10-23 Asbestos Testing/Sampliing Services

Agency: City of Kenosha
State: Wisconsin
Type of Government: State & Local
NAICS Category:
  • 541380 - Testing Laboratories
  • 541620 - Environmental Consulting Services
  • 562910 - Remediation Services
Posted Date: Nov 28, 2023
Due Date: Dec 12, 2023
Solicitation No: 10-23
Original Source: Please Login to View Page
Contact information: Please Login to View Page
Bid Documents: Please Login to View Page

10-23 Asbestos Testing/Sampliing Services

Attachment Preview

Issued: November 28, 2023
The City of Kenosha, Wisconsin is seeking proposals from qualified
environmental service firms to perform investigative inspections, surveys and testing for the
presence of and degree of asbestos containing material and other potential environmental
concerns in particular buildings of interest.
1. Deadline for Submission. Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 2:30 P.M.
2. Form of Proposal. Cost Proposals must be submitted sealed, on City forms, legible and
complete in all respects, showing the Project Notice Number as well as the date and time of
submittal deadline. No faxed or other electronically submitted proposals will be accepted.
Any incomplete proposal submittals will be rejected.
3. City Office Where Filed. Department of Finance, Municipal Office Building, Room 208,
625 - 52nd Street, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140.
4. Project Information. Contact Tony Geliche, Department of City Development at
5. Agreement Required. The Contractor selected to perform the work will be required to
execute an Agreement and related documents on City forms as a condition to performing the
work. Related documentation will include:
a. Evidence of Liability Insurances in the form of a Certificate of Insurance with the
following limits from a company licensed to do business in the State of
Wisconsin, having a minimum AM Best Financial Strength Rating of A- or better
with the following limits:
i. Commercial General Liability: General Aggregate – Two Million Dollars
($2,000,000); Each Occurrence – One Million Dollars ($1,000,000).
ii. Automobile Liability: Single Limit - One Million Dollars ($1,000,000).
iii. Umbrella Liability: Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00)
iv. Worker's Compensation: Statutory Limits
v. Contractor's Professional Liability: Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00)
each loss where asbestos removal, environmental process, abatement,
remediation or dumping/disposal in a Federal or State regulated facility is
vi. Certificate of Insurance: The insurance coverages listed above shall be
verified by a Certificate of Insurance issued to the City as a Certificate
Holder and shall provide that should any of the described policies be
canceled before the expiration date, the issuing insurer will mail thirty
(30) days written notice to the Certificate Holder.
vii. Additional Insured: City shall be named as an additional insured with
respect to coverage required by Section 5.1 and shall be provided with
endorsement certifying that City is an additional insured with respect to
said policies.
viii. A copy of the current Certificate of Insurance shall be provided with the
proposal submittal.
b. Specifications and Special Conditions for the Work are attached and will be
included in the Agreement.
6. Award of Work. The City will enter into an Agreement, with the Proposer that is
deemed most qualified. In making this determination, the City will consider with respect to
each Proposer:
a. General qualifications,
b. Special expertise,
c. Timetables in which the Work can be performed,
d. Financial ability to perform the Work,
e. Environmental experience and responsibility (where applicable),
f. Work record and history,
g. Experience in projects of a similar magnitude and scope, and
h. Service rates.
The City reserves the right to reject unqualified or nonconforming Proposals, to reject
all Proposals and request new Proposals, to accept the Proposal deemed most advantageous
to the City, select several firms for possible interview or select the most qualified Proposal and
negotiate a Contract.
7. Term of Agreement. The City may elect to enter into an Agreement for individual
buildings, any combination of buildings, or all buildings scheduled to be abated or ultimately
razed in 2024. The Agreement can be extended for an additional two (2) one-year service
terms, if it is mutually agreed upon by both parties.
8. Commencement and Diligent Prosecution of Work. The Contractor selected to perform
the Work will prosecute the Work diligently until fully complete in accordance with the
9. Documents to be submitted. Proposers shall submit the following documents, on City
forms, in the course of making a Proposal:
a. Sealed Cost Proposal,
b. Certificate of Insurance,
c. References from Relevant Projects,
d. Documents evidencing State of Wisconsin licensing,
e. A Completed W-9 form completed by successful proposer, and
f. Completed City forms.
1. Scope of Work. The investigation work to be performed under this special provision is
for identifying, using state of the art identification, testing, sampling and analysis methods, the
presence and degree of asbestos and other potential environmental concerns in buildings of
particular interest that have the potential to be razed or rehabilitated in 2024.
2. Site Investigation. Site Investigation consists of the physical inspection of both the
interior and exterior of each property by classification. Locate and quantify all homogeneous
areas of surfacing materials, thermal system insulation and miscellaneous suspect materials,
including electrical panels/switch boxes, in areas to be demolished or potentially rehabilitated.
Itemization of a broad spectrum of material including known Regulated Asbestos Containing
Material (R.A.C.M.) defined in NESHAP 40 C.F.R. 61.141, Asbestos Containing Material
(A.C.M.) including Category I and Category II non-friable A.C.M. Additionally, note any
potential asbestos debris that is present due to deterioration or damage in those areas.
Additionally, identify other potentially hazardous environmental concerns present, such as
above ground or underground storage tanks, unidentified drums, or universal wastes such as
mercury containing switches and thermostats, PCB containing ballasts and light fixtures,
caulking paint, and potential lead painted recyclable surfaces
3. Sampling. The Contractor will take a minimum of three (3) randomly distributed
samples of each homogenous area identified or miscellaneous suspect material found and
seal the sample in accordance with State and local regulations. Plaster/Drywall - joint
compound; floor tile and floor tile mastic on wood substrate and concrete slabs; siding; and
roofing materials and indicate the condition of any roofing materials siding and floor tile/mastic
as fair good, or poor (note multiple layers) and collect samples for each layer. Whenever
possible, destructive sampling must be done to access ducts and /or pipes in walls, chases,
and in areas above suspended ceilings. If ducts and pipes inside walls could not be visibly
inspected, they must be assumed as asbestos-containing material. The Contractor will take
one (1) paint chip sample of each potential lead painted recyclable surface.
4. Testing. The Contractor will arrange for asbestos samples to be tested and analyzed
using the Polarized Light Microscope (PLM) method at a National Voluntary Accreditation
Program lab. Testing should be conducted until the first sample of a suspect material tests
positive for asbestos. No additional samples for that material should be tested. When PLM
testing results show a sample to contain trace asbestos (< 1%) or samples reported 1-3%,
those samples should be additionally tested using the Point Counting method. Samples with
results <10% may be point counted on a case- by -case basis if there is reason to believe
material is not ACM. Proof of lab certification may be requested upon award. The Contractor
will arrange for lead painted samples to be tested and analyzed for total lead content using
EPA Method 30503/7000B.
5. Reporting. The Contractor will prepare and submit to the City a report indicating the
a. The testing results of samples taken for asbestos. The results must include the
sample number, location, description, area dimensions and quantities as well as
type and laboratory results. Data shall be contained in a Asbestos Report
Summary, Bulk Analysis, Analytical Findings, Chain of Custody of Samples and
floor plans that correspond to these reports.
b. The testing results of samples taken for potential lead painted recyclable
surfaces. The results must include the sample number location, and description
as well as type and laboratory results.
c. Summarize any other suspect materials found and assumed to contain
asbestos, location, description, area dimensions and quantities.
d. Summarize any other visible and potential environmental concerns on the
e. Summarize any areas that are excluded from sampling that were a result of
accessibility issues, such as attics, basements, crawl spaces, etc.
f. A conclusion as to whether a friable asbestos problem does exist at each site.
g. Plans of each floor that correspond to the summarization provided.
h. The inspector's name and certification number.
6. Issue of Buildings to be Razed or Rehabilitated. There should be an understanding that
not all of the buildings being inspected will eventually be razed and removed. Some locations
will be salvaged and/or rehabilitated. While the City acknowledges that there must be
destructive (manual exploratory demolition) sampling to identify any non-visible suspect
asbestos containing material, the City repeatedly requests that the current inspector follow the
rule that the sampling should be accomplished with the least amount of damage to the
structure, if the structure will be rehabilitated. A reasonable amount of damage is anticipated
to fully comply with USEPA NESHAPS regulations 40 CFR 61 Sub Part M and/or Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources Chapter NR 447, but excessive, unnecessary interior
damage should try to be avoided. In the event excessive damage will be necessary, the City
contact should be notified prior to the intrusive work being performed.
This page summarizes the opportunity, including an overview and a preview of the attached documents.
* Disclaimer: This website provides information about bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) for convenience only and does not serve as an official public notice. Individuals who wish to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the relevant government department directly.

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