NO. 072159
Issued by
Port of Tacoma
One Sitcum Plaza
P.O. Box 1837
Tacoma, WA 98401-1837
Axa Turney, Contracts and Procurement Analyst
Email Addresses:
(253) 888-4768
Submittal Date
August 20, 2024 @ 2PM
Questions Due Date
August 6, 2024 @ 2PM
Request for Proposals
072159 Benefit Broker 2024
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Request for Proposals (RFP) 072159
Benefit Broker 2024
The PORT/NWSA is soliciting proposals from firms interested in providing benefit broker
services for the Port and NWSA benefit plans. The PORT/NWSA anticipates awarding 1
personal service contract per entity. The period of performance of the contract is
three (3) years from the execution of the contract, with options for renewal at the sole
discretion of the PORT/NWSA, for a possible total of five (5) years. This contract will
start January 1, 2025.
Created by Pierce County citizens in 1918, the Port of Tacoma is a major center for
container cargo, bulk, break-bulk, autos and heavy-lift cargo. To learn more about the
PORT, visit www.portoftacoma.com.
Formed in 2015, The Northwest Seaport Alliance is a marine cargo operating
partnership of the ports of Tacoma and Seattle. The NWSA is the fourth-largest
container gateway in North America. To learn more about the NWSA, visit
www.nwseaportalliance.com. The Port employs approximately 230 benefited employees
(approximately 130 of these employees are represented by one of three collective
bargaining agreements; negotiations are starting for a fourth collective bargaining
agreement) and provides these employees a comprehensive and generous benefit
package that includes Port paid medical, dental, vision, life insurance, long term
disability and monthly VEBA contributions.
The NWSA employees approximately 60 benefited employees (none represented by
collective bargaining agreements) and provides these employees the same
comprehensive and generous benefit package that is provided to the Port’s non-
represented employees.
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The PORT and NWSA currently offer the following benefits:
Medical – First Choice Health Network (self-insured)
Medical – Regence BlueShield (fully insured)
Dental – Delta Dental (fully insured)
Dental – Regence (fully insured)
Vision – VSP (self-insured)
Long Term Disability – Symetra
Life and AD&D – Symetra
Supplemental Life Insurance – Symetra
Flexible Spending – Navia Benefits
Employee Assistance Program – First Choice Health
Additionally, the Port has ~10 retirees on its health plan and 0 COBRA participants.
Voya provides the Port and NWSA’s stop loss insurance.
The PORT/NWSA’s Standard Terms and Conditions are included in Attachment B to
this RFP. By submitting a proposal, the Proposer represents that it has carefully read
and agrees to be bound by the PORT/NWSA’s Standard Terms and Conditions. Identify
during the question submittal and response period, any sections you consider onerous,
clarify why you consider these sections onerous, propose alternative language and
describe why it is in the PORT/NWSA’s best interests to adopt the alternative language.
Proposals submitted with altered or conditioned Terms and Conditions without prior
written agreement from the PORT/NWSA will be considered non-responsive and not
considered for evaluation.
Proposers submit proposals understanding all contract terms and conditions are
mandatory. Response submittal is agreement to the Contract without exception. The
PORT/NWSA reserves the right to negotiate changes to submitted proposals and to
change the PORT/NWSA's otherwise mandatory Contract form during negotiations. If
the Proposer is awarded a contract and refuses to sign the attached Contract form, the
PORT/NWSA may reject the Proposer from this and future solicitations for the same
work. Under no circumstances shall Proposer submit its own boilerplate of terms and
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The Benefit Broker (Broker) will provide services, and otherwise do all things necessary
for or incidental to the performance of work, as set forth below:
Company/ Personnel qualifications:
Broker must:
1. Be licensed to do business in the state of Washington;
2. Have at least five years in business as a licensed benefit Broker; and
3. Have experience conducting HIPAA Privacy and Security Gap Analysis.
Strategic Consulting and Negotiations:
Annual Renewals:
1. Negotiate annual plan renewals for all employee health and welfare plans to
include stop loss insurance;
2. Provide a complete in person year-end reconciled financial review;
3. Conduct actuarial analysis of claims reserves and funds requirements; and
4. Prepare alternative funding analysis as requested.
Market Studies:
1. Provide market analysis, best practices and benchmarking services;
2. Prepare bid specifications and solicit proposals from benefit vendors and
insurance carriers (Vendors). The Port and NWSA review each Vendor
approximately every three years;
3. Evaluate and present a summary of Vendor bids; and
4. Assist with the development of Vendor performance guarantees.
Plan Design:
1. Provide proactive guidance and advice on emerging trends in benefit plan design
and offerings;
2. Advise and assist in the preparation, development, and evaluation of products
and services necessary to implement and administer a quality employee benefit
program with disease management and in-house wellness components; and
3. Assist in the implementation of alternative benefit designs to contain plan costs
and align with industry practices.
Employee Support Services
1. Maintain knowledge of the Port and NWSA’s Employee Benefits Program;
2. Attend periodic meetings with Port and NWSA representatives to discuss
relevant plan information;
3. Provide support personnel to act as liaison between the Port and NWSA and the
health care plan administrator to assist and answer Port and NWSA’s questions
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a. Open enrollment;
b. Plan provisions;
c. Networks; and
d. Claims issues.
4. Monitor and resolve Vendor performance concerns;
5. Prepare for and present benefit related information at labor negotiation meetings;
6. Assist in the development, preparation and review of Port and NWSA’s benefit
7. Prepare annual historical healthcare costs reports and other analytical reports on
as needed basis
8. Develop communications materials; and
9. Provide periodic training opportunities on health related topics.
Compliance Services
1. HIPAA Compliance
a. Review and provide updates to the HIPAA/HITECH Privacy and Security
program as needed.
b. Describe in detail a proposed analysis process to be followed including a
work plan documenting tasks to be accomplished, timeframes and the
responsible party for relevant updates.
2. Review carrier contracts, benefit plan documents and insurance policies for legal
compliance, applicability, accuracy and consistency. Detail any concerns with
document language. Recommend alternative language as needed.
3. Participate in appropriate audits of Vendors, if requested by Port and NWSA.
Medical TPA to be audited at least once every three years.
4. Provide access to in-house counsel.
5. Monitor, evaluate and proactively inform the Port and NWSA when changes to
regulations and/or laws (e.g. Health Care Reform) may affect the benefits
program(s). Regarding any such changes, provide the following:
a. Provide a summary of the regulation and/or law, identifying any impact to
the Port and NWSA’s plan(s);
b. Estimate any financial impact to the Port and NWSA;
c. Recommend changes to the Port and NWSA’s plans to comply with the
laws and/or regulations; and
d. Conduct relevant training.
6. Assist with the development and review of benefit related personnel policies.
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This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.