery, regardless of fault. Any price quote received a�er the due date and �me shall be deemed nonresponsive.
The City of Mercer Island reserves the right to reject any and all submitals and to waive irregulari�es and informali�es in
the submital and evalua�on process. This Invita�on to Bid does not obligate the City to pay any costs incurred by
respondents in the prepara�on and submission of a bid. Furthermore, this request does not obligate the City to accept or
contract for any expressed or implied services. The selected contractor will be required to meet and agree to all the
condi�ons in this Invita�on to Bid as well as the atached Sample Contract, included in EXHIBIT “B”, and the City’s
General Terms and Condi�ons, in EXHIBIT “C”.
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Submital Requirements: No bid shall be considered except those submited in the forms referenced below.
Subs�tu�ons will not be accepted during the bid process. Do not leave any space blank.
• EXHIBIT “A” Bid Forms
• EXHIBIT “B” Sample Contract
• EXHIBIT “C” Required Signature Forms
Required Signature Forms: The Required Signature Forms include six (6) documents. Please complete and sign all
documents including 1) Bid Form/Price Quota�on Form; 2) Proposal Signature Sheet; 3) Subcontractor Lis�ng; 4)
NonCollusion Cer�fica�on; 5) Contractor Declara�on; and 6) Bidders Qualifica�on Cer�ficate. All required submital
documents must be signed by an authorized representa�ve, having authority to sign on behalf of the Contractor.
By signing these documents, the Contractor agrees that they are familiar with the local condi�ons affec�ng the
performance of the work and the cost of the work at the place where the work is to be done. The Contractor further
agrees to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, tools, traffic control measures, and any other items necessary to
perform and complete the work. Failure to submit all of these documents shall make the bid non-responsive and not
eligible for award.
Interpreta�on of Contract Documents: Any ques�ons regarding this request should be emailed to, no later than September 6th, 2024. Any oral communica�ons will be considered unofficial
and non-binding. Ques�ons via phone will not be accepted. All ques�ons received will be compiled, and responses will
be sent to all solicited contractors prior to the closing of bids.
Bid Form/Price Quota�on Form
Located in EXHIBIT “A” and “C”, are stated only for bid comparison purposes. The City reserves the right to increase
quan��es shown through a Change Order. Payment will be made on the basis of the actual quan��es sa�sfactorily
completed for each work order in accordance with the contract requirements.
Markups (if applicable): Markups will only be for project materials that are not provided by the City and the City will only
accept rates of markup that are reasonable to the current industry. Markups are used only for the purpose of
determining prices when invoices are presented and will not be used in determining the lowest responsible bidder. The
City reserves the right to audit any charges that are presented and request any invoices from the supplier to review the
markup costs.
Bidder Responsibility: It is the intent of the City to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder. In accordance
with the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 39.04, before award of a public works contract, a bidder must, meet the
following state responsibility criteria, to be considered a responsible bidder and qualified to be awarded the project.
The Bidder must, at the �me of bid submital, have the following:
1. A current cer�ficate of registra�on in compliance with chapter 18.27 RCW, which must have been in effect at the
�me of bid submital.
2. A current Washington Unified Business Iden�fier (UBI) number.
3. Not be disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39.06.010, RCW 39.12.050, RCW
39.12.055, or 39.12.065.
4. If applicable:
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a. Have Industrial Insurance (workers’ compensa�on) coverage for the Bidder’s employees working in
Washington State, as required in Title 51 RCW.
b. Have a Washington State Employment Security Department number, as required in Title 50 RCW.
c. Have a Washington State Department of Revenue state excise tax registra�on number, as required in
Title 82 RCW.
d. An electrical contractor license, if required by Chapter 19.28 RCW.
e. An elevator contractor license, if required by Chapter 70.87 RCW.
5. Completed the L&I online training or meet the prior experience requirements in RCW 39.04.350(1)(f).
6. Within the three-year period immediately preceding the date of the bid solicita�on, not have been determined
by a final and binding cita�on and no�ce of assessment issued by the department of labor and industries or
through a civil judgment entered by a court of limited or general jurisdic�on to have willfully violated, as defined
in RCW 49.48.082, any provision of chapter 49.46, 49.48, or 49.52 RCW.
Subcontractor Responsibility: In accordance with RCW 39.06.020, a public works contractor must verify responsibility
criteria for each first �er subcontractor, and a subcontractor of any �er that hires other subcontractors must verify
responsibility criteria for each of its subcontractors. Verifica�on shall include that each subcontractor, at the �me of
subcontract execu�on, meets all of the requirements in the previous Bidder Responsibility criteria. The City reserves the
right to review the procedure that the selected Bidder uses in valida�ng the responsibility of any subcontractors.
Ques�ons/Clarifica�ons: The City reserves the right to request any respondent to clarify or correct its proposal or to
supply any addi�onal material deemed necessary to assist in determining a responsive proposal. Modifica�on of a
submited proposal will be considered only if the request is received prior to the submital deadline. All modifica�ons
and/or correc�ons must be made in wri�ng and executed and submited in the same format and manner as the original
proposal. The City reserves the right to change the scope of work, dura�on of term, or issue addendums at any �me. The
City also reserves the right to cancel, change or re-issue this request at any �me.
Acknowledgement of Addenda: Each Bidder shall include on the Bid Form, located in EXHIBIT “C”, specific
acknowledgment of receipt of each Addendum issued by the City during the bidding period. If the Bidder does not
specifically acknowledge each addendum, the City may reject the bid as non-responsive unless the City determines from
delivery records or from inclusion of informa�on in the bid of informa�on contained in the addenda that the Bidder
received construc�ve no�ce of the addenda.
Basis of Award: The City of Mercer Island will select and award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, as
determined by the City. Contract shall be awarded as per the Pricing Quota�on Form, located in EXHIBIT “A” and EXHIBIT
“C”. All rates and pricing submited shall include all costs, including but not limited to all wages, benefits, the cost of
tools, equipment, ancillary supplies, overhead, profit, taxes, permits, and other administra�ve fees associated with the
performance of this contract. Washington State Prevailing Wage rates for King County shall apply. Contractor, and all
subcontractors, must obtain a valid City of Mercer Island Business License at their sole expense. All applicable permits
and bonds must also be obtained at the contractor’s sole expense.
Award of Contract: Upon selec�ng the lowest responsible bidder, the successful bidder will receive a No�ce of Award
leter and any required Contract Documents. The successful bidder must sign and return all Contract Documents to the
City within ten (10) business days. If not returned within ten (10) business days, the City retains the right to cancel the
award and go to the next lowest responsive, responsible bidder.
Bid Protest: Protests shall be in accordance with RCW 39.04.105. Only bidders that submited a bid, subcontractors, or
others that can show substan�al economic interest in the bid award and who are aggrieved, are eligible to protest. A�er
bid opening, protests are limited to issues related to bid opening, evalua�on of bids, and inten�on to award decisions,
and are further limited to those items that were not known or could not have been reasonably known prior to bid
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Prevailing Wage: Any contract resul�ng from this Invita�on to Bid is subject to the requirements of RCW Chapter 39.12
and RCW 35.23.352, and as it may be amended, rela�ng to prevailing wages and as set forth in the Sample Contract,
included in EXHIBIT “B”. Current prevailing wage rates for King County can be obtained from the Washington State
Department of Labor and Industries at htps://
Before any work begins on the contract, the selected Contractor and each Subcontractor shall submit a “Statement of
Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages” to the City. The Contractor is responsible for payment of all fees and shall make all
applica�ons and payments directly to the State Department of Labor and Industries. A contractor, subcontractor, or
employer shall also file a copy of its weekly cer�fied payroll records using the Department of Labor and Industries' online
system at least once per month, pursuant to RCW 39.12.120.
Prevailing wages for all work performed pursuant to each work order must be the prevailing wage rates in effect at the
beginning date for each contract year. Intents and affidavits for prevailing wages paid must be submited annually for all
work completed. The contract amount listed on the intent should include the total not to exceed contract amount for the
en�re term. The affidavits shall have the actual total amount paid under the contract (up to the date of that Affidavit)
including sales tax. Each subsequent Affidavit filed will build upon the previous Affidavit’s amount. This way, the final
Affidavit will show the grand total paid on the en�re contract.
Permits: The Contractor awarded the contract will be required to obtain a Right-of-Way Permit prior to performing any
work. If the Contractor obtains this permit, a copy must be sent to the Project Manager or their representa�ve. The
Contractor is responsible for complying with and maintaining the permit throughout the en�re term of this contract,
scheduling final inspec�ons, and comple�ng any other items required by the Community Planning and Development
department. Informa�on about permits and inspec�ons can be found at
htps:// or at htps://
Business License: As mandated by Mercer Island City Code 4.10.100, the General Contractor awarded the contract and
each Subcontractor working on the project will be required to obtain a City of Mercer Island Business License at their
sole expense. The Contractor and each Subcontractor shall obtain a City of Mercer Island Business License prior to
performing any work and maintain a current business license throughout the term of this contract with the City. A
business license applica�on can be obtained online at htps://
Insurance Requirements: The Contractor awarded the contract shall maintain current insurance as set forth in the
Sample Contract, included in EXHIBIT “B”, and the Contractor shall name the City of Mercer Island as addi�onally
insured on the policy endorsements. The Contractor is responsible for submi�ng all new insurance documents, via
electronic transmission, to the City within ten (10) business days a�er expira�on.
Performance / Payment Bond: The Contractor awarded the contract, at their sole expense, shall furnish a separate
Performance Bond and Payment Bond each equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract, as set forth in the
Sample Contract, included in EXHIBIT “B”. Alterna�vely, pursuant to RCW 39.08.010, on contracts of fi�y-five thousand
dollars ($55,000) or less, at the op�on of the Contractor, the City may, in lieu of the Performance and Payment Bond
retain ten percent (10%) of the Contract amount.
The Performance Bond and Payment Bond shall be in force throughout the en�re term of the contract including any
extensions un�l final comple�on and acceptance by the City. All contract bonds shall be furnished by a corporate surety
company authorized to do business in the State of Washington. The surety must be approved and appear on the most
current revision of the U.S. Treasury Circular 570.
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Measurement and Payment: The Contract price shall cons�tute full compensa�on for furnishing all labor, materials,
tools and equipment for performing all work and opera�ons required as specified herein and shall be considered full
compensa�on. Payment to the Contractor will be made only for the actual quan��es of work performed and accepted in
conformance with the contract. The City shall withhold retainage from each invoice as required by RCW 60.28, as
Invoices: Contractor shall submit properly completed invoice(s) electronically to the Project Manager, or designated
representa�ve, and also Copies of the work order or request form with complete
informa�on shall be atached to invoices submited for payment. The awarded Contractor shall be paid upon submission
of a properly itemized invoice based on the prices s�pulated in the Price Quota�on Form, EXHIBIT “A”, for work
performed in accordance with all payment and retainage.
Invoices must contain the following minimum informa�on:
A. Project Title/Loca�on/ROW or PARKS listed
B. Descrip�on of items/work completed with unit and total
i. Pass-through permit costs, if applicable
ii. Markups on project materials, if applicable D. Sales Tax, if applicable
E. This statement, per RCW 39.12.040: “We cer�fy that the prevailing wages have been paid in accordance with the
pre-file statement or statements of intent to pay prevailing wages on file with the City of Mercer Island.”
Invoices will be reviewed by the City before payment is made and the City’s designated representa�ve shall not authorize
payment un�l, in their opinion, the work has been sa�sfactorily completed. The City may request that the Contractor file
the affidavit prior to processing the final invoice.
Retainage: The Contractor awarded the contract shall have five percent (5%), or ten percent (10%) if the In Lieu of Bond
Contract was signed, of the Total Compensa�on retained by the City to assure payment of Contractor’s state taxes as well
as payment of subcontractors, suppliers, and laborers. If the Contractor awarded the contract submits a retainage bond,
this will be at the sole expense of the Contractor.
Termina�on: At any �me, upon writen no�ce, the City has the right to terminate this contract, with or without clause.
Warranty & Guaranty: Contractor warrants that all Work conforms to the requirements of the Contract and is free from
any defect in equipment, material, design, or workmanship performed by Contractor or its Subcontractors and Suppliers,
as set forth in the City’s General Terms and Condi�ons, EXHIBIT “C”. The warranty period shall be for the longer period of
one year from the date of Final Acceptance of the en�re Project’s Work Orders or the dura�on of any special extended
warranty offered by a supplier or common to the trade. The Contractor shall submit in wri�ng their agreement to
provide free of charge, replacement materials and labor for all failed or otherwise inopera�ve equipment. If, within an
applicable warranty period, any part of the Work is found not to conform to the Contract, the Contractor shall correct it
promptly a�er receipt of writen No�ce from the City to do so.
Gi�s & Favors: The City’s Code of Ethics and Washington State law prohibit City employees from solici�ng, accep�ng, or
receiving any gi�, gratuity or favor from any person, firm or corpora�on involved in a contract or transac�on. To ensure
compliance with the City’s Code of Ethics and state law, the Contractor shall not give any gi�, favor, or promise of any
kind to City employees or officials.
Title VI: The City of Mercer Island, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C.
2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regula�ons, Department of Transporta�on, Sub�tle A, Office of the
Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimina�on in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transporta�on issued
pursuant to such Act, hereby no�fies all bidders that it will affirma�vely ensure that in any contract entered into
pursuant to this adver�sement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 23 will be afforded full
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This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.